By adamg - Fri, 11/20/2020 - 2:43pm

The Boston Cannabis Board this week approved the transformation of Mary Ann's, once Cleveland Circle's premier sticky-floor bar, into a recreational marijuana shop. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 08/19/2020 - 11:38am

The owner of Eagle's Deli, 1918 Beacon St. in Cleveland Circle, could find out tomorrow if the Boston Licensing Board has any beer-and-wine licenses left to dole out and, if so, whether he can get one. Read more.

Hooded warbler at Chestnut Hill Reservoir
By adamg - Wed, 05/13/2020 - 9:15am

Mary Ellen the roving UHub photographer captured this hooded warbler at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir yesterday.

Two-car crash in Cleveland Circle
By adamg - Thu, 12/05/2019 - 9:25am

Danielle Johns shows us the aftermath of a two-car crash in the middle of Cleveland Circle around 9 a.m., recommends drivers find an alternate route, and fast.

By adamg - Wed, 09/25/2019 - 9:37am

WBZ reports a man jumped into the reservoir yesterday to save his dog, who had jumped in to chase a swan. Then a woman jumped in to save them both when they began to struggle in what turns out to be a strong current in the seemingly placid reservoir.

Wedged in car
By adamg - Fri, 03/29/2019 - 8:30pm

Danielle Jones shows us some of the carnage in Cleveland Circle where a trolley and several cars had a rather sharp disagreement over who should go where shortly before 8 p.m. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 01/23/2019 - 11:50am

The proposed owners of a new restaurant in a Chestnut Hill Avenue spot that has been causing problems for years vow they won't repeat the mistakes of the past two places there - which included having workers drag unconscious patrons into alleys and letting under-age BC students belly up to the bar. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 01/21/2019 - 9:28am

The Boston Licensing Board this week considers a request from a Newton restaurateur to turn the failed Agoros pizza place at 356 Chestnut Hill Ave. into a bar and grill. Read more.

Michael Reardon of Happy Valley Ventures
By adamg - Thu, 10/11/2018 - 12:06am

A company that is opening a medical-marijuana dispensary in East Boston said it has a purchase-and-sale agreement to buy BC dive Mary Ann's on Beacon Street and rebuild the decrepit place into a contemporary pot shop serving both recreational and medical marijuana users. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 10/09/2018 - 2:02pm

Updated with statement from new owners.

The new owners of Mary Ann's in Cleveland Circle look to be applying for permission to turn the sticky-floored BC hangout into a marijuana dispensary. The agenda for tomorrow night's Brighton-Allston Improvement Association meeting includes: Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 08/15/2018 - 10:11pm

The T is reporting delays of up to 25 minutes on the Green Line to and from Cleveland Circle due to a trolley there that remains stubbornly dead.

By adamg - Wed, 07/25/2018 - 10:43am

A group of real-estate investors who recently bought Mary Ann's in Cleveland Circle, the Beacon Hill Pub and the Tam in the Theater District told the Boston Licensing Board today that the only changes they will make to the watering holes is to hire new managers - including one better known for running more upscale eateries in JP. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 07/13/2018 - 11:42am

A group that includes apartment developers Fred Starikov and Steve Whalen of City Realty yesterday bought the buildings housing Mary Ann's on Beacon Street in Cleveland Circle, the Tam on Tremont Street in the Theater District and the Beacon Hill Pub on Charles Street. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 05/22/2018 - 1:54pm

Agoros Bar and Grill on Chestnut Hill Avenue shut down in February, so there may be little the Boston Licensing Board can do to punish it for a fight last fall that left a 75-year-old grandmother on the floor, bleeding from her mouth and her daughter's boyfriend needing 12 stitches. Read more.

Boat being lifted into the Chestnut Hill Reservoir
By adamg - Fri, 05/11/2018 - 9:18am

Rory Nolan watched boats being lifted into the Chestnut Hill Reservoir this morning so crews can try to fight the dreaded cyanobacteria, a.k.a. blue-green algae, which is toxic to people and dogs.

By adamg - Sat, 04/07/2018 - 1:57pm

Boston Police report arresting an 18-year-old for a knifepoint robbery on Strathmore Road last night after they pinged the victim's phone to the alleged robber's home a few blocks away in Brookline. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 03/09/2018 - 4:04pm

Green Line workers are currently trying to haul away a dead trolley at Cleveland Circle. Their counterparts on the Red Line are doing the same thing with a dead train at Porter Square. Delays abound.

By adamg - Fri, 02/09/2018 - 7:43pm

The BC Heights reports the owners of Agoros Bar and Grill on Chestnut Hill Avenue are selling the business after a stormy year and a half in which they racked up three weeks of license suspensions from both city and state regulators and had their hours rolled back because police kept finding underage BC students with drinks. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 01/22/2018 - 9:28am

UPDATE, 3:30 p.m. The power problems persist and are now affecting the Riverside line, too.

The MBTA reports "minor" delays on the C Line due to yet another unspecified power problem. Robinec helps define "minor":

I've been on the C line for more than 30 minutes now and we’re still not even underground.

By adamg - Tue, 12/19/2017 - 12:13pm

The Boston Licensing Board this morning rolled back closing time for Agoros Bar and Grill, 356 Chestnut Hill Ave., from 1 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. after BPD detectives found yet another underage BC student with a drink inside, on Oct. 22 - the eighth such violation since the place opened last fall. Read more.