In what has become an annual tradition for governors of the Commonwealth, Charlie Baker went down to Jamaica Pond yesterday to join with local school kids and City Councilor Matt O'Malley to restock the pond with fish.
Moby Carp lives!
In what has become an annual tradition for governors of the Commonwealth, Charlie Baker went down to Jamaica Pond yesterday to join with local school kids and City Councilor Matt O'Malley to restock the pond with fish.
Moby Carp lives!
Jamaica Plain News recaps yesterday's annual trout release at Jamaica Pond.
As I walked around Jamaica Pond this morning, I spotted the Leviathan: The fabled giant white carp of Jamaica Pond. It moved at a stately pace along the bank (near that weird bench you can't actually sit on) before slowly turning and moving into deeper water.
The Mystic River Watershed Association ponders all the dead fish floating to the top of the Mystic of late, concludes it's probably a natural phenomenon, unrelated to either possible oil spills or low amounts of oxygen in the water: Read more.
Christian Ilsley shows us the stripers are running in Boston Harbor.
On Tuesday at Long Wharf
Christian Ilsey shows off the striped bass he caught yesterday on his boat out of Jeffries Point.
The Globe's David Ryan posted a photo of something very finny sticking out of the water in Pleasure Bay today as a wind surfer
The Globe reports a rare sturgeon's been spotted swimming up the Charles.
Good Morning Gloucester posts photos of a rare golden sea robin, which is not something you'd ever want to have in your dreams.
Ladybug's Leaf looked down from a bridge over the Muddy River in the Back Bay Fens yesterday and spotted a pair of fish.
Steve Garfield provides a video report from today's annual re-stocking of Jamaica Pond:
Featured in the video is Ken Simmons, Chief of Hatcheries, State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, and a big brown trout.
Last year:
Is Deval Patrick floundering?
Carolyn Grantham, raised in a place that knows from fish and chips, explains why she won't be returning to the Battery, an allegedly authentic fish-and-chips place that recently opened on Washington Street in Brighton Center:
... Look, I don't claim to be a frying expert. I know it takes practice to be able to turn out perfect fish and chips every time. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of practitioners in the UK who have figured it out. And until The Battery gets it right, it's upholding the myth that British cooking is bad. ...
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