Cara Wehmhoefer reports she pulled into the parking lot on Enneking Parkway in Stony Brook Reservation - the one across from the baseball field - yesterday and saw a chicken that had apparently already crossed the road. And then she called Boston Animal Care and Control: Read more.
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The Revere Journal reports the city Board of Health is at wit's end for what to do about one Augustus Street resident who insists on letting his chickens rule the roost and do whatever they pluckin' want:
Buck said that numerous complaints have been received about chickens roaming in the street, which she said she herself had witnessed, and which are a violation of the city’s health codes.
A concerned citizen filed a 311 report about a chicken, possibly injured, by the spray pad at Neponset Park off Hill Top Street in Dorchester this morning.
Update: Case closed, Animal Control reports "The chicken was taken to the shelter."
A concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint about a life-or-death situation at Nevada Street and Wilmington Avenue in Dorchester this morning: Read more.
A concerned citizen filed a 311 riddle tonight about a live chicken at the intersection of American Legion Highway and Walk Hill Street in Roslindale.
Roving UHub photographer OneTaoApe shows us the scene on Washington Street at Metropolitan Avenue in Roslindale early this morning. So why did the chicken cross the road? To get some breakfast at the pet supply store.
At Clippership Wharf. Photo of what appear to be decapitated chickens left in untied blue plastic bags (so don't click unless you want to see a photo of two piles of headless chickens).
Laura Castañón reports:
If anyone in Milton is missing a chicken, I just dropped this feathery menace off at Angell.
One of the Eagle Square chickens contentedly wandered around her enclosure yesterday afternoon, blissfully unaware of the controversy swirling around her and her sisters.
WBZ NewsRadio reports on the efforts by Empower East Boston to keep the chickens it was raising in the heart of East Boston's Eagle Square after a city animal-control officer ordered the fowl removed. More than 470 people have signed an online petition.
Although the Eastie Chickens are taken care of and cleaned every day and they do not make any noise, we are being forced to remove them.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today unanimously approved a West Roxbury resident's request to add a chicken coop behind his garage. Read more.
The Dorchester Reporter clucks about eggs being laid right in Fields Corner.
To get to the playground, because that sign only bans dogs, as roving UHub photographer David Wean discovered on Sidney Street in Cambridge this morning.
A concerned citizen files a 311 report about an alleged illegal rooster in a yard on Morrissey Boulevard, near Tolman Street, in Dorchester: Read more.
Vee wonders if anybody's missing a rooster on Walk Hill Street near Harvard Street.
H/t Paul MacMaster for the headline
Tillie Jupiter reports this chicken was found in the Bourne section of Jamaica Plain yesterday.
A concerned citizen squawked to the city today about this chicken running loose in front of the post office on East 3 St. We will all poulet for you, little buddy.
TC reports seeing a rooster, live and kickin', at the four-way stop in the middle of Stony Brook Reservation around 6:30 p.m.
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