West 2nd Street rendering
By adamg - Tue, 08/09/2022 - 10:54am

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved former newsman Phil Balboni's plans to replace the North Coast squid-processing plant at West 2nd and D streets with a five-story, 81-unit apartment building. Read more.

By adamg - Sun, 01/16/2022 - 4:55pm

Boston Police report arresting a Charlestown man on charges he got all road enraged in South Boston early Saturday. Read more.

Proposed residential building at West 2 and Athens streets in South Boston
By adamg - Mon, 10/29/2018 - 7:34pm

Developers Peter Spellios and Neal Howard have filed plans with the BPDA to replace a parking lot at West 2nd and Athens streets with a five-story, 55-unit residential building - and two parking spaces for the two cars they will own that residents can rent by the hour. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 06/25/2018 - 4:46pm

The Boston Business Journal reports a developer has paid $31 million to Gillette for some land between West 2nd and West 3rd streets and A street and the haul road and has begun planning a new development that will include residential units.

By adamg - Thu, 01/11/2018 - 12:33pm

A peeved citizen files a 311 report about the stealth (and booby-trap?) space saver he or she ran over at West 2 Street and Dorchester Avenue in South Boston Tuesday afternoon: Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 07/14/2016 - 8:40pm

Boston Police report arresting Darius Boodoosingh, 18, of Roslindale, following a car crash at E and West 2 streets last night - after finding a gun in the backpack they say he tossed in a nearby dumpster. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 03/11/2014 - 2:21pm

The red-hot South Boston housing market showed signs of chafing today when a divided Zoning Board of Appeals today approved a controversial residential project despite opposition from not only residents of a neighboring building but Mayor Walsh, City Co