State transportation officials said tonight they will shut the Arboretum-bound side of the Casey Overpass in February, followed by the Mattapan-bound side by the end of March.
And then, officials said at a meeting at English High School, contractors will bring in the heavy equipment to begin tearing down the decaying span - built high enough to let an elevated train pass underneath - to replace it with a series of surface roads and rebuilt intersections, which will include squaring Shea Circle. Over the 2 1/2-year project, the Forest Hills T stop will also get an overhaul that will include a new entrance near where the 39 bus now stops, but won't at the end of the work, because its berth will be moved to an expanded upper busway along Washington Street.
Officials spoke before a packed audience that included large numbers of vocal opponents who made their point of wanting the overpass replaced with another overpass by repeatedly calling state officials liars and hacks who couldn't even figure out how to turn on most of the lights in the school auditorium.
Before the meeting even started, bridge supporters chanted "Forest Hills! Keep the bridge!" During the meeting, they were not above using obscenities to make their point that the state surface-road plan will leave them choking in traffic and possibly breathing in asbestos and silicates from the construction work. State officials acknowledged not testing the bridge for asbestos, saying construction companies had stopped using asbestos by the time the overpass was built, but said they would check into it and the silicate issue.
State Rep. Liz Malia jumped in, saying the Patrick administration refused to listen to residents and urging the state employees at the meeting to talk to Gov. Baker and his new transportation secretary to listen to them.
However, with the state decision to go with surface roads made years ago, planners generally declined to meet the bridge supporters in their verbal joust, saying they would only talk about construction work over the next 90 days, not rehash the decision to go with what they said was a cheaper option.
Project planners said that before they shut the lanes, they will add three lanes to the existing surface road that runs from Shea Circle to New Washington Street to handle traffic forced off the shuttered overpass, which they said desperately needs to be shut because it is structurally unsound, from what's left of its deck to the foundations that anchor it in the ground.
Along with that, traffic engineers will look at resyncing the signals around the road and will remove mid-block crosswalks on Washington and New Washington, which they said can now throw traffic cycles into a gridlocked tizzy because they are not connected with the signals at intersections.
Courthouse parking will be relocated to the MBTA bus yard behind 500 Arborway. Temporary sidewalks and crosswalks will be added.
A temporary lengthening of the upper busway will let the 39 pull in there as its current parking area - left over from Green Line days - can be turned into a road.
Planners said that in 2015, Orange Line riders could see weekend bustitution and an early end to service on a number of days in 2015 to allow for work at Forest Hills station.
In addition to replacing the overpass, the new project will remove some of the gyrations drivers now have to go through to navigate the area, for example, trying to get to the West Roxbury courthouse from Washington Street, they said.
During demolition and construction of the new roads, they continued, police details will help traffic move better - as will BTD traffic-enforcement officers, who will roam the area looking for double parkers and other traffic miscreants, who will be encouraged to move along - at the point of a ticket, if necessary.
Overall, the work will free up enough land for 1.5 acres of parkland, to be split among four park areas. All of the roads will get bike lanes - which will let somebody bicycle from Roslindale Square to the Back Bay. Some of the bike lanes will even have crosswalks for pedestrians.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Thanks for the update
By Waquiot
Wed, 01/21/2015 - 11:23pm
I can't any I would have gone, but I did have a dentist appointment that started at the same time as the meeting.
I doubt traffic will be as
By tenfortyseven
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 8:34am
I doubt traffic will be as improved as the State claims, or as horrendous as the pro-bridgers predict. I can't remember traffic around FH ever being anything but a pain, although it felt kind of dramatic back in the day when you had to drive your car right into and thru the old station to get onto Hyde Park Ave.
I will probably just avoid the area from now on; I guess I'll have to find an alternative route to the Cape.
I'm looking forward to..
By A-nonny-nonny a...
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:20am
..not having to make a left, right, right to get to my house going around the overpass, when coming off the Arborway. I am perfectly willing to put up with all kinds of construction malarkey to have a straight line through that area.
OMG, that was NUTS!
By anon
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 8:21am
I forgot about those days of driving through the station to get to HP Ave. Thanks for reminding me. That was truly CRAZY!
I live in JP and I'm kind of agnostic about the bridge thing but I do not look forward to Big Dig #2 at all. In fact, I told my daughter, who lives on the HP side of the Casey Overpass that I'll see her in a few years.
Even though I don't reside in Jamaica Plain,
By mplo
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 11:31am
I think that taking down the overpass is a good idea. I sure wish that they'd hurry up and start taking down the McCarthy Overpass on Route 28, however.
Wouldn't it be great
By Boston_Bloke
Wed, 01/21/2015 - 11:31pm
Wouldnt it be great if leaders like Liz Malia came to the meeting wih solutions? ideas ? Proposals to lessen the construction impact? Instead I'm reading passive comments pointing the blame at a previous administration, and telling others they should go talk to someone.
What are her ideas ? I'd be happy with even a bad idea versus passivity.
casey overpass; mischaracterization of Liz Malia's contributions
By sarah buermann
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:04am
The writer of this comment evidently is discounting REp. Malia's solution: a smaller replacement bridge. Many of us present last night actually live in the immediate neighborhood and are worried about the at grade traffic, and have found there is reason to be skeptical of DOT's ability to carry through on its promises that all will be rosy eventually.
I live in the immediate neighborhood
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 11:34am
and I support at-grade. I know many people around here who support at grade. I'm upset with the pro-bridge people because we could have gotten less lanes and you guys kept going on about "traffic" and now we have an over-designed roadway.
I think you might be the
By labibliotequetr...
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 11:38am
I think you might be the first person to ever accuse Liz Malia of being passive.
Fingers crossed
By Mark-
Wed, 01/21/2015 - 11:47pm
Every day I drive over this bridge, I think it will be the last time. Either because they will tear it down or because I will plunge through it before I finish crossing. I hope all these plans work out. And really, people, nobody builds projects like this bridge any more for regular city street traffic. The Casey was built for a different world, when the Orange Line was elevated, there was no Southeast Expressway, and your grandfather was driving his Hudson on Route 203 to the Cape. Replacement bridge? Give up, already!
Great Summary
By cw in boston
Wed, 01/21/2015 - 11:47pm
I was at the meeting and your report is spot on. Thanks for going.
The rudeness and condescension of the BFH faction was appalling. The comments interrupting the people reporting on the construction schedule were inexcusable and not constructive. Yelling "you lie" started it all off.
I applaud the people running the meeting for their patience. I fear this will only escalate in the future meeting updates.
I'm curious....
By merlinmurph
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 7:56am
I'm an outsider curious about something.....
What is the purpose of the future meetings?
Just a status update?
Hope these guys get battle pay.
Yep, status updates
By adamg
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 8:43am
They originally planned to have meetings every two months to update people on what they could expect over the next two months (presumably getting more and more specific with each, like which specific roads will be affected by what work).
They might go to monthly meetings, though. And at the next meeting, they promised to have more detailed information on the ENTIRE project - some residents expressed frustration over not getting answers to longer-term questions last night.
Then again, some residents expressed frustration over pretty much everything, from the lighting (it was dark in there, apparently there was a problem with the lights) to the state not doing enough to notify illiterate people about the meetings. After the MassDOT project leader read off a list of all the newspapers - from Brookline to Dorchester - in which he'd advertised last night's meeting, somebody yelled "What about people who can't read?!?" He might have been the same guy who, after some resident stood up and said people who want more info could go to some West Roxbury page on Facebook, yelled "I don't have Internet!"
So many weird complaints
By Sally
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:23am
Including the dimness of the room--er, it was a slideshow--and the woman who kept barking "where do you live?" as if it mattered where this quiet engineer discussing plans for dust and noise mitigation lived on South Street or not
Oh, yeah, the "where do you live?" thing was great
By adamg
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:28am
After the crowd harrumphed and snickered when that guy admitted he lived in Worcester, for Christ's sake, another one of the planners got 'em good by listing his address right in Forest Hills.
"How long have you lived there?!?" one grump yelled.
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 10:35am
similar battle playing out further south in rozzie - old timers are upset with young families pushing for safer streets. sorry - but just because you were born in the neighborhood doesn't give you the right to drive 40 mph down our street in front of a school when kids are getting out. Same sort of mentality.
regarding the BFH group - I overheard someone wanted to keep the bridge to "block gentrification" from creeping south. Using car-infrastructure to keep an area crappy and dangerous just so rents remain low is the worst sort of tactic. This is redlining era crap. These people make me angry.
Umm... some people,
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 1:30pm
Umm... some people, especially people on a fixed income, can't afford higher rents. People have every right to voice their concern about gentrification and rising rent costs. Where do you expect people to live once you push them out of Roslindale? The South End???
By Sally
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 2:33pm
we should leave the crumbling eyesore there (or build a new bridge?) to prevent further gentrification of Roslindale? Really? come on. These are two totally separate issues. If you prevented every transportation or infrastructure improvement on that logic, we'd all be sitting in a crumbling pile of bricks.
It's not an either or
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 3:57pm
It's not an either or situation. Sorry, but I do sympathize with less than well to do residents being forced out of their homes and neighborhoods. To me, that's not progress.
By Sally
Fri, 01/23/2015 - 7:44am
arguing against much-needed infrastructure improvements because it may raise rents is just pointless. If that were valid, we'd still have an elevated train running along washington st, no Red Line to Somerville, and on and on. Perfectly fine to be concerned but as a reason to halt progress? Not ok.
I'm also concerned about gentrification
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 10:14pm
but decreasing safety as a tactic to combat increasing rents is the absolute most lowest and disgusting thing you could do.
The planner from JP
By A nonny nonny a...
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 12:38pm
The guy on the team from Forest Hills lived there until college, and after a few years in Eastie, he bought a place two streets from his Parents house. He's lived there longer than plenty of BFH Crazies.
By 500Monkeys
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 7:04pm
The rant about "not enough outreach to the blind" was the topper for me. That and the fellow hogging the mic and screaming "Bullsh*t!!"
I'm really looking forward to the BFH comments to this article.
By BikeWithKids
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 7:54am
They're sure to be posted in CAPS LOCK with maybe just a bit of italics, for flavor.
Not their scene
By erik g
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 8:48am
I've never actually seen a self-identified BFH'er comment here on Adam's reporting... they don't seem like the most tech-savvy folks, and since none of their arguments hold up to scrutiny (seriously, read the manifesto on their web site if you have 45 spare minutes and are a vicious masochist), they prefer to confine themselves to places that don't allow for real back-and-forth. Which is probably why they prefer to keep their IMPORTANT ALL CAPS statements on paper. Usually package-taped to people's front doors.
Unfortunately for them, no
By tenfortyseven
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:18am
Unfortunately for them, no one will ever take them seriously with what's-his-name as their ringleader.
Who I like so much
By Sally
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:25am
In other contexts--he's a terrific guy. But on this topic he becomes completely unhinged.
Terrific guy or not, I've
By tenfortyseven
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:38am
Terrific guy or not, I've known him for 30 years and he is un-hinged more than hinged.
Casey Overpass
By Karen Schneiderman
Fri, 01/23/2015 - 3:02pm
Jamaica Plain is not the only area that will be harmed by the highway. It will extend all the way from Roxbury and Dorchester into the Longwood medical area. No one will be able to move. As a wheelchair user, I won't even be able to cross the street to get to Forest Hills. Might as well stay home rather than taking an hour to cross the street where likely I will be hit. Same for elders, people with other mobility issues, little kids, and a lot of bikers. Name calling is a bad substitute for a discussion.
What "highway?"
By Sally
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 9:01am
Respectfully, it doesn't sound as if you've looked closely enough at the project plans. I'm pretty certain that pedestrian access and especially handicapped access to the areas around the station will be improved in a huge way. Note again that every pedestrian and bicycle advocacy group in boston is behind this plan--and that there's no "highway" being planned at all. Look at the plans--or at Clayton Harper's detailed examination of them on his website and I think you'll be reassured.
link to design of central portion
By 500Monkeys
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 2:16pm
All crosswalks and sidewalks should be more accessible and safer than the current situation, and the new head house provides direct Orange Line platform access via elevator so that commuters from the north won't have to cross the Arborway at all.
Info. meeting with DOT re: Casey Demo on Weds. eve
By sarah buermann
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 9:21am
I am a self-identified supporter of a replacement bridge. There wd. be no reason to rebuild the Casey; however, a smaller, functional replacement bridge wd. save those of us who actually live in the immediate neighborhood from being trapped by unnecessary at grade traffic. For those of you who didn't follow through from the beginning, DOT did not deal in a straight forward manner with the neighborhoods. Too much history to print here, but ham-handed and inexpressed decisions (with a resulting dishonest dynamic) got the pot boiling. I agree that there was some fractiousness at the meeting last night; had the DOT chosen to start with the construction info. rather than the obnoxious 15 minute sales pitch, it would have gone more quietly at the beginning. But considering the history, I thought the attendees were patient and listened to each others questions, and waited their turns, and appreciated the info. received, and carried the awareness that the DOT persons were the message carriers, not the message creators.
