By adamg - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 2:52pm

Boston Restaurant Talk reports the owners of Giacomo's and Riccardo's are looking to open a lobster place at 204 Hanover St. in the North End. They go before the Boston Licensing Board on Wednesday for permission to buy a liquor license from another restaurant.

Map showing Wedge where feds wanted to restrict lobstering
By adamg - Fri, 03/15/2024 - 2:17pm

A federal judge ruled yesterday that Massachusetts lobster trappers can continue to set pots for lobsters and Jonah crabs in a briny area just outside Boston Harbor, where federal officials had tried to stop them between February and April in a bid to keep endangered right whales migrating northward from the Cape from getting snared in their lines. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 09/30/2023 - 12:07pm

A federal judge in Louisiana ruled this week there's no rational reason for Massachusetts lobstermen to sue a California aquarium for libel in Louisiana, which has a law against disparaging seafood, and so ordered the case moved to California, where you're free to say what you want about harvested sea creatures. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 08/24/2023 - 9:15pm

Boston Eater rips the shell off this tale: Two visitors up from Houston, where they eat crawfish on purpose, ordered a cold lobster salad roll at Boston & Maine Fish Company and realized "what they were eating was not the rich, meaty flavor of an oceanic bug, but rather the lighter, more rubbery flavor of a mudbug."

By adamg - Mon, 03/13/2023 - 11:53am

A group of Massachusetts lobstermen says the Monterey Bay Aquarium has cost them significant business by issuing what they charge are false claims that the buoy lines attached to their lobster pots can entangle and drown endangered right whales. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 12/17/2019 - 10:28pm

According to Boston Police, around 12:30 this morning, a 29-year-old man from South Boston got into a truck being loaded with live lobsters in Charlestown and sped off. But wait, it gets even Affleckier: Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 11/07/2018 - 1:32pm
A farewell to Larry
By adamg - Fri, 04/06/2018 - 6:55pm

Ever since Roche Bros. in West Roxbury re-opened its seafood department before Valentine's Day, one lobster went unsold: The biggest of them all, a lobster so large the other lobsters crowded around the edges of the tank just to stay away from him, so large that shoppers would bring their kids over to see him.

The poor plight of the lobster began to bother some people over in Roslindale, who used a neighborhood Facebook group to begin to ponder doing something about Larry's fate - yes, of course they named him Larry. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 08/04/2017 - 10:01am

A California seafood company says it was shellshocked to learn the ten tons of cooked and raw Maine lobster it had ordered was stolen after it left an Everett warehouse and is now suing the trucking company it says shares the blame for the homerus heist. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 06/28/2017 - 9:35am

The owner of the Connecticut fish shop who packed up a 20-lb. lobster for a customer flying out of Logan is not happy.

Big lobster at Logan
By adamg - Mon, 06/26/2017 - 1:37pm

TSA posted this photo of a TSA agent at Terminal C at Logan Airport holding the 20-lb. lobster he found in a cooler that had been checked for travel to an unspecified location. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 11/10/2016 - 9:55am

And promptly released back into the briny deep.

Stolen lobster truck
By adamg - Thu, 03/17/2016 - 8:29am

Sharon Police have put out an All Points Menu for this stolen lobster food truck. If you see it and want to help the cops crack the case and get the truck back to its boiling mad owners, drop a quarter to detectives at 781-784-1588.

Santa Claws in Boston
By adamg - Sat, 12/20/2014 - 1:03pm

Outside James Hook on the waterfront.

Gloucester lobster boat heads out to sea
By adamg - Tue, 09/09/2014 - 8:09am

Joey Ciaramitaro captured the F/V Kathryn Leigh heading out from Gloucester Harbor for some lobstering at 5:51 a.m. today.

Copyright Joey Ciaramitaro. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - Wed, 07/16/2014 - 9:14am

The Patriot Ledger reports the Scituate fishmonger who bought an 18-lb. lobster (which he named Luke) plans to toss him back into the briny depths from which he came after evading traps for 75 years.

By adamg - Mon, 03/17/2014 - 8:52am

Up in Gloucester, they know from lobster. Joey at Good Morning Gloucester lands a knockout blow on some foodie site that thinks "the perfect lobster roll" includes anise, lemongrass, ginger and arbol chiles:

Listen here anyone who would describe themselves as a “Foodie”. Do all us normal real folk a favor and spare us your stupid frickin lobster roll recipes that include anything other than a split top roll. Spare us your French baguettes, spare us your frickin lemon zest bullshit, spare us your ginger and your anise and your arbol chlis.

Hellooooo, we wanna taste the lobster. How hard is that to comprehend? If we wanted to eat Mexican we’d order a goddamned Burrito.

Lobsters in a pot
By adamg - Sun, 02/23/2014 - 5:14pm

This is just so insane it might actually be true: An ad that popped up on Boston Craigslist yesterday sounded a scream for help, along with several photos of the menacing black bag: