By adamg on Thu., 3/2/2017 - 10:49 am
One-time video-game magnate Curt Schilling yesterday signaled his intent to not run for Senate next year in favor of V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai:
As of today, from where I sit, you're my choice for Senator of the state of Mass. in 2018 and it's not even close.
He closed his tweet with the secret mating call of Massachusetts right wingers: #Fauxcahauntas.
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Adam, come on
By CraigInDaVille
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:01pm
You know they don't mate.
Per Toy Story
By massmarrier
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:01am
As Woody said, "What a sad, strange little man."
Buzz said this to Woody. But
By Jedidude
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:06pm
Buzz said this to Woody. But I agree with your point.
By Michael
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:12am
Right wingers can't even spell their stupid made-up insult consistently
I am confident he did come up
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:16am
I am confident he did come up with the idea to copy inbox, outbox etc. I am sure lots of other people did too.
The QWERTY keyboard exists because of type writers yet I am typing on one still.
The trash/cycle bin
Those old icons with the filing cabinet
Heck they used to even have on off switches that looked like normal switches.
My cell phone does the same damn thing. With little symbols and sounds that are not needed except that it made it easier for people to transfer if they heard the ringing sound and the green receiver means pick up etc.
Curt Shilling is a has been ,
By Bob L
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:52am
Curt Shilling is a has been , he should stick with baseball card collecting to make a living since he no longer plays baseball.
Good - No circus
By Bugs Bunny
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:20am
I hope Senator Warren wins re-election, so she can follow up on her 2012 promise of helping the middle class, which is being hammered. Tweeting about Trump and grandstanding at confirmation hearings doesn't help.
She's been working on it, dear
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:34pm
The problem is the R side of the aisle.
More magical thinking from dimwits to believe that any senator or two senators can do more than work on problems. Just like the magical thinking that Trump will magic certain types of manly and well-paid jobs back into existence by decree.
I think the Rs would say the same of the Ds
By Stevil
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 3:20pm
Especially the one that used to occupy 1600 PA Avenue.
I'm torn - I don't want to give the Republicans any more power than they have - but I'd be happier with a much less extremist of a D representing me. Especially one that focuses more on our issues and less on trying to get her mug on the evening news (as just one example - she was screaming about why nobody from the financial crisis or Wells Fargo was going to jail - well, they didn't do anything illegal. My guess is she could come up with some reasonable legislation that would make some of that crap illegal that even the Rs would bite on. Instead...crickets - unless it's a nationally televised hearing.
As for Trump - I agree with you. I'm astounded how many people think he's going to wave a magic wand over Congress and get approval or funding for a fraction of his ideas.
Curt the Coward
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:27am
Curt has a big mouth, writes and talks a lot of crap, but when it comes to action, he's a coward. Sad!
By BostonDog
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:36pm
He's a walking meme:
Curt Schilling-
Criticizes Government Spending and handouts
Requests said handout. Blows it all, company goes bankrupt.
Your story is backwards
By Doug1001
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:28pm
I'll preface this by saying I like Schilling the baseball player but that's it....
RI requested that he and his company move there, and offered him a deal that no aspiring business owner would turn down. He didn't request the deal, they lured him there with a crazy offer. If RI did a shred of due diligence, they could have bet the house on the company going bankrupt and made their money back. Don't give out shitty deals to companies that will fail and then complain about it afterwards.
In addition, he attempted to raise money to save the company (who knows if it would have worked) when RI politicians came out in public and said how horrible his company was. If RI was hoping to get paid someday, why sabotage the guy's funding efforts in public?
Businesses fail all the time - maybe RI shouldn't have been blinded by "World Series Winner Curt Schilling" and not offered a failing company boatloads of money.
RI was sure to blame
By BostonDog
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:35pm
Rhode Island definitely shares in the blame for the reasons you mentioned but lets not let Curt off the hook. For someone who is adamant about no public handouts, he still had no problem taking the cash. You're fooling yourself if you think he didn't ask for the money -- RI didn't just call businesses in Massachusetts at random hoping someone would want some free money to jump state lines. Curt's company started the process.
As for the fundraising part, how much of his own money did he put in?
[Edit: Apparently he did lose most of his wealth so there is some justice.]
The mark of a good business man is not needing to fill for bankruptcy. (Hear that, Trump?) Curt lost a lot of other people's money and only has himself to blame.
RI takes most of the blame.....
By Doug1001
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:11pm
They either did 0.0 due diligence on his company or they're completely incompetent. Schilling is just a bad businessman who took what they happily offered him. Public handouts differ greatly from investment in businesses, wouldn't you say? If Schilling's business is successful the state makes its money back (and then some), people in that area have jobs, etc.
Of course RI didn't call random businesses asking to lose their shirt in a shitty deal....they called "World Series Winner Curt Schilling".....these morons became starry eyed over a former big-time pitcher for reasons unbeknownst to me.
I'm almost positive that Curt put most if not all of his baseball earnings into the business...which makes him an even bigger moron. He gambled on his non-existent business knowledge, had no clue how much R&D money is needed for a video game company, etc. and lost big.
