Yesterday, the Globe gave Cape and Islands DA Michael O'Keefe all the space he needed to sputter about (((George Soros))) and the true cause of all the crime in Boston today: Black kids in saggy pants who listen to the hip hop.
Or as O'Keefe, who, as far as we can tell, was not a candidate for DA in Suffolk County last fall, put it: It's all that "glorification in some communities of a culture that celebrates disrespectful language and misogyny under the guise of art" as opposed to, you know, all that glorification in some communities of a culture that celebrates disrespectful language and misogyny under the guise of owning the libs.
O'Keefe should maybe stick to fixing his own office first before criticizing a DA in another part of the state who was pretty overwhelmingly elected by voters just a few months ago.
Meanwhile, Howie Carr is a bit more subtle in pining for the old days when racist blowhards like Dapper O'Neil roamed the floors of City Hall with a gun.
Carr casts his column today (which odds are you can't read because the Herald has a paywall and most people don't like looking at source code) as a fond memorial to the days when the City Council was full of lovable lugs like Freddy Langone and, yes, O'Neil, who were just so much fun, not like the dullards who sit on the council today.
Carr sort of lets his slip show, though, when he declares that Ayanna Pressley only moved up to Congress because she's black (or as he put it: "that was about demographics, not the august office she occupied"). And then he really gets revved up:
Freddy’s grandson was crushed in the once-Italian dominated North End-Eastie district by a black woman from East Boston. I see she’s running unopposed for re-election this year.
Which really, really bothers him.
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I’ll put it another way
By Waquiot
Sun, 06/02/2019 - 2:53pm
I looked at a list of the worst mass shootings (based on fatalities) since I believe 1929. Of the top 12 (there was a three way tie for 10th), 6 were perpetrated by white people, 4 by Asians, one by a Hispanic man who could be classified as white, and one was perpetrated by a black man. The only commonality is gender, but it would seem that white men account for what the average would be, blacks and Hispanics less than what would be expected, while Asians are way too heavily represented.
But in terms of what is recent and what we hear about being what is real, the theory is disproven. But then again, all of us can provide whatever subjective criteria we want to prove whatever we want.
Mass shooting account for a tiny percentage
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 7:57pm
of gun crime and homicides committed with a gun. The majority of gun related violence, including murders, involve: young males, young non-white males committing a grossly disproportionate amount relative to their small percentage of the over-all population. Especially young black males.
By far, most of and the daily violence Americais often associated with by Europeans, etc., occurs in urban areas, involves gangs, drug trafficking. Random ectreme violence is also common in dangerous urban neighborhoods
It's also a racist myth serial killers and pedophiles are DISPROPORTIONATELY white; these types of sociopaths are evenly distributed across every 'race' and ethnicity.
By far, most violent convicts in prisons were raised by single, unmarried mothers. Another easily identifiable pattern.
FBI and DOJ stats back up everything I posted above.
By bosguy22
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 10:06am
That's false.
Black non-Hispanic women have the highest abortion ratio. Black women’s abortion ratio has reached 444 abortions per 1,000 live births, while non-Hispanic white women’s abortion ratio is 124 abortions per 1,000 live births.
37% of women having abortions are white, 37% are black, 19% are Hispanic, and 7% other races.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, “Women who obtain abortions are predominantly poor or low-income, in their 20s and unmarried; black women and Hispanic women continue to be disproportionately represented among abortion patients.â€
Of course...
By lbb
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 8:48am anti-choice website is an objective source of statistics.
What stats are you looking at?
By fungwah
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 4:56pm
Not sure of many that also take into account the clothing and musical preferences of the convicted, but maybe I've missed something.
Well the stats can't speak if
By anon
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 6:11am
Well the stats can't speak if you don't know how to read stats.
1 - Race is not real. We made it up. You can't start to analyze these stats without understanding that part of our history.
2 - Even if what you said was 100% true, it still wouldn't be enough information to determine that listening to a specific genre of music causes one to be violent. Have you controlled for other possible causes? Do you have a group of black people where all other factors are the same except for the music they listen to, and that group was shown to be less violent?
3 - Do you really need all that? Would we need to prove to you that rich people don't usually join gangs? Kids with little to no options do. Which means poverty came way before any act of violence. And much of that poverty came from redlining, which was caused by white people, long before the hip-hop genre existed.
4 - Maybe if your life is very difficult you don't sit around listening to songs about holding hands and flowers. People like music that reflects their experiences. So maybe appreciation for this music came after life threw them nothing but lemons, not before.
Does O'Keefe think the
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:59pm
Does O'Keefe think the criminal justice system is perfect or is not in anyway racist?
Great deal at the Globe's paywall
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 4:57pm
The Globe has a paywall too, so I can't see District Attorney O'Keefe's column. For anyone interested though, I see the Globe is offering a tempting "flash sale" with 6 months for $1. Might be worth a buck to call the Globe's sales office in Manila, Philippines via the Dorchester phone number. I had a lot of laughs with the CSR when I canceled after the fake Trump front page. Good to see them trying to bring us back for $1.
Manila, Philippines
By Scratchie
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 5:07pm
Boy, that really burned you up, huh? You actually had to speak to a foreigner and it scarred you for life.
Fish was damaged for life
By Dave-from-Boston
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 6:45pm
The Boston Globe newspaper published a mock front page on April 10, 2016 (3 years ago), as commentary arguing against then-candidate Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
Nearly two years later, that mock front page turned out to be eerily prophetic.
