A Boston health inspector yesterday ordered China Bo, 49 Warren St., shut for violations that included 10 pounds of raw chicken being stored too warm, dead roaches at the bottom of a pizza oven and rodent droppings by the front counter where customers pick up orders. Read more.
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Mayor Walsh announced tonight that musician William Banfield will be opening a cafe in Dudley Square's Bolling Building that will couple a restaurant with performances that will range from jazz to dance and theater. Read more.
The Bay State Banner reports on the proposals filed with the Boston Department of Neighborhood Development for several vacant lots in Dudley Square.
It took two follow-up inspections, but China Bo, 49 Warren St., finally met with a Boston health inspector's approval and was allowed to re-open on Friday, according to city restaurant records.
After being shut in November due to a variety of kitchen health issues, the restaurant failed two more inspections before getting cleared to re-open.
A Boston health inspector yesterday ordered China Bo, 49 Warren St., shut for a variety of violations that included uncooked spring rolls being kept too warm, raw beef being stored in a sink meant only for hand washing, dirty utensils, including knives, rice cookers and cutting boards, rat droppings and at least one live cockroach. Read more.
On Dudley Street at Warren Street, around 9:30 p.m. Police found a man and a woman, both with gunshot wounds to the leg. About 20 minutes later, the third victim walked into a local emergency room. Not long after that, an officer found a gun in a parking lot around the corner on Warren Street.
Paula Tennyson watched the rain come down over Kenmore Square and the Fenway around 4 p.m.
Down at Jamaica Pond, this ominous cloud approached quickly - about five minutes after the shot below, a torrential downpour began: Read more.
A Westwood developer has filed plans for a six-story, 41-unit apartment building on Warren Street where it meets St. James Street in Dudley Square - across from Warren from where another developer has proposed a 21-apartment building. Read more.
Developer Michael McGough of Dorchester has filed plans with the BPDA to replace a vacant lot on Warren Street at Winthrop Street in Dudley Square with a five-story, 21-studio apartment building - with ground-floor space for a restaurant or shop. Read more.
The Department of Neighborhood Development hopes to bolster Dudley Square by finding a developer to transform a vacant lot and parking spaces in Dudley Square into a new mixed-use complex. Read more.
The Boston Department of Neighborhood Development and the BPDA are readying bid requests for several vacant lots and one parking lot in Dudley Square in the hopes of seeing more housing and commercial space built in the neighborhood. Read more.
A four-alarm fire heavily damaged a clothing store in Dudley Square and forced the evacuation of a neighboring apartment building. Read more.
The Bay State Banner reports the Dudley Square Tasty Burger looks to be shutting down, in addition to Dudley Dough, but adds plans are in the works for four new restaurants for the square.
The non-profit Haley House is announcing the impending shutdown of its Dudley Dough pizzeria in the Bolling Building in Dudley Square. Read more.
Several shots fired around 9:25 p.m. at Zeigler Street and Wheatley Way.
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