By adamg - Wed, 02/07/2024 - 10:32am

People in the Jamaica Plain Facebook group report that Momo Masala, which serves both Nepali momo dumplings and Indian food - has opened in the Hyde Square space where the Haven used to be. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 12/14/2023 - 11:23am

The Boston Licensing Board today approved plans by Mario Bailote to re-open the old Oggi pizza place at 8 Perkins St. as Mario's Pizza. Read more.

Downed traffic light on the Jamaicaway
By adamg - Thu, 04/22/2021 - 10:08pm

An alarmed citizen filed a 311 report about a traffic signal on the Jamaicaway inbound at Perkins Street that crashed to the ground this afternoon. Read more.

Oggi location
By adamg - Sun, 03/21/2021 - 6:20pm

Pizza Oggi, which originally opened on Perkins Street in Jamaica Plain, then moved downtown, then moved to Harvard Square, is getting ready to re-open in its original location on Perkins Street in Hyde Square, next to the Haven.

By adamg - Mon, 05/04/2020 - 12:00pm

Mark Garfinkel spotted a woman crossing Perkins Street by Jamaica Pond this morning who appears to be working on getting her vertical separation up to six feet.

Firefighters at 111 Perkins St. in Jamaica Plain
By adamg - Sat, 11/09/2019 - 9:50pm

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded to the 30-story 111 Perkins St. in Jamaica Plain around 4 p.m. for what turned into a two-alarm fire in a sixth-floor apartment. Read more.

Destroyed mums in Jamaica Plain
By adamg - Sat, 10/26/2019 - 12:15pm

A concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint this morning about the destruction of mums that had been planted outside the MSPCA at South Huntington Avenue and Perkins Street.

By adamg - Tue, 08/13/2019 - 6:26pm

The owner of a Perkins Street inn who wanted to legalize the 11 beds he already has and add several more had his proposal rejected by the Zoning Board of Appeal today. Read more.

Snow at the Charlestown/Somerville line
By adamg - Tue, 02/12/2019 - 8:25pm

A Charlestown resident filed a 311 complaint that a plow driver today seemed to think the Somerville town line is on Perkins Street right around the corner from Caldwell Street instead of being a couple doors down Perkins: Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 11/20/2018 - 6:17pm

A woman was hit by a vehicle around 6 p.m. at South Huntington Avenue and Perkins Street.

By adamg - Sat, 08/18/2018 - 6:39pm

Updated, 11:25 p.m.

State Police report a bicyclist suffered serious injuries when he lost control of his bike on Perkins Street, just west of the Jamaicaway, around 3:20 p.m.

No cars were involved, State Police say, adding that the man, 64 and a Jamaica Plain resident, was taken to Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Pothole at the Jamaicaway and Perkins Street in Jamaica Plain
By adamg - Sat, 02/03/2018 - 7:45pm

This afternoon, Gscharoun posted this example of "crumbling infrastructure" at the Jamaicaway and Perkins Street in JP. Paul Friedmann replied: Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 04/12/2017 - 10:42am

Clayton Harper provides an overview of the changes DCR is proposing for the intersection of Parkman Drive and Perkins Street on the northern side of Jamaica Pond, such as installing traffic lights and new paths and narrowing the roads on either side of the intersection to force drivers to slow down.

By adamg - Sun, 05/19/2013 - 11:24am

Around 5 p.m. yesterday. Driver was headed outbound on the Jamaicaway, mother and baby were in the crosswalk. Mother and baby taken to local hospital for observation.