WFNX got Snapple to sponsor the concert - and they gave out thousands of bottles of juice. Glass bottles. As one reporter concluded: "Small mobs of punk rock fans roaming Boston's Back Bay looking for action."
H/t Chris Devers.
WFNX got Snapple to sponsor the concert - and they gave out thousands of bottles of juice. Glass bottles. As one reporter concluded: "Small mobs of punk rock fans roaming Boston's Back Bay looking for action."
H/t Chris Devers.
So all that talk of WFNX becoming a right-wing haven on the FM dial turned out to be just a ruse for Clear Channel's real intentions for the now former alt-rocker.
Promptly at 7 p.m., with "Let's Go to Bed" by the Cure as the last ever song (was also the station's first ever song).
Kay Hanley tweeted:
TJ Connolly reports WFNX goes off the air for good at 7 p.m. on Friday, to be replaced by, well, something that isn't WFNX.
UPDATE: No right-wing wankfest - station will a Mike 93.7 successor.
MuckRock files a Freedom of Information request and gets copies of 19 complaints filed with the FCC over Clear Channel's impending purc
The day after the Globe announced it was hiring key WFNX staffers to start an online alt-rock station, the Phoenix announced, hey, waitaminnit,
The Globe announced today it's hired former WFNX staffers Henry Santoro, Julie Kramer and Adam 12 and former program director Paul Driscoll to build an alt-music streaming service that will be available both through the Web and mobile apps.
The Boston Business Journal reports the Phoenix has sold WFNX to Clear Channel and that pretty much everybody but news anchor Ted Baxter
Phoenix Editor Carly Carioli has a short reply to the Dig item - which we, being good little media sponges, sucked
The Weekly Dig, which, granted, isn't the most disinterested observer in such things, reports (third item) the hot rumor in local radio circles is that Entercom wants to throw some money
People who really want the Sandbox back on WFNX stage a protest outside 'FNX/Phoenix offices, 126 Brookline Ave, on Thursday.
Legendary Boston DJ Oedipus broadcasts his annual Christmas Eve show on WFNX for the first time.
WFNX media sib Phoenix breaks the news:Former 'BCN program director Oedipus
'FNX listeners narrowly pick his Rage Against the Machine choice over some other guy's choice. Selected comment:
Long running Sunday show cancelled for financial reasons, the Herald reports.
Seems 'FNX cancelled some goth ball but never bothered to notify the people who'd won tickets to it:
... Can you imagine showing up at Hurricane O'Reilly's dressed up like your inner goth fag? Nothing like getting your latex-wearing ass kicked by a bunch of drunken jocks or frat boys on the streets outside the Banknorth Garden. It's not that I could give a crap whether or not I go to your stupid goth ball. Just get your heads out of your collective ass, please. ...
Ken Jennings, yes, that Ken Jennings, gives his side of whatever it is that caused veteran WFNX news director Henry Santoro to stomp off the air yesterday. Basically, Jennings doesn't buy the story of Santoro quitting under an onslaught of complaints from outraged Jennings fans over a taped interview aired on the wrong day:
... I really don't understand a beloved local newsman quitting over some angry phone calls, even if there were any. It's not like he ran forged National Guard papers about the President. He mis-announced a little book signing. Who the hell cares? ...
You can't make stuff like this up.
Or can you? Santoro was back on the air this morning, at least, based on this Sandbox clip (toward the end).
UPDATE: Kennedy now wonders if it was all a stunt.
Magdalena Kennedy was shocked to turn on WFNX this morning just in time to hear longtime news guy Henry Santoro announce he was quitting right that second:
... I suspected it was a prank, but called the station anyway, where an overwhelmed intern told me that the studio was empty because everyone had run after Henry to try to talk him down. After about 10 minutes of commercials and station IDs, most of the DJs returned to air, minus Henry and one person who was talking to him. They assured us that he was still in the building, and continued the broadcast as best as they could. ...
Chris Monks wonders if it has to do with Santoro announcing the wrong date for some local appearance by Jeopardy champion/cult leader Ken Jennings.
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