Zuzu's Petals, or somebody who really likes the wine bar on Hampshire Street in Inman Square, has been busy putting up fliers around the area in search of "lost" items - hats, vases and a single clog last worn there. Then, roving UHub photographer Andrea Gray reports, Lehrhaus, the new kosher tavern on Washington Street in Somerville, put up a flier for Israeli writer S.Y. Agnon's "A Book that Was Lost." Read more.
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Cambridge Day recounts the history of the S & S in Inman Square.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports a proposed bar called New Republik on Cambridge Street in Inman Square seems to be backed by some of the people who ran the now shuttered People's Republik on Mass. Ave.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports on a hearing on the proposed new use for the space left vacant when the Inman Square watering hole closed.
WGBH takes a stroll down Sesame Street, um, through Inman Square in 1970:
Take a stroll through Inman Square, Cambridge in 1970. pic.twitter.com/GKbXFIb6XB
— WGBH Stock Sales (@WGBHStockSales) May 2, 2019
Gedalia Pasternak spotted this bird in his front yard in Inman Square today; reports the bird was like that for at least ten minutes.
Cambridge Police have released a photo of a pedestrian they say used his shoulder to push a bicyclist off her bike in Inman Square on Sept. 22.
If he looks familiar, contact police at 617-349-9384.
Amanda Phillips, 27, of Cambridge, died today after being struck by a landscaping truck at Hampshire and Cambridge streets in Inman Square, the Middlesex County District Attorney's office and Cambridge Police report.
Phillips was hit around 12:17 p.m. and was taken to Massachusetts General, where she was pronounced dead. Authorities said their investigation into the crash is "open and active."
LadyLazerJ spotted this leopard moth at Beacon and Calvin streets on the Somerville side of Inman Square the other night.
Copyright LadyLazerJ. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.
Sarah Cronin reports:
We saw this half cut down tree on the way home from our favorite bar last weekend and it looked like it needed a marshmallow.
So she made one.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports a new team is getting ready to re-open East Coast Grill.
Around 9:30 p.m., moving towards the west over Winter Hill in Somerville, Pancake Witch reports.
Ezra Freedman reports a bright green streak over Roslindale.
Laurin Stoler adds:
Spectacular sighting from Inman, Cambridge. Bright green ball of light streaking across sky. Gorgeous.
Yesterday, some guy posted a note on a parking space he shoveled out on Tremont Street in Inman Square saying anybody was free to use it as long as they didn't attempt to claim it with a space saver - and
Michael Peretti surveyed the damage at the Inman Pharmacy on Cambridge Street around 12:50 p.m.
Gedalia Pasternak noticed some trash waxing philosophical in Inman Square this morning.
Cambridge Police report officers will fire guns between 8 and 9:30 p.m. in Area 4 and Inman Square to test the city's new system for detecting gunfire.
Myron Freeman spotted an only-in-Massachusetts signboard in Inman Square yesterday. It's part of Cambridge Police's observance of National Bike Safety Month.
Use yah blinkahs.
Watch for wicked high tides.
Copyright Myron Freeman. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.
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