By adamg - Tue, 11/25/2008 - 8:46pm

The magazine has laid off blogger and general great writer Amy Derjue (whom you can still read at her personal blog).

By adamg - Tue, 04/29/2008 - 3:56pm

BoMag came up with its annual ranking by asking the people it's declared Most Powerful in the past to say who is the Most Powerful now. In other words, it's a perfect reflection of how America works today; them's who gots get more.

Note to Boston Magazine's online staff: Could you use some of your power and remove "wiki" from the title of that page? Because otherwise, you're going to look kind of silly in the sorts of circles that actually know what a "wiki" is. Granted, we don't have a lot of power, but that's a nice Wikipedia entry you got there, be a shame if anything happened to it, know what we mean?

By adamg - Tue, 03/11/2008 - 8:45pm

Boston Magazine is doing a package on Boston architecture and asked members of the Boston Photo Mob on Flickr to take photographs of some specific buildings for free (b

By adamg - Tue, 10/30/2007 - 8:26pm

Adam Reilly notes the incongruity of a Boston Magazine article bemoaning

By adamg - Thu, 11/02/2006 - 10:33pm

It's not just that the Globe dedicated FIFTEEN reporters, photographers and editors to its list of the 25 most allegedly stylish people in Boston.

By adamg - Wed, 07/12/2006 - 10:12pm

Deborah Elizabeth Finn glumly notes that Conspicuous Consumption Monthly Boston Magazine has deemed her smile-at-a-stranger plan a "Bad Idea." Al