If it's not the trains or the tracks, what else could go wrong on the T? Try the platforms. The MBTA reports outbound Blue Line trains are bypassing Suffolk Downs because of "a platform maintenance issue," which probably means something on the platform is no longer safe. Riders can take the train to Beachmont, then head over to the other side to get off at the inbound side of Suffolk Downs.
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Last month, it was a falling strip of metal from an Orange Line car that sparked explosions and a fire. Yesterday, it was a piece of metal that fall on a Blue Line train entering Suffolk Downs that caused sparks and halted service, WFXT reports.
Nothing like bustitution on a Friday afternoon along the Blue Line to get the weekend off to a rousing start.
Boston firefighters responded to Suffolk Downs in East Boston shortly after 10 p.m. for what turned into a six-alarm fire in the former grandstand roof structure at the former racetrack. Read more.
The BPDA board approved developer HYM's plans to transform the old Suffolk Downs race track over two decades into a new community on the East Boston/Revere line that will ultimately mean 10,000 apartments, condos and single-family homes and enough office, retail and hotel space to provide 25,000 new jobs. Read more.
The MBTA is dealing with some troublesome switches near Suffolk Downs that have the Blue Line all bollixed up.
The Boston Business Journal reports that two groups active in fighting gentrification have asked the Trump administration to hold up any federal housing funds for Boston because of what it says are inadequate efforts to involve Spanish-speaking residents in planning for the proposed 10,000-unit residential component of the massive Suffolk Downs project. Read more.
The developers of the proposed Suffolk Downs project can't stop the tides, so they're planning their massive project to roll with the punches as rising sea levels increase the odds the low-lying site on the East Boston/Revere line will flood on a more regular basis. Read more.
Signal problems from Orient Heights to Suffolk Downs caused major delays on the Blue Line at rush hours, the MBTA reports, adding the problems have been fixed.
The Washington Post reports Amazon appears close to choosing a site near Washington, DC for its massive HQ2 project, based on all the chatter coming out of real-estate circles there, although it adds people there who want the thing worry Amazon could be having similar talks with other contenders.
The current owner of the old Suffolk Downs has said it will go ahead with its massive transformation of the site even without Amazon.
With the Wynn Encore Boston Harbor casino nearing completion, the company that owns Suffolk Downs has filed a suit under the federal racketeering law against the project against Wynn and the company Wynn bought its Everett land from. Read more.
The Revere Journal recaps a recent meeting between Tom O'Brien, whose HYM wants to turn Suffolk Downs into a mixed-use development and the Revere City Council, which featured much bantering between the current mayor and the guy he replaced, who is now a councilor, as well as some favorable comments about the proposal by another councilor:
"I’ve always said Shirley Avenue is like a volcano about to explode, and this is going to help"' said Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky
Amazon has released a list of the 20 cities it expects to compete to see who can throw the most money its way to get that second Amazon headquarters.
You may recall the Suffolk Downs proposal, although city and state officials have pitched alternate sites as well.
A developer has filed plans with the BPDA to replace an auto-repair garage and parking lot with a four-story, 38-unit residential building with 25 parking spaces at 11 Walley St. in East Boston. Read more.
And so it begins: Suffolk Downs owner wants to skip pesky environmental reviews to make Amazon happy
The Globe reports HYM, which is co-owned by a guy who used to run the BRA, has asked the Baker administration to let it begin construction on two buildings in its proposed mega-development tout suite, which means without requiring it to do any of those annoying environmental reviews normally required of large projects along waterways, in this case Chelsea Creek, as a way to signal to Amazon that Boston is willing to do whatever it takes to bring it here short of, perhaps, human sacrifice. And if Amazon doesn't pick Suffolk Downs? Well, que sera sera.
The HYM Investment Group, headed by a former BRA director, yesterday filed an initial plan for its project to turn a tired old race track on the East Boston/Revere line into a development that could ultimately include 10,000 housing units, two malls and lots of office space when completed in 15 or 20 years. Read more.
BloodHorse reports that the company that now runs Suffolk Downs - the land for which it's sold to a developer keen on attracting Amazon - is working with New England horse breeders and racers to look for a new site on which to build a replacement track.
H/t Steve Holt.
The Revere Journal reports on a meeting between the Revere city council and Tom O’Brien, whose HYM now owns the 161-acre Suffolk Downs site and who says Amazon going somewhere else wouldn't change his plans to build something like Assembly Row in Somerville, only "much better."
Boston today released its bid to Amazon that calls for creation of a new Amazonian neighborhood at Suffolk Downs that would include 10,000 new housing units - some even aimed at people who don't work for the company - 1,500 hotel rooms, four new shopping districts and 40 acres of open space and the 8 million square feet of office space Amazon wants. Read more.
WBUR reports Mayor Walsh tomorrow will detail his proposal to love up Amazon, with four possible sites in mind, but, really, he wants the Bezosphere to set up shop at Suffolk Downs.
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