By adamg - Mon, 08/19/2013 - 11:45am

James Fox compiles a report card on whether mayoral candidates would want to let Boston University ramp up its South End research facility to ha

By adamg - Tue, 08/13/2013 - 11:29am

David Bernstein interviews Thomas Dooley, running for the district seat Mike Ross is giving up:

I know all the city councilors, moreso the ones that were there a few years ago. They’re all cowards. They’ve allowed Mayor Menino to terrorize them for 20 years. They never stand up to him. They’re all concerned about keeping their jobs. I’m in a position, as a city councilor representing the most affluent part of Boston, I will say what needs to be said to the mayor of Boston.

Bonus for a certain UHub regular: He's the only candidate to publicly call for the deciphering of City Council stenographic records.

It's nothing but net for Rob Consalvo in his first TV ad:

By adamg - Sun, 07/28/2013 - 9:48pm

Finally, the return of the campaign song.

In less melodic news, Rob Consalvo throws his support behind rubber baby buggy bumpers, um, rubber sidewalks.

By adamg - Thu, 07/25/2013 - 11:49pm

Walczak at the beach.

Bill Walczak traveled to Malibu Beach today to push an agenda for dealing with climate change by both preparing the city for a rising sea - increased protection of buffering marshes and other steps to protect local buildings and infrastructure - and decreasing the city's production of greenhouse gases.

Among his proposals: 24-hour T service and converting bus and commuter-rail lines to electric service to reduce diesel emissions.

By adamg - Tue, 07/23/2013 - 9:59am

Marty Walsh, himself a recovering alcoholic, says one of the first things he'd do as mayor is set up a city Office of Recovery Services:

By adamg - Fri, 07/19/2013 - 10:57am

And the gloves come off in what had been a fairly genteel campaign. Rob Consalvo wants Democrats for Education Reform to back away from Boston.

By adamg - Tue, 07/16/2013 - 9:49pm

The Herald reports on the first round of polling by itself and Suffolk University.

One sage pundit quoted as wondering when Deval Patrick will start knocking some heads together to try to get at least one of the "progressive" minority candidates into the final.

David Bernstein notes the poll skews white, with 64% of respondents saying that's what they were.

Among those in the second tier: Dan Conley, whose campaign announced it will start running a series of TV spots, including this one on guns:

By adamg - Mon, 07/15/2013 - 7:08pm

The Dorchester Reporter alerts us that Felix Arroyo is buying spots on Univision and Telemundo.

Meanwhile, Mike Ross is concentrating on an Old Spice Guy-like series of 12-second Instagram video replies to questions posed to him via social media, as well as answers to questions you probably realize after the fact you would have loved to ask him, such as why Good Will Hunting is the greatest Boston movie ever:

By adamg - Sun, 07/14/2013 - 5:21pm

Rob Consalvo says he just wants to "prevent shadowy groups funded by anonymous donors from dominating and meddling in the race" for mayor and today called on his opponents to either reject money from these wraith-like groups or donate half the amount to the One Fund.

"In principle, sounds like a good idea," the Conley campaign tweeted in reply.

Meanwhile, WBUR reports a group called Democrats for Education Reform (also see) is backing John Connolly, who, like them, wants more charter schools (Consalvo is against lifting the ban on charter schools). It's hired several field coordinators and round up 150 volunteers to promote Connolly.

At-large Councilor Ayanna Pressley went on Greater Boston recently to discuss her push for more liquor licenses for Boston:

By Douglas Bennett - Thu, 07/11/2013 - 8:00pm

*The following is the ballot order for the September 24, 2013 Preliminary Election for Boston Mayor:

1. Charles L Clemons Jr

2. Bill Walczak

By adamg - Tue, 07/09/2013 - 9:08pm

With an environment-focused forum today (WBUR reports), several candidates announced proposals dealing with environmental, ene

By Douglas Bennett - Mon, 07/01/2013 - 10:38am

With 86 days to go to the September 24, 2013 Preliminary Election, the following list is the Power Rankings of Boston Mayoral Candidates as July 1, 2013. Just to note, David Portnoy, John Laing, and Robert Cappucci who had been ranked previously did not make the ballot and thus have been eliminated:

