Mark Ciommo, who has represented Allston/Brighton as a city councilor for almost 12 years, announced today he will not run for re-election to his District 9 seat this fall.
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Two people have created formal campaigns for a possible run for the Allston-Brighton city-council seat now held by Mark Ciommo.
The Globe reports on the "vote farming" among elderly people in Chinatown, says city elections officials just want to fix the problem without blaming anybody.
Over in East Boston, District 1 council candidate Stephen Passacantilli is appealing for votes by telling residents they live in a hellhole: Read more.
Brandon Bowser of Allston has registered his campaign for the District 9 City Council seat (Allston/Brighton) currently held by Mark Ciommo.
City Councilor Mark Ciommo (Allston/Brighton) and Mayor Walsh are proposing a measure that could save the average Boston homeowner $300 a year in property taxes, which the city says it can pay for thanks to the local construction and real-estate boom. Read more.
City Councilor Mark Ciommo (Allston/Brighton) today tore into a medical-marijuana dispensary proposed for 144 Harvard Ave., stopping just short of accusing its proponents of being liars who would let kids down pot-laced gummy bears and lollipops. Read more.
City councilors who have been saying for more than three years that they want to comply with the will of the people have finally voted to formally not oppose a marijuana dispensary - proposed for 230 Harvard Ave. in Allston. Read more.
Anticipating voters will approve the recreational use of marijuana, city councilors voted today to ban pot shops and medicinal marijuana dispensaries from opening closer than a half mile to each other.
City Councilor Michael Flaherty (at large) had originally sought a one-mile restriction, but offered a half mile as a compromise. Read more.
The City Council today unanimously approved an ordinance that will prohibit pet stores from selling puppies, kittens and rabbits from from so-called puppy mills - and which will bar the sale of pets from the back of trucks in parking lots and the side of the road. Read more.
The City Council almost voted today on a zoning change that would prohibit both medical marijuana dispensaries and potential recreational pot shops from being closer than a mile to each other. Read more.
The Boston City Council today approved a total 28.7% pay increase for police detectives, retroactive to 2011 - but also voted to ask the city's public-safety unions to talk about future contract talks.
Councilor Mark Ciommo, who chairs the council's ways and means committee, said detectives deserve the raises, which an arbitrator awarded last fall. The total city cost will be $9 million. Read more.
The Globe reports councilors Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury), Mark Ciommo (Allston/Brighton) and Michelle Wu (at large) all want to replace Bill Linehan as council president.
Fans of council intrigue, of course, remember that Linehan got a second go at the council presidency (the holder of which makes assignments to council committee and gets to stand up on the brutalist president's rostrum in the council chambers) two years ago thanks to one of Wu's first decisions after her election.
A city zoning rule that bans more than four undergraduates in an apartment isn't working, city officials said today, so they've begun looking at changes that would let them start levying fines on landlords who persist in overcrowding their units. Read more.
City Councilors Tim McCarthy (Hyde Park, Roslindale, Mattapan) and Mark Ciommo (Allston/Brighton) say the past month suggests the city needs better equipment for clearing city streets in the winter.
Dorotea Manuela explains why she wants a high school in Mattapan.
City Councilor Charles Yancey (Dorchester, Mattapan) has a new tactic in his long-running battle to get a high school built in Mattapan: Blasting the city's plan - which he voted for - to spend $115 million moving BPS headquarters from Court Street downtown to the old Ferdinand building in Dudley Square, when nearly 4,000 high-school students attend classes in "substandard" buildings originally built for elementary students or as warehouses.
City Council President Mike Ross, joined by councilors Mark Ciommo, Charles Yancey and Chuck Turner, said today they were prepared to vote against a proposed fi
In Jamaica Plain, livery drivers are parking in resident-only spots. In Hyde Park, cab drivers are running their businesses out of their homes.
Menino and Flaherty have at it again in a debate that starts tonight at 7 p.m. on Channel 2, NECN and WBUR.
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