Great blue heron over the Charles River
By adamg - Wed, 01/27/2021 - 10:02am

A great blue heron took flight over the Charles River near Millennium Park this morning, and Mary Ellen was there to watch it.

Belted kingfisher and great blue heron at Leverett Pond
By adamg - Wed, 01/06/2021 - 12:11pm

Mary Ellen got a twofer on a visit to Leverett Pond on the Brookline/Boston line yesterday: A belted kingfisher and a great blue heron both perched above the water: Read more.

Chair in Millennium Park at the Charles River
By adamg - Mon, 09/14/2020 - 4:59pm

Somebody brought a chair down to the banks of the Charles River in Millennium Park in West Roxbury and then left it there.

I used it this afternoon to watch a great blue heron on the Dedham side of the river - wanted to be ready should it just stop standing there and fly. It finally did - all of 20 feet upriver, where it then proceeded to just stand there again. Read more.

Great blue heron enjoying a fresh fish snack at Millennium Park
By adamg - Fri, 07/10/2020 - 12:43pm

Roving UHub photographer Mary Ellen reports the great blue herons have discovered the water around Millennium Park makes for some good fishing.

Egret with fuzzy feathers at Belle Isle Marsh
By adamg - Mon, 04/20/2020 - 12:37pm

Roving UHub photographer Mary Ellen went up to Belle Isle Marsh on the East Boston/Winthrop line yesterday and reports the marsh was just full of all sorts of birds returning to the area for the summer, including a frazzled looking snowy egret. Read more.

A heron in Jamaica Pond
By adamg - Sun, 10/13/2019 - 3:17pm

This afternoon, this heron was quietly minding its own business on the Parkman Drive side of Jamaica Pond, slowly wading along the shore looking for a bite to eat, with that Groucho Marx gait herons have, when another heron landed on the water about 15 feet away. Read more.

Egret on the Charles
By adamg - Sun, 09/15/2019 - 1:04pm

Yesterday afternoon, an egret waded along the shallows on the Cutler Park side of the Charles in Dedham for awhile, before a duck got it riled and it began flapping its wings and tried to make the duck go away and then it walked onto a sandbar in the low river before flying the final 30 feet or so to the Millennium Park side of the river in West Roxbury.

Egrets, she's seen a few.

Black-crowned night heron at Millennium Park
By adamg - Thu, 08/15/2019 - 7:56pm

Mary Ellen spotted this black-crowned night heron, the great blue heron's shorter-legged cousin, at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today.

Great blue heron at Millennium Park
By adamg - Mon, 07/22/2019 - 7:11pm

Over a couple of days, Mary Ellen has watched a great blue heron doing great blue herony things at Millennium Park in West Roxbury, including getting a bit of sushi for lunch.

Great blue heron in Fort Point Channel
By adamg - Fri, 07/19/2019 - 9:52am

Amid all the muck and decaying bikes and pilings and stuff exposed at low tide in Fort Point Channel yesterday, a great blue heron stood looking for a meal - one that wouldn't absorb too much of the oily sheen on the water - Johnmcboston observed.

Deer and heron at Millennium Park in West Roxbury
By adamg - Sat, 07/06/2019 - 11:19am

Roving UHub photographer Mary Ellen spotted this great blue heron and deer seeming to work together this morning at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Great blue heron at Jamaica Pond
By adamg - Sat, 06/22/2019 - 3:54pm

But the pickings were slim yesterday afternoon, so after a few minutes, he flew off to another part of the pond.

An afternoon snack at Jamaica Pond.

Heron with a fish snack at Jamaica Pond
By adamg - Wed, 05/15/2019 - 5:26pm

The heron stood mostly still at the water's edge along the Pinebank side of Jamaica Pond today, only its neck swiveling as it scanned the water. Then, suddenly, it went into a crouch, like a cat about to pounce, took a couple of steps to the left and speared the water, coming up with a quickly devoured canape. Read more.

Heron at Jamaica Pond
By adamg - Thu, 07/12/2018 - 6:52pm

Over the past few days, three herons have taken up residence at Jamaica Pond, along with the ducks and the geese. They'll stand for awhile along the shores, or perch on the branches of the tree on the island, and then something will catch their eye and they'll take off and fly over to another part of the pond.

By adamg - Mon, 11/06/2017 - 7:20pm

A pair of herons were hanging out on the higher branches on the little island at the north end of Jamaica Pond today. Read more.

Flower at Millennium Park
By adamg - Mon, 09/12/2016 - 9:00pm

Slowly is the best way to to walk the path along the Charles River and Saw Mill Brook at Millennium Park - more of a chance to see things you'd miss otherwise, such as the small fish swimming along the river bank, the turtles sunning themselves and the small flowers on some stalks. And if you get lucky and you look across the brook, you'll realize what you thought was the top of a 15-foot tree stump is actually a great blue heron. Read more.

Flier posted at Arnold Arboretum about killer dog
By adamg - Tue, 08/25/2015 - 6:19pm

Oh, yeah, there's a reason you're not supposed to let your dog run wild through the Arboretum. Joe Growhoski reports these fliers about off-leash killers are now posted at the Arboretum: They kill the local wildlife, bite kids and bike riders, trample new plantings and shit all over the place. Stop it, the Arboretum implores.

Blue heron visits Metropolitan Hill in Roslindale
By adamg - Sat, 07/11/2015 - 12:43pm

Rick Ward got a surprise visitor to his yard on Cliftondale Street near Kittredge in Roslindale this morning: A blue heron.