By adamg - Fri, 03/03/2023 - 10:43am

Boston Restaurant Talk reports Pomona Cafe and Wine Bar is looking to open its third Massachusetts outlet at 18 Meridian St. in Maverick Square. They'll start out with coffee, smoothies, salads, sandwiches and grain bowls, then add alcohol if they can get a liquor license.

By adamg - Wed, 01/25/2023 - 9:03am

What the T calls a "signal problem" near Maverick has caused a morning commute from hell on the Blue Line.

2 Coppersmith Way rendering
By adamg - Tue, 01/10/2023 - 12:56pm

A couple hours after the Zoning Board of Appeal rejected a four-story, three-unit building on Paris Street in East Boston, it rejected another four-story, three-unit proposal by the same developer on Coppersmith Way near Maverick Square. Read more.

Crowded Blue Line shuttle bus
By adamg - Wed, 03/16/2022 - 8:17am

There was a "medical emergency" at Maverick serious enough that the T had to bring in shuttle buses to replace service, only as RadRebe shows, there weren't enough of them. Here, she's at Airport, where she got on a Silver Line bus to downtown - where she was further delayed by Red Line problems.

Fire on Maverick Street
By adamg - Mon, 02/28/2022 - 8:53am

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded to 183 Maverick St. in East Boston shortly after 3:30 a.m. for what turned into a six-alarm fire that spread to two adjoining buildings. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 12/02/2021 - 10:20am

The Boston Licensing Board today approved a request from Las Palmas Market, 13 Chelsea St., to add spirits to its existing beer and wine offerings. Read more.

Passengers waiting for a train that isn't coming at Maverick
By adamg - Sat, 09/25/2021 - 4:16pm

Something went all fizzzly and sparky on the Blue Line this afternoon, turning what is normally a quiet Saturday into the equivalent of a rush-hour commute as the T scrambled to arrange a shuttle train between Maverick and Aquarium on the outbound tracks because the inbound tracks were no longer usable. Read more.

Seized shotgun
By adamg - Sat, 09/25/2021 - 3:44pm

A Mexican woman faces a minimum of five years in federal prison after pleading guilty to working with her son to sell two kilos of cocaine in East Boston's Maverick Square to a buyer who turned out to be working for the feds, the US Attorney's office reports. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 09/09/2021 - 11:38am

Transit Police report arresting a man they say ended an argument on an outbound Blue Line train by taking out a knife and stabbing his verbal opponent as the train idled in Maverick Square around 1:30 a.m. on Aug. 29. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 04/17/2021 - 5:04pm

Turns out Maverick was a slave owner in fact, the first in Massachusetts. CommonWealth makes the case. Earlier, Dudley Square was renamed Nubian Square because Dudley was a slavery-allowing governor of Massachusetts in its colonial days.

By adamg - Mon, 03/08/2021 - 12:28pm

Boston Police report arresting two men they say were involved in a fight on South Bremen Street in East Boston on Sunday afternoon that seemed about to turn violent when one of them pulled out a loaded 9-mm Beretta 92 FS - only he lost his grip and it fell to the ground. Read more.

Seized guns and bullets
By adamg - Wed, 02/10/2021 - 11:04am

Boston Police report arresting four men and a 13-year-old they say were huddled in a courtyard at the the Maverick Landing development with loaded guns last night. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 02/02/2021 - 12:45pm

The Zoning Board of Appeal today gave a developer more time to replace the vacant lot at 9 Chelsea St. it created in 2018 with a three-story retail and office building. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 12/29/2020 - 12:58pm

Kerwide Barthelemy died from a stab wound to the stomach after he tried to break up a fight between two men in Maverick Square around 9 p.m. on Dec. 24, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office said today. Read more.

By adamg - Sun, 12/27/2020 - 3:10pm

Boston Police report arresting Steven Anthony Hatfield, 36, of East Boston, for a fatal stabbing around 9 p.m. on Thursday in Maverick Square.

Police have yet to identify the victim.

By adamg - Thu, 12/24/2020 - 9:15pm

Update: Boston Police report the victim died.

Shortly after 9 p.m., found outside the Burger King across from the T stop. The homicide unit was called in due to the severity of the victim's injuries.

Boston murders in 2020.

By adamg - Tue, 05/26/2020 - 9:17am

Transit Police report arresting a Weymouth man they charge got angry at somebody else for refusing him a lighter and so whipped out a gun to make the point he really needed that lighter, shortly before 9 a.m. on Friday at the Maverick T stop. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 04/15/2020 - 12:48pm
Carrigan and Phillips

Transit Police report arresting two alleged combatants they say pulled out sharp implements during an escalating argument over loud music at the Maverick Square T stop on Monday afternoon. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 04/13/2020 - 5:01pm

Update: Two arrested.

Transit Police are looking for two guys for a stabbing at the Maverick Square T stop that started in the station lobby before spilling out into the busway around 4:45 p.m. Read more.