Some of the fictional headlines on the page that read, "Deportations to begin" and "Markets sink as trade war looms," are similar to what is happening in the present day under the Trump administration.
You need to get a hobby or therapy - maybe both - nobody should have go through your turmoil
Last time I jumped at that
By AgingCynic
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 10:50am
they auto-enrolled me for a year. I had to complain to the credit card company to get it reversed.
Back in the 90s
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 6:32pm
I worked with young man from suburban upstate NY. He came to Boston for college. We were talking about life in the city (where I grew up and lived) when he mentioned how amazed he was when he first saw 'poor' white kids 'acting black'. By this he meant, for lack of a better word, 'ghetto'. I explained to him it wasn't an act. They were like this because they grew up under similar socioeconomic circumstances disadvantaged black kids in the city. He looked down on the white kids, but accepted the way the black kids behaved and talked.
If you are socioeconomically disadvantaged, you will be treated more poorly by almost everyone in society. Now just blacks, but also 'white trash'.
The phrase "white trash"
By Tim Mc.
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 9:12pm
is itself a good illustration of your point. "Black trash" isn't a phrase people use, perhaps because the overculture considers it redundant.
That's not why.
By Roman
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 9:42pm
There are other words for the people you allude to. All of them get deemed offensive in due time because the fact is objectionable and the word is a convenient target.
Can I take this post to mean
By Tim Mc.
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 9:11pm
that *you* will not be giving space to racist old white guys on *your* local press?
I largely stopped reading the comment section a year ago because of the racist, sexist, etc. comments that you allowed on your site. I'd be pleased to hear if that has changed...
By eekanotloggedin
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 6:32am
There are 4-5 accounts here that post pretty much nothing but racist content. Please get rid of them.
(Does (Soros (have (a (lisp (?))))))
By Roman
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 9:52pm
or are you just happy to see me?
Or are you trying to tell us that because he's Jewish any criticism of him is racist? Just like if you were opposed to anything the dear leader did, it was because you couldn't handle a black man in the White House, and no other possible reason alone?
Actually, hold that thought. I'm Jewish. And an immigrant. And a refugee. And I wear eyeglasses Disagreeing with me is racist and ableist.
Naw, that's just stupid. So is the ACLU for arguing there is an automatic right of foreign nationals to enter American territory and for deciding that their once ironclad commitment to free speech is problematic. And if Soros gave them any money in the last few years, he's stupid too.
I'd say, "Time to get back on your meds", but as
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 12:52am
ever, I'm guessing the simpler explanation for this unparsable gibberish is that you're merely hoping to stir the pot, in which case we're all better off, as ever, just ignoring you.
By perruptor
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 6:28am
Roman has admitted to being a troll, in a subsequently-deleted comment. Stirring the pot is why he's here.
Did you happen to get a screenshot of that?
By boo_urns
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 1:39pm
If not, what was the gist and the context?
Sadly, no
By perruptor
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 12:27pm
It was a comment about two days ago which began with him claiming he was "just being honest," and went on to say that "before I became an ... internet troll," he was some other boring thing.
I had no idea Adam was going to delete both it and my reply, where I pointed out that he'd admitted being a troll. Watch this space.
Update: Scroll down to find him admitting it again.
I didn't delete anything by Roman
By adamg
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 1:58pm
So an own goal. The way the software works, you delete a comment, it takes all its replies with it.
Ah. My apologies
By perruptor
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 4:07pm
I didn't know it worked like that.
It became apparent after a while.
By boo_urns
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 4:32pm
But I'm kind of surprised that they would just admit it like that. Pretty much blows up their entire shtick and isn't true to form.
Thanks for rehashing that for me though.
Are people actually demanding to see my comments, now?
By Roman
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 7:44am
Wow. I really did make it big as an internet troll.
There he goes again
By perruptor
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 12:25pm
Ignoring by responding?
By Roman
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 7:14am
Slim buddy, even your insults don't make sense anymore.
Block function, Adam
By lbb
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 9:06am
I'll start the gofundme today. Just say the word. If you won't block the dogwhistlers, let us block 'em.
I'd actually prefer
By Old Groucho
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 9:54am
A tab that opens comments instead of them being directly under the post.
Its hard to resist sometimes when you see the usual suspects (we all know who they are) spouting fever dream nonsense and not chime in on their usual willfully ignorant posts.
However, if we give our brains half a second to decide on seeing the comments I'd be willing to bet most of us wouldn't bother interacting.
Thus starving the trolls and forcing them to seek attention elsewhere. Like from their families.
Tracker for lbb’s “block function†requests
By Doug1001
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 8:47pm
How far along are we buddy?
By the way, aren’t you supposed to be a member of the “tolerant left?â€
Doesn’t seem so tolerant and inclusive to me :’(
Do it yourself
By lbb
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 8:52am
Do it yourself if it means that much to you.
In a gofundme that doesn't exist (yet)? Zero. But you knew that, BUDDY.
That's because you're either stupid or disingenuous.
So angry...
By Doug1001
Sun, 06/09/2019 - 7:20pm
Definitely a member of the tolerant left.
Figured it all out by yourselves did ya?
By section77
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 10:17pm
I love it when the news puts all the facts in the paper, (as in giving an idiot enough rope to hang himself), then people read it and get upset at the Globe for publishing it. FYI, you are not clever for your interpretation of the facts presented. It just wasn't that tough to figure out.
Nothing left to add but...
By mediaseth
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 1:02pm
"...and the true cause of all the crime in Boston today: Black kids in saggy pants who listen to the hip hop."
What is this, 1998!?
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