Remember the glory days back in 2015, after all (well most) of the snow from That Winter had melted and suddenly we were the designated US city for the 2024 Olympics? Read more.
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Although like the original Boston 2024, it's kind of a failure - after getting you all hyped up about the idea of renting dumpsters, it doesn't tell you how to contact whoever's behind it for more info.
File under "Dodged a Bullet," perhaps? The Los Angeles Times recently reported the Olympics that LA is getting - in 2028 - are now expected to cost $700 million more than the previous estimates.
This week marks the third time in three years that organizers have revised their expenses upward.
Will Shirley Leung ever get over the loss of the Olympics? No, of course not:
I can’t help but get wistful when I hear Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti gush about hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics.
Those were the Games that could have been Boston’s had we not self destructed, paving the way for LA to win the bid.
When did Shirley Leung get on the Globe editorial board? The Editorial We at our Paper of Record wakes up from a long slumber and sighs and tut-tuts today that we lost the Olympics, but says it's not too late for us to learn from our stupid, pitiful yahoo mistake in turning our noses up at the Opportunity of a Lifetime: Read more.
Some Globe columnist who isn't Shirley Leung took the time last week to wail about how we coulda been a world-class contenda, if only we weren't such penurious little bastards too scared to dream and spend big.
Not quite, as Evan Falchuk reminds us: Read more.
The BBC reports the referendum leaves Los Angeles and three European cities in the running.
The Globe and Mail reports public officials don't want be be put at risk for costs and private companies aren't keen on ponying up money, either.
The governor's office today released the Brattle Group report on financial implications of holding the 2024 Olympics here. And what the Brattle Group found was that Boston 2024 dramatically underestimated the costs of certain facilities and that the much vaunted "deadline" effect for forcing infrastructure improvements could have meant even higher costs as contractors demanded extra payments to build everything on time. Read more.
Why Boston Was Compelled to Pull Their 2024 Olympic Bid
This just in from Emily Rooney:
@EmilyRooneyWGBH No Boston 2024 can now go back to doing their specialty work - stopping traffic in Dewey Square
— Emily Rooney (@EmilyRooneyWGBH) July 29, 2015
So what happened in Boston, and what next? A roundup of some Olympic thoughts:
Jon Keller says this is the Market Basket story all over again - the 1% once more was tone deaf: Read more.
No, not Shank - he claims to be happy. We're referring, of course, to Shirley Leung, whose post-Olympics column is petulant, exasperated, cranky. We can almost picture her, head down on the bar as she orders up another shot and complains about those ungrateful wretches she's forced to share an area code with.
BREAKING: AP Source: US Olympic Committee ends effort to bring 2024 Olympics to Boston.
— The Associated Press (@AP) July 27, 2015
Mayor Walsh said this morning he will not agree to sign the "host city contract" without assurances that Boston will not be liable for any possible cost overruns. And if the USOC says he has to agree to a contract today even though it won't be available until September, "then Boston is no longer pursuing the 2024 Olympic and paralympic games." Read more.
Steve reports finding a two-page leaflet on his front steps in South Boston yesterday from Boston 2024, extolling its new "fact-based plan for hosting the games" that will, of course, fix the T, create thousands of new jobs and housing units, lead to better bike lanes and mean more taxes for the city. Read more.
Boston 2024 today released the two previously withheld chapters of its initial bid documents that won us the right to compete for the 2024 Olympics.
Although Boston 2024 has repeatedly said - as recently as last night - that the games will be profitable - the previously secret Bid and Games Budget document said that would happen only after first plugging a sizable budget hole: Read more.
Boston 2024 head Steve Pagliuca opened an Olympic debate tonight by saying the group would release the financial and political parts of the initial bid tomorrow, rather than next week.
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