Mary Ellen looked across the Charles from Millennium Park in West Roxbury at a copse of trees in Needham this morning.
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Jack Cohen uses the same tree to show three faces of fall in the Public Garden.
Andrea Doremus Cuetara captured the tree next to the firehouse on Centre Street in West Roxbury yesterday afternoon.
Firehouse then and now.
Mary Ellen spotted this blooming azalea in her West Roxbury yard yesterday. They normally bloom in the spring.
A distressed citizen files a 311 complaint about pointless leaf blowing at Savin Hill Park in Dorchester: Read more.
Mark Smith surveyed some of the fruit now coloring the plants at the Arnold Arboretum.
Mary Ellen watched a city mower doing the fall trim around the hill at the center of Millennium Park in West Roxbury. Although the top of the hill consists mainly of heavily manicured soccer fields, the sides are allowed to grow wild - but not too wild, to block the growth of any trees or other plants whose roots might puncture the liner.
Meanwhile, up in Downtown Crossing, crews were doing their annual post-time-change emptying of planters: Read more.
Still a lot of green late into October, but large trees are beginning to turn.
Most of the trees are still green, but some of the youngsters have already started getting their leaves ready to drop.
Mary Ellen looked down into the water at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today for evidence that fall is here.
An agitated citizen filed a 311 complaint today because there are a lot of leaves on the ground at Roberts Playground in Dorchester.
H/t Amy B.
One tree at the top of Millennium Park in West Roxbury wasn't wasting any time getting ready for fall today.
There were some trees around Jamaica Pond today that didn't need much sun to show off their fall colors. Read more.
The view across the Public Garden lagoon towards Arlington Street this afternoon.
Roving UHub photographer Joseph Gugliotta Jr. came across this monstrosity in the Davis Square CVS today, because nothing says "fall is here" quite like pumpkin-spice menthol cough drops.
Adam Castiglioni admired the foliage today in Leventhal Park in Post Office Square.
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