DOT did not want to maintain a bridge, and the Gov. and Sec'y. of Transportation made the decision, whilst allowing the residents to believe there was a real negotiation going on. While I appreciated Gov. Patrick, I am hopeful that our new Gov. will be more willing to engage with the details of running the state and we will be less subjected to the convenience of the agencies, who are paid by us to give better attention than we hve experienced so far .
"Patient...waited their turn...appreciated the info received..."
By Sally
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 10:23am
I think we must have been at different meetings. Not to mention all of the bizarro accusations from BFHers leveled at the presenters re where they lived or even weirder the lighting "we can't see you!" and the hooting and catcalls throughout...it was not impressive.
how dare you question all the
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 10:27am
how dare you question all the new hip biking bohemian JPers with their urban planning degrees. and before i get labeled an autophile, ive been biking there for waaay longer than you timid bunch that cant seem to maneuver going under a bridge without dying.
Bridge dreaming
By Philip S. Lindsay
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 12:15pm
In fact the DOT has maintained the bridge, only it's a lousy design and faulty. Had they decided to keep it the repair phase would have seen the overpass close for the third time in 30 years while the restoration occurred. I believe there have been years of meetings with several opportunities for you to speak out. There are a preponderance of reasons to get rid of the bridge. Anyone who drives that road regularly knows it's a false time saving as they end up waiting for 3-4 light cycles during the morning rush hour headed to the Arboretum Circle OR multiple cycles at Blue Hill Avenue headed east in the evening. I actually commuted to JP Centre Street during the last closure and frankly I never bothered to change my route as the effect was perhaps another one or two light cycles at Washington Street. That was without all the planning and stuff. The sky won't fall and you've LOST. GIVE IT UP folks. Find something positive to do instead of pissing off the young cycling activists in the room that I've seen on social media calling Jeff Ferris and Liz Malia Old White JP Mafia or worse.
hate to burst your bubble
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 12:54pm
but the new transportation secretary was actually involved in advocating for at-grade.
Besides - you will have a very hard time finding any competent urban planner and/or transportation expert who would even want to consider building an overpass these days, especially in this context. I'm not sure why they even entertained a new bridge in the first place - probably because of language in the federal contribution to the project?
they only handed out flyers on top of the bridge
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 1:25pm
instead of down below at the station. I go through there every day and I never saw them on the ground during the time when things were most intense - My guess is they were trying to play into fears of people commuting over the neighborhood instead of actually talking to people who use the station and pass through there on foot or bike.
There was at least one on the ground
By adamg
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 2:10pm
I saw it yesterday, taped to that painted electrical box across from the station by the Forest Hills Diner. But it was kind of tiny.
Your claim of rationale is a bit off
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 8:37pm
First, I have seen flyers put up on utility poles the length of Washington Street from the Station to Archdale Road, so they are targeting more than drivers.
Second, I would think rousing up the bus and subway crowd would be a better option, as my feeling is that the backups, even after the 2 years of construction are over, will wreck my morning bus ride to the station. As it is, I have been trying to time out the difference between walking from Tollgate Way versus taking the bus all the way. My fear is that the question with stretch back to Aldwin Road, or perhaps further back. Unless all the cars magically disappear as some of the at-grade supporters claim.
why didn't they rouse the subway/bus/bike crowd?
By anon
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 10:01pm
Nothing on their website says anything about the impact to non-car commuters. It's like we don't even exist.
tollgate way - already some days it's faster to walk.. but it's because the signal timing is really weird there. once you get past forest hills it's completely clear. Personally - I'd prefer they'd expand the orange line to rozzie - it would solve so many problems, but I have no idea if that'll happen in our lifetimes.
I just don't think there's much of a pro-bridge argument
By Sally
Fri, 01/23/2015 - 7:48am
For bus and T and bike commuters. Every advocacy group I know--Livable Streets, WalkBoston, the cyclists Union all came out early in favor of the at-grade solution (here's an old but nice sum-up) http://bostoncyclistsunion.org/uncategorized/misin... so I think they probably decided that was fallow ground.
