Storrowed truck in Walpole
By adamg - Tue, 02/20/2024 - 9:10am

Transit Police report what little traffic there was on West Street in Walpole around noon on Friday was disrupted when the driver of a garbage truck seemed to think his truck was 10'9" when it was really, oh, 10'11". No injuries, truck extricated, driver cited and, after an inspection, the bridge was, once again, declared the latest winner of a storrowing match.

By adamg - Tue, 05/23/2023 - 9:58pm

Boston Police report that Lt. John Earley was arrested for OUI and negligent driving in Walpole on Sunday. The BPD Bureau of Professional Standards has started an investigation, police say.

Earley, who lives in Walpole, joined the Boston force in 1998.

Innocent, etc.

Dream Machine
By adamg - Tue, 11/29/2022 - 6:27pm

Like its counterpart down Rte. 1 in Dedham, the Walpole Mall used to be a bustling indoor mall. But unlike the Dedham Mall, whose owners just shut what was left of the inside mall quickly and turned it into a collection of big-box stores, the Walpole Mall has been slowly suffocating for years. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 06/19/2020 - 10:55am

WBZ reports the Walpole School Committee voted to come up with a new name, years after some residents began pressing for a name that didn't sound like the high school was home to a bunch of secession supporters, an idea that a neighbor of the high-school field bolstered by putting up a large Confederate battle flag.

Empty parking lot
By adamg - Fri, 03/13/2020 - 10:05pm

Roving UHub photographer Sharon I snapped the scene at the parking lot of the Walpole stop on the Franklin Line when she got off the train around 7 p.m. - the only car in the normally crowded lot was hers.

By adamg - Mon, 01/28/2019 - 11:10pm

The MBTA today released a ton of proposals to change its bus routes, including one of the longest routes in its system: The 34/34E that runs from Forest Hills all the way to Walpole. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 12/13/2018 - 8:58am

A Dig reporter has to get up pretty early in the morning to catch the one train a day that leaves Plimptonville for Boston - it departs at 6:58 a.m.

I drove to Plimptonville one morning this fall, I think to find its reason for existing. Assuming there is one.

By adamg - Mon, 07/09/2018 - 2:47pm

David Robichaud at WBZ reports a woman upset the Walpole Times wouldn't publish an article threatened to shoot up its office. Read more.

Copper thieves
By adamg - Sun, 11/26/2017 - 4:36pm

Walpole Police report they are looking for two guys - one wearing a headlamp - who used a Chevy pickup truck and a trailer to make off with some 4,000 pounds of copper from a scrap yard sometime late on Nov. 19 or early on Nov. 20. Read more.

Empty lines outside Walpole Walmart
By adamg - Fri, 11/25/2016 - 12:31am

Normally, the lines outside the Walmart in Walpole and the Best Buy in Dedham for the Black Friday sales start Thursday morning and stretch way, way back around the sides of the building.

Tonight, though, most of the twisty lanes Walmart created with barriers to slow the hordes went empty. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 11/12/2016 - 11:43pm

UPDATE: Students exonerated.

One of the Babson dudes who drove around Wellesley College to taunt students there after the election apologized today for being a jerk. No word if his apology is enough to get him back into his frat, which kicked him out.

The Walpole guy who posed in front of a local Mexican restaurant with a large Trump banner, then posted on Facebook that the owners would be paying for the wall, apologized - by way of a full-page ad in the Walpole Times. He says he meant no offense, he was just in a joking kind of mood and besides, it was only that he's a Facebook dunce that he made the post public.

Trump sign in Walpole
By adamg - Fri, 08/19/2016 - 10:52am

Kevin Connolly this morning shows us the tree in front of the Walpole house where a spelling-challenged Trump hater keeps stealing the sign. Connolly notes this is not his house.

Letter from moron in Walpole who keeps stealing somebody's Trump sign
By adamg - Thu, 08/18/2016 - 9:17am

Somebody in Walpole who supports Donald Trump put up a Trump sign. It got stolen. He put up another one. Got stolen, too. Put up a third one - but like 10 feet up. It got stolen, too, but this time the thief felt compelled to leave a note explaining why he or she keeps stealing the signs. Kevin Connolly provides the photo.

Ed. note: Morons complaining about the stupidity of others should probably proofread their complaints first.

By adamg - Thu, 05/12/2016 - 4:36pm

Peter Wilson reports the Franklin Line's newfound slowness is due to the way somebody drove a cement truck into a bridge carrying the line in Walpole.

Guy giving out instructions at Walpole Wal-Mart
By adamg - Fri, 11/27/2015 - 2:15am

The doors opened at 1 a.m. at the Walpole Walmart. Workers let in 10 to 15 shoppers - the earliest of whom had been there since 4 p.m. - at a time.

Wal-Mart shoppers

Just in case, four of Wapole's finest were on hand: Read more.

First in line at the Walpole Walmart
By adamg - Fri, 11/28/2014 - 12:08am

This guy was first in line at the Walpole Walmart tonight. He says he got there at 1 p.m. to make sure he could get some video games, a game controller and a TV stand for his mom. What about Thanksgiving dinner?

Bundled up at Walmart
By adamg - Thu, 11/28/2013 - 11:54pm

The people at the front of the line outside the Walpole Walmart around 11 p.m. were in no mood to talk about when they got there or what they were going to buy or do much of anything besides huddling inside their cocoons.

There was a similar scene outside the Dedham Best Buy, although the overall line there was a lot shorter.

By adamg - Mon, 01/07/2013 - 8:05pm

MBCR graffiti

By adamg - Fri, 11/23/2012 - 12:38am

Xbox guy

This guy was first in line at the Walmart. He reports he got there at 2 a.m. to make sure he got an Xbox and some games. Also some oranges and grapes, he joked. Bathroom breaks? Around the corner, at least until the line extended back there.

Not refugees. Walmart customers.Not refugees. Walmart customers.