State Police and Boston Fire Department divers today recovered the body of a 60-year-old homeless man reported missing Monday morning from a homeless encampment near where the Mother Brook meets the Neponset River in Hyde Park. Read more.
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The Army Corps of Engineers maintains a "witness post" at the dam that diverts some of the Charles River into the Mother Brook in Dedham. It's probably related to the little metal tube next to the post, from which the corps probably can easily draw out some water for tests, but we'd prefer to think it's a place to see things we don't usually see.
The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters were able to rescue somebody who somehow wound up in the Mother Brook where River Street crosses, near the intersection with Readville Street and Neponset Valley Parkway, shortly after 8 p.m. The department reports firefighters handed the person over to Boston EMS for transport to a local hospital.
Mark McDonald reports that an apparently lonely swan in Mill Pond - the part of the Mother Brook that River Street crosses in Hyde Park - seemed to be a bit happier today now that its partner has rejoined it after several weeks of absence.
The federal EPA is considering whether to designate the Neponset River from Hyde Park to Lower Mills as a place so polluted it requires federal funds and expertise to help clean it up. Read more.
A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint about the stuff floating down the Mother Brook in Hyde Park today:
Construction debris floating down Mother Brook. Most likely from construction in Dedham.
A federal appeals court this week ruled the corporation that owns the Shaw's in Hyde Park is due a refund of the more than $3.5 million it paid to remove PCBs from the Mother Brook after a jury determined neither the supermarket nor its manufacturing predecessor on the site had anything to do with the chemical winding up in sediment in the brook. Read more.
Mark Smith watched the sun go down today over the frozen surface of the Mother Brook in Hyde Park.
In 2012, Dedham sculptor Gints Grinbergs donated this statue, titled Largemouth Bass, to Dedham, which placed it on the banks of the Mother Brook, where Bussey intersects with Curve and Colburn.
On River Street outbound from Cleary Square, just before Turtle Pond Parkway, there's this Goose Crossing sign.
There's probably a good reason why the "pond" off Sawmill Lane and Milton Street in Dedham has been allowed to dry up and become a giant field of mud with a rivulet meandering through it.
Rob Villegas makes the case to do more to clean up and promote America's oldest canal, which starts at the Charles, flows under the Dedham Mall and reemerges on the
A contractor for the state (I assume) has been busy in recent months dredging and re-lining the Mother Brook near where it connects with the Neponset. In the process, the company's cleared away a lot of brush and brambles and trees (oh my), exposing such things as the side of the old Morrell Builders Supply Co. building on Hyde Park Avenue (now the PMDI building). At least at Hyde Park Avenue, the work makes the brook seem a lot wider (you can also see they haven't yet taken out the three pipes that were diverting the brook for awhile):