Bankruptcy laws exist and people use them to their advantage (and those of their shareholders). If laws exist, they will be some cases, using bankruptcy laws can be the mark of a good businessman.
Curt was a Con
By BostonDog
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:34pm
You blame the investors, I blame the con man. I'd chalk this up to normal corporate welfare except Curt was so adamant about how bad the goverment is for investments. He's the one who started shopping around for money, not the other way around. (That isn't to let RI off the hook -- no state shouldn't be in the private investment business.)
I do see that he lost most of his wealth with the company, which is somewhat comforting.
Incompetent investors
By Doug1001
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:53pm
Every business owner wants investment money - wouldn't you? The state has a finite amount of tax dollars (in theory) - you don't just hand it all over to the star pitcher of the local baseball team because he says it's a great deal. You double, triple and quadruple check the business don't get starry eyed because Curt wore his World Series ring to the meetings.
Business owners always say great things about their business to get investor money - this isn't a new's up to the person/people who have the money to make sound decisions....RI controlled the purse strings - Schilling wasn't going to say "hey you morons! My business sucks and is going down the drain - but pick me!"
Again, if he was successful raising money later on, it's possible he could have made payments or maybe the company would have don't publicly bash the business you just invested $75M of taxpayer dollars into.
It's ridiculous.
By CraigInDaVille
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:07pm
It wasn't like Schilling was just sitting there running a successful business when, out of the blue, Rhode Island called up and offered him boatloads of money if he would move down there.
I can't find it in my very quick search, but my recollection was he was basically doing a big PR push and saying he'd love to entertain offers of tax credits/other support for this company he was getting rolling. He very publicly and purposefully sought out the best government handout possible, and tried to make the NE states compete against each other.
Source: My memory of absolute revulsion at realizing he was a complete hypocrite who railed against big government and handouts and free money until it was time for him to get the most money possible from government.
He was doing a PR push in an effort to raise money....
By Doug1001
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:19pm
I'd use my fame to tell people I'm running a business and looking for investors too. If you're an RI politician, that doesn't mean you offer the guy a ridiculously stupid deal just to get him to your state, then sabotage his subsequent fundraising efforts by trashing the company in public, then complain that he swindled you. What they did is pure insanity, start to finish.
I'm still not clear how business investments are the same as handouts. If it's a handout and the company fails, he just walks away and is done with it. Investors don't just hand over money for free without consequences.
Not to be pedantic, but the
By Ron
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:31pm
Not to be pedantic, but the state of RI didn't provide Schilling and his company with cash to "blow." As far as been published, they guaranteed a $75m loan from Wells Fargo, which, yes, when 38 Studios went under, the State was on the hook for. In my mind, there's no difference between the State being an indemnitor vs. handing Curt cold hard cash, but I see this accusation thrown around a lot and it doesn't always ring true to me.
perfect descrption
By nona
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 1:46pm
@anon I was under the impression you were referring to Warren.
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:14pm
Being dragged off the senate floor is cowardly. Oh okay.
You seem to have mis-spelled
By perruptor
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:18pm
Every Day is Bizzarro Day!
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:31am
When you are a Republican.
Strange how these people actually believe that Al Gore said that he invented the internet, and they think that's funny or damning ... and then turn around and support a guy who claims to have invented e-mail even though it is very well documented that BB&N engineers were sending each other messages via e-mail when he was eight years old.
Curt Schilling, like many
By Kinopio
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:10pm
Curt Schilling, like many republicans, is not interested in facts, science or numbers. He doesn't even believe in evolution! There is no hope for someone like that. Unfortunately he is far from alone in his crazy beliefs on the right side of the aisle.
Classic Rightwing Voodoo
By BostonDog
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 1:13pm
He thinks the goverment should only serve the rich. Through the good graces of the rich, everyone else will benefit.
Gore claimed he "took the initiative to create the Internet"
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:52pm
That's exactly what Gore said. He also said 2016 was the point of no return for
"Global Warming"now rebranded as "Climate Change." Sen. Warren also claimed to be a minority (Cherokee) faculty member until granted tenure, when she miraculously shed her minority status. 2008 was the point when Obama said he would stop the seas from rising, yet UMass will spend millions to study a seawall too ridiculous to be believed. Bizzaro world indeed, just the wrong party.You gonna upload that passport stamp from Reagan National?
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 3:18pm
What about proof that social security numbers are reserved at birth by state?
Go away lying liar.
Sorry dude,
By Marco
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 3:20pm
you cannot support and vote for Trump and then go around and call ANYONE else a liar, cheat, con-artist, bamboozler, etc. You just can't. The man has made his entire "career" (if that's what you can call blowing daddy's fortune) on lies, deceit, and GASP Indian-giving (sorry to not be PC here but Fish don't mind).