1. John R Connolly, West Roxbury (Ward 20, Precinct 10)

2. Martin J Walsh, Savin Hill (Ward 13, Precinct 10)

3. Charlotte Golar Richie, Meeting House Hill (Ward 15, Precinct 3)

4. Daniel F Conley, West Roxbury (Ward 20, Precinct 20)

5. Rob Consalvo, Hyde Park (Ward 18, Precinct 18)

6. Felix G Arroyo, Jamaica Plain (Ward 19, Precinct 7)

7. Charles L Clemons Jr Dorchester (Ward 14, Precinct 4)

8. Michael P Ross, Mission Hill (Ward 10, Precinct 5)

9. Bill Walczak, Savin Hill(Ward 13, Precinct 10)

10. Charles Calvin Yancey, Mattapan (Ward 17, Precinct 3)

11. John F Barros, Uphams Corner(Ward 13, Precinct 5)

12. David James Wyatt, Roxbury (Ward 11, Precinct 2)


1. John R Connolly, West Roxbury (Ward 20, Precinct 10) (Previous Rank #2)

By adamg - Fri, 06/21/2013 - 12:12pm

Rob Consalvo's campaign Web site has undergone a redesign and it no longer features the same oversized headshot on every single page that made

By adamg - Sun, 06/16/2013 - 9:07am

Googiebaba had planned to try to interview everybody running for mayor this year, but after watching

By adamg - Wed, 06/05/2013 - 9:10pm

At an education debate at the Brooke charter school in Roslindale tonight, most candidates supported lifting or increasing the current cap on charter-school seats in Boston.

By Douglas Bennett - Mon, 05/27/2013 - 1:25pm

The following are Douglas Bennett's Power Rankings of the 2013 Boston Mayor Candidates as of May 27, 2013. These rankings are determined by a combination of each candidate's previous electoral history which includes geographical and voter population base, potential money raised, grassroots organizational strength, and potential to harness issues:

1. Daniel F Conley, West Roxbury (Ward 20, Precinct 20)

2. John R Connolly, West Roxbury (Ward 20, Precinct 10)

3. Felix G Arroyo, Jamaica Plain (Ward 19, Precinct 7)

4. Martin J Walsh, Savin Hill(Ward 13, Precinct 10)

5. Rob Consalvo, Hyde Park (Ward 18, Precinct 18)

6. Charlotte Golar Richie, Meeting House Hill(Ward 15, Precinct 3)

7. Charles Calvin Yancey, Mattapan (Ward 17, Precinct 3)

8. Michael P Ross, Mission Hill (Ward 10, Precinct 5)

9. Charles L Clemons Jr, Dorchester (Ward 14, Precinct 4)

10. John F Barros, Uphmans Corner(Ward 13, Precinct 5)

11. Bill Walczak, Savin Hill(Ward 13, Precinct 10)

12. Robert Cappucci, East Boston, (Ward 1, Precinct 2)

13. David S Portnoy, Lower Mills(Ward 17, Precinct 13)

14. John G C Laing Jr, Hyde Park(18, Precinct 14)

15. David James Wyatt, Roxbury (Ward 11, Precinct 2)

By adamg - Fri, 05/17/2013 - 8:41am

Mike Ball comes away impressed from Rob Consalvo's kickoff rally in JP, although he says he needs to flesh out his proposed agenda:

By Douglas Bennett - Sun, 05/05/2013 - 3:15pm

This past week was a big week in politics here in Boston.

1. Steve Lynch will not run for Mayor.

Leading up to this past week, many speculated that 8th Congressional District U.S. Representative Stephen Lynch was using the U.S. Senate race to raise his profile so he could run for Boston Mayor. Lynch's chances were ruined by losing his hometown of Boston by a margin of 31,000 plus votes to Lynch's 28,000 plus votes.

Essentially, Markey "Al Gored" Stephen Lynch. To understand this, Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee to George W. Bush in 2000 and that was the real reason why Gore lost the presidency not because of Florida. For Lynch to have won the U.S. Senate Democratic Primary, he needed to run up the vote against Markey in Boston and this just did not happen.

2. Dewey beats Truman.

The 1st Suffolk Senate race was an unbelievable contest. My parish, St. Ann's, falls right inside this state Senate district. Three great candidates fought tooth and nail to replace Jack Hart who left his seat for a high paying job at a law firm.

By adamg - Thu, 05/02/2013 - 8:42am

Rob Consalvo's volunteer page

Above is the "Volunteer" page on Rob Consalvo's new campaign Web site, as viewed on my Acer laptop with a 15-inch screen. Below is the "News" page on the site: