The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved the conversion of offices in buildings on Washington, Water and Devonshire streets downtown into 95 apartments, under a city tax-abatement program aimed at encouraging that. Read more.
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A New York developer has filed plans with the BPDA to replace offices in three adjoining buildings it owns on Washington, Water and Devonshire streets in Downtown Crossing with apartments, under a city pilot aimed at giving tax breaks to building owners who do just that. Read more.
Jon Hillman spotted this wrapped turkey at Spring Lane and Devonshire Street downtown this morning.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a Dorchester duo's proposed marijuana market at 83-89 Devonshire Street at Water Street downtown - less than a quarter mile from an existing shop on Milk Street. Read more.
If one were a pessimist, one might think it's not a good thing that there's a crack in the sidewalk on Devonshire Street near Water through which you can peer down into the State Street T stop, or maybe the basement of the building it's next to: Read more.
Jonathan Berk captured the spirit of the season on Devonshire Street, made to look like New York for the Ryan Reynolds/Will Ferrell musical "Christmas Carol" remake. They did a good job: Nobody was yelling "Yankees suck!"
Grumpalumpagus marvels at the Christmas decorations already in place on Devonshire Street downtown. Trish Fontanilla, though, wonders if that's not actually just for the filming of that latest Christmas Carole movie.
Adam Castiglioni discovered that somebody's turned Devonshire Street downtown into a giant New York City cab stand, either because there were all these New Yorkers up here who are very particular about how they get back home or because somebody's filming something downtown where Boston stands in for New York (it's been done before).
The annual ball drop in Times Square tonight is the vestige of what was once a network of daily time-ball drops in US coastal cities, including Boston, to help mariners calibrate their shipboard clocks - vital to determining their location once they were at sea. Read more.
The trailer for "Free Guy," in which Ryan Reynolds plays a bank teller who begins to realize he's a character in a shoot-em-up video game, dropped today, and it features lots and lots of scenes in downtown Boston (and one under the Zakim in Charlestown) - although oddly it starts with somebody skydiving over what looks like Pittsburgh. Read more.