You're not thinking hard enough
By Waquiot
Fri, 01/23/2015 - 10:15pm
Cyclists- a new bridge with bike lanes would make getting from the Arboretum to Franklin Park much easier than dealing with 2 major street crossings.
Bus commuters- the increased traffic conflicts (compared to when there was a flyover for Route 203) means more delays. The 39 will end up even slowed than it is now. Being a bus commuter, this is an issue for me.
Debate these all you want, but I just gave you 2 arguments.
I'm not an engineer or an urban planner but
By Sally
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 12:07am
If what you're saying is true, when why do you think all of the groups I listed are all so strongly in favor of the at-grade solution? All of them. And re a bridge with bike lanes? I just don't buy it. Going where? Shea Circle which is a total nightmare, though the way some of the attendees the other night were going on about it, you'd think it was some combination of the Champs Élysées and Monticello that was being removed.
Mostly I still don't understand why the arguing continues. The decision was made in 2012. There is not going to be a bridge. I think most people in the neighborhood would like to see constructive, thoughtful progress, not keep beating this dead horse.
I don't know why people think the way they think
By Waquiot
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 12:22am
Bike lanes on the bridge? Seems like a no brainer.
Shea circle? More of an impediment to getting to Franklin Park than the bridge (I even entered the park from there today) so one way or another that problem needed to be solved.
Griping about a decision from 3 years ago? Hey, it's JP. Go up to someone who has lived in JP 20 or more years and start a conversation about the Arborway Green Line. You'll get an earful. I agree that the decision has been made, even though I think it was the wrong one.
If I could figure human nature, I'd be a rich man. I am not.
Which route do cyclists use?
By HenryAlan
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 12:38pm
My impression and personal experience, is that bicycle traffic is passing between JP and Rozzie/HP. Not a lot of people are riding on the Arborway or Morton St., so a bridge with bike lanes doesn't serve too many of us when the vast majority of trips involve passing through the area at grade, perpendicular to route 203.
At any rate, it's interesting to see the activism in support of a highway, some of it coming from the same people who correctly opposed the Southwest Expressway. Things come full circle, or maybe it's really just always about fighting anything that comes from an external source.
You're going SW -> NE (or vice versa)
By Waquiot
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 1:13pm
My take is that were people looking to go from the Arboretum to Franklin Park, currently they can avoid the Washington Streets (both of them) via the bridge. That will be removed. And as cycling advocates say (or at least should say), the issue shouldn't be current cycling per se, but encouraging more cycling.
Now, Shea Circle is another story. As the November 19, 2013 meeting notes say, there is an understanding that something has to be done about that. I would not want to try to navigate that rotary on a bike- it's tough enough on foot.
And not a highway, an overpass.
biking from Arboretum to Franklin Park
By 500Monkeys
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 4:04pm
You may not realize that there are continuous off-street cycle and pedestrian paths from the Forest Hills Gate of the Arboretum to Forest Hills Cemetery on the south side and from South Street to Franklin Park on the north side in the final design. On the north, only the sidewalk continues off-street west from South Street to a crosswalk by the Gate. The bike path is on-street west of South Street.
It is true users will have to cross two major N-S roads to travel the entire length, but all crossings have dedicated and separated crosswalks and signals for each mode (bike, ped).
And again, that's a heck of a lot better than now for recreational use, especially with no Shea rotary. An extra $30 million or so to put the bikes in the air is... Not going to happen.
You're arguing backwards
By Waquiot
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 9:08pm
Yes, the bridge will not be replaced by a bridge, but cyclists, like drivers, will now have the joy of waiting at 2 traffic lights.
Look, at this stage I'm arguing for the sake of it. People want a reason why cyclists might want a bridge, I give it. People want a reason why us bus commuters see doom and gloom, I give it.
And are you seriously going to say that the $30 million wasn't the reason the deck was stacked against the deck?
Too bad...
By Michael Kerpan
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 9:15pm
... no one decided a new overpass was going to be an Olympic essential. ;-}
I'm arguing recreationally at this point too
By Sally
Sat, 01/24/2015 - 10:39pm
but Pete Stidman addresses the bike/bridge issue in his piece--apparently the bridge plans included no bike lane at all. And even if it did, while some daredevil cyclists might choose to zoom up a bridge next to two lanes of fast traffic, I suspect most of us would prefer to wait through a couple of lights to stay on the flat.