The minister and eternal political candidate is at it again, distributing fliers that accuse the backers of the Sept. 28 Open Streets - in which Blue Hill Avenue between Warren and Dudley streets will be shut to traffic for an afternoon festival - of being godless Commies who have managed to dupe certain other "Judas ministers" he won't name in working to sap the spiritual essence out of the good Christian folk of Roxbury and Dorchester.
This is an abomination of moral and religious belief that we should close down churches during religous hours or have to tolerate loud rap music swearing, lewd dancing, and drinking, and half-necked (sic) people during worship hours.
Because cars will be banned, church members should not be required to pay for public transportation or walk to get to their destination; or forced to use credit by bank to rent bikes, skating board or other forms of secular activities.
Owens, who protested last year as well, says Colombian Communists came up with the idea as a way to inculcate people with their Godless ways, much like frogs in pots of water that are slowly raised to the boiling point. Owens calls on good church-going people to stay home that day and pray and fast.
Owens is an elder at the Walthall Chapel Church Of God In Christ on Otisfield Street, which, according to this page, holds its Sunday services at 11 a.m., two hours before the start of the festival, part of a citywide effort.
But what of Owens the annual candidate?
The reverse side of the flyer is a campaign pitch for electing him to the state senate, to vanquish incumbent Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz, whom he accuses of being no better than "popular lesbian super star lady Gaga" and of wanting to force religious groups "to pay for abortion and other satanic rituals."
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More evidence
By tired of this bs
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 9:46am
That religion makes you stupid and irrational.
Having met Roy Owens, I'm
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 9:57am
Having met Roy Owens, I'm sure if he were anything else in the world, he'd still be crazy as cat shit.
Cause vs Correlation
By DrewD
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:51am
I don't think religion makes people crazy, but the allure of citing an infallible god with one's whackadoodle ideas does draw the crazies. There are plenty of sane people that go to church (and other houses of worship), but, due to their sanity, you don't see them marching around being crazy.
By anon
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 12:47pm
because a lot of churches accept help on a volunteer basis, it's really easy for a psychonutter with control issues to end up in charge of things and ruin the entire tenor and tone of the whole church.
Kind of like the conversation we were having on the Allston McDonald's page about Civic Association nuttergrumps.
He should team up with
By Finn
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 9:46am
He should team up with Screaming Jesus Guy and fight crime, like Batman and Robin.
By nm
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 9:56am
Is awesome. I am sure his actions are making his church proud.
Not Awesome...
By anon
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:21am
Very Good
Roy used the "popular lesbian
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 9:56am
Roy used the "popular lesbian super star Lady Gaga (very bad)" [sic] line a few years ago in a leaflet I got during one of his runs for office. Good to know he's still letting that freak flag fly.
Also, my favorite part is when he says that his congregants will be forced to *rent* a "skating board" to get to church because parking will have been shut down.
lewd dancing, and half-necked people?!
By Boston_res
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 9:57am
I'm there!
I feel bad for Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz
By Dpalomares
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:17am
She has to face Owens and if she wins, then David Whytt, hope her Super Lesbian Satanic Super Powers can hold up.
Secular activities
By RickW
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:25am
Biking = secular activity
Driving = ???
Cars are the vehicle of god
By DrewD
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:56am
Cars are the vehicle of god because they burn fossil fuels. Fossils were put in the ground by the devil to convince evolutionist that god does exist. Therefore, driving is doing god's work. I thought that line of reasoning was obvious:)
My question
By Nonymouse
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 11:25am
What if you are righteously driving to church like a good Christian on Sunday morning but need gas? You're not only paying for transportation, but you might need to use a credit card, which is apparently a secular activity.
I guess you should just stay home, provided you don't skateboard or listen to Lady Gaga.
Secular (or not) driving
By kted
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 12:36pm
I know I can't drive anywhere without talking to God. Usually I'm asking him to "damn" something.
Oh, Master of the Universe
By rsybuchanan
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 1:43pm
In thy wisdom, smite thy servant in the blue Passat doing 45 in the left lane. Because seriously, what fuckest thou?
Two points:
By Neal
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:26am
1: If he supports "equal rights for everyone", why does he go after the "half-necked"? I mean, they may be a bit shorter than the rest of us, but having an abnormally short neck is no reason to be against someone.
When I think of lesbians, that's the first person I think of. Even though she's not a lesbian.
He is running based upon being anti-gay and anti-abortion
By hyde parkish
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 11:11am
His main goals are to stop abortion and gays but preserve religion. He should be mocked to the fullest extent possible!
part of a citywide what?
By Ron Newman
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 11:11am
You ended that sentence right in the middle
this isn't the real Otisfield Street church
By Ron Newman
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 11:33am
The real church at 9 Otisfield Street, formerly a Jewish synagogue, is Mt Calvary Holy church.
2 Otisfield Street, according to Google Street View, is a private residence.
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 12:16pm
How did the Rev get to be the Rev?j
I just like to add....
By dpalomares
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 1:13pm
That the back of the sheet is nothing more then a copy and paste of what he was saying about Councilor Tito Jackson when Roy was running against him.
I hate to ask the question, but
By Waquiot
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 2:49pm
Is there a real issue here?
No, not the lesbian Lady Gaga or satanic bicycles. Are the churches of the area really being inconvenienced? Will the streets only be closed 1-5, or will they be closed starting at say 9? Could there be a reasonable compromise?
To go back to the weird-ass part of this. Say a member of the congregation were to get a 24 hour Hubway membership at 6 PM the night before, and they didn't use a bike for more than 30 minutes at a time on Sunday, would they still be sinning by "using credit by banks to rent bikes?" If we truly go old school, shouldn't the congregation be walking to church anyway?
not really
By bibliotequetress
Tue, 08/05/2014 - 8:14am
I'm guessing every business in the area will suffer equally when the streets close, churches or not. Which means a smart business owner, or pastor, will do something to attract the families attending the street fair as pedestrians and perhaps get new clients. The Rev may want the churches to have special coddling and be protected from such satanic rituals as children's face-painting and eating funnel cake, but, you know, Constitution.
So can we safely assume the
By bibliotequetress
Tue, 08/05/2014 - 8:19am
So can we safely assume the Rev will not be participating in the "Interfaith Dialogue" part of the Open Streets Fair?
By Lmo
Tue, 08/05/2014 - 11:39pm
Sounds like it's his faith or no faith!