Mary Ellen found the Alicia Keys of the bird world the other day: A song sparrow in a puddle as the sun came up over Millennium Park in West Roxbury.
Mary Ellen captured a relatively rare morning rainbow, over Millennium Park in West Roxbury.
This immature Cooper's hawk at Millennium Park in West Roxbury stayed still long enough for Mary Ellen to compose a portrait shot yesterday.
She reports that, in addition to Younghawk, she also spotted a pair of bald eagles perched atop one of the communications towers along Rivermoor Street, where they get a clear view of the various twists of the Charles there - the first time she's spotted eagles there in awhile: Read more.
Mary Ellen spotted this merlin, a type of falcon that's bigger than a robin but smaller than a crow, perched at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today.
Mary Ellen got a close up of a mantis at Millennium Park in West Roxbury the other day.
Mary Ellen watched the sun come up over the top of Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning.
Mary Ellen was among the people who went over to Millennium Park in West Roxbury for a viewing of tonight's supermoon. The clouds didn't deter the moon and the mosquitoes didn't deter its watchers.
There are plenty of big things to see on a walk on the path along the Charles River at Millennium Park in West Roxbury: Big trees, big sky and a wide river (now that rainfall is back to normal). But look carefully and there are all sorts of interesting little things to see as well. Read more.
This abandoned motorboat sat at the Millennium Park canoe launch yesterday, soaking up rain with no motor and stripped of all its wiring and gauges.
Mary Ellen spotted an American bullfrog at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today - from the eyes up, at any rate.
Mary Ellen spotted all these used tennis balls at the canoe launch on the Charles River at Millennium Park today. A sacrifice, or an attempt to give all the dog owners who bring their pets there something to throw into the river for them to fetch?
Mary Ellen watched a buck bounding at Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning. She apologizes for the non-deer jumpiness of the video, says it was tough to hold both the camera and the leash for Dolly the wonder dog.
The Boston Parks and Recreation Department plans to clean up the banks of the Charles River at Millennium Park by trying to rid the area of Japanese knotweed and oriental bittersweet and by removing various metal tanks and tubes that have popped up from the park's previous life as the Gardner Street city landfill. Read more.
The new playground at Millennium Park in West Roxbury, delayed by Covid-related supply-chain shortages (it's not like you can just buy large-scale playground equipment at the Target), could be open by Memorial Day, but definitely no later than 9:30 a.m. on June 10, when Boston Parks and Recreation is planning a formal ribbon cutting, according to project manager Lauren Bryant.
Mary Ellen shows how somebody had the sunset well in hand yesterday at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.
The Natiional Weather Service reports the haze is from forest fires a bit west of Worcester - in Alberta. At 8:36 this morning, the GOES-East satellite captured the smoke stream: Read more.
Mary Ellen spotted this blue gray gnatcatcher at Millennium Park in West Roxbury yesterday.
Mary Ellen watched and listened to a yellow warbler singing today at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.
A couple of dogs jumped into the Charles River at Millennium Park this afternoon just as an inbound Needham Line train was coming through.
Mary Ellen spotted this eagle, maybe 3 to 3 1/2 years old, across the Charles from Millennium Park today. Bald eagles go fully "bald" when they're about 4 1/2 years, assuming they don't get poisoned by rodenticide first.
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