The fact that the only thing the right has on Liz Warren is that she claimed Native American heritage (when that's what her family told her) should tell you something. Every time you come on this site to bash her that is ALL you have to say. Volumes could be filled telling the tales of Trump's BS. Many, many, fine, leather-bound volumes. Yet you have nothing to say about that.
Stick to railing against liberal policies. When the subject of lying and crooked politics comes up, you have to sit that conversation out. Basically for the rest of your life.
Sorry, no one twisted your arm to vote for this country's worst, most unqualified POTUS of all time (although, I said that about Bush, and here we are, you may get a second chance!).
Here's a spirited defense of Al Gore and his role in "creating"
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 4:13pm
the Internet -- which is to say, how Gore spearheaded the federal legislative initiative and funding that mutated the Internet from government / education / military sandbox into the mulit-trillion dollar global economic engine it is today, by a couple of the people who were instrumental in the Internet's technical founding.
I don't expect sorry dimbulbs like Fish to ever stop repeating that hoariest of dumb right-wing memes, but now you know how plainly idiotic it is.
Speaking of fakes and faking ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 7:46pm
You ever going to up load a picture of that "Ronald Reagan National Airport" passport stamp you got from your flight from Boston?
Or any proof that any SSN number ever was "reserved for" and therefore is required to match your state of birth?
What about Governor?
By Belmont
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 11:49am
I hope Cur-tee will consider running for Governor of our Great and Glorrrrrrrrr-ious State. After all, C. Baker is just a FauxRepublican. Right, Cur-tee?
There's something really
By Rob Not Verified
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:38pm
There's something really wrong with Curt. I admired then and still do now his feats in 2004. I can separate that from whatever weird right wing turn he's done since. But he just seems like a person crying out for help and attention. The other day he was tweeting out trying to equate his visiting troops as part of a USO tour with year-long tours of duty by our servicemen and women. He's left this planet....
By BostonDog
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:42pm
Strong Arm, Small Brain
By lbb
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:39pm
...taken too many disco biscuits in the heat of Russian disputation. He's got as many of these nuts as he has those nuts.
Too bad a real candidate can
By anonism
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:41pm
Too bad a real candidate can't oppose Warren. Such a person would have a field day with info here:
Holy cow
By capecoddah
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:55pm
-- information was uncovered by George Mason University Law School Professor David Bernstein that starting in the mid-1980s, when she was at U. Penn. Law School, Warren had put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher†list in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools --
She is a disgrace.
Hate to break it to you
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 1:00pm
That porn you like to watch isn't like real sex, either.
Just because you get turned on by what you see doesn't make it real life.
More like "sacred cow"
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 7:43pm
Scotty Rovefluffer already lost as a very well-financed incumbent by running full tilt on all of that fabricated character assassination nonsense, complete with ignorant racist "war chant" crap.
What makes you think that anyone will believe it or give a shit this time if you repeat and repeat and repeat it? It isn't like we haven't heard it before. Nothing new here. Worship it all you want.
Such Amazing information!
By anon
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 12:58pm
Never mind that Scotty Rovepuppet tried to "air" all of that "news" and it didn't do him a bit of good.
And he was the incumbent.
Time for you Refroglickens to face up to reality - fake news, and stupid memes do not become more true when you repeat them AND it doesn't matter who repeats them around here. Nobody Cares because its all fake and we know it!
I don't know about that site
By Michael
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 1:38pm
I'll wait for the more balanced review of Senator Warren's life to come from before I get too excited about anything I read there
Hey, now
By erik g
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 1:41pm
That site is a wiki--it says so right there in the URL. And it's not like they let just ANYBODY edit a wiki. I'm sure it has many scholarly references, and has been cleared of all formatting errors introduced by information being forwarded 24 times by my slightly-addled grampa.
Maybe Curt can lend him his truck
By erik g
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 1:44pm
You know, the one he got from Scotty Brown? Not a lot of wear and tear on it, but it does have a ton of miles from all those commutes back and forth from New Hampshire. Perfect truck bed for fitting all your carpet bags into, though.
Dear Curt,
By B
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 2:16pm
We appreciate the WS win, even with the mellowdramatic ketchup on the sock. Now stfu and go back to Oklahoma, the place you have to drive an hour to get a coffee for. Bye!!! P.S. you know Warren would absolutely destroy you in a debate #CurtMakesNoSense #YouStillOweRImillions
Stolen Valor
By bulgingbuick
Thu, 03/02/2017 - 3:54pm
lately fatso?
Elizabeth is going to be
By anon
Fri, 03/03/2017 - 7:56am
Elizabeth is going to be Hillary 2. As she molds herself into a more deplorable candidate, it will give rise to more drastic opposition, such as how the Clintons empowered their opponent to take the day.
How exactly?
By lbb
Fri, 03/03/2017 - 9:44am
How exactly do you see this happening? Aside from a few ribbon-cutting occasions, every time I see her in the Senate, she's sticking up for the little guy. Are you trying to tell me that the little guy hates having someone stick up for him, as opposed to blowing a lot of hot air about sticking up for him (while creating policies that benefit his rich cronies at the little guy's expense)?
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