The group representing mainly West Roxbury parents that sought to put the exam back in exam schools for the coming school year is asking a federal judge to reopen its case because of "clear racial motivation and anti-White racism" on the part of two School Committee members in text messages exchanged over the course of a nine-hour meeting on what to do about the Covid-19-forced cancellation of exams.
In its motion, filed yesterday in US District Court in Boston, the Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence Corp., says the city deliberately withheld the "Westie whites" text messages in between members Lorna Rivera and Alexandra Oliver-Dávila in response to a public-records request, and that had the judges at two levels of the federal judiciary known about them, they never would have issued rulings that the non-exam system approved by the School Committee was free of racial bias and OK to use for the 2021-2022 school year.
The group acknowledges it's too late to go back to the exams for the coming school year, but says it wants a permanent injunction against the use of a system involving Zip codes for future years and to have a federal judge take a deeper look at what it says is "racial animus" at the highest levels of BPS.
These previously concealed text messages clearly reflect racial animus. And while such animus is not necessary for the Court to invoke strict scrutiny when evaluating the Zip Code Quota Plan, evidence showing such animus makes the case for strict scrutiny all the more compelling. Because the City concealed that evidence and deprived the Boston Parents and the Court from considering it, relief from the Court’s only partially-informed judgment is warranted. Unfortunately, the City’s conduct was uncovered too late for the Court to issue relief related to the requested preliminary injunction. But it is not too late for the other forms of relief the Boston Parents requested, including the permanent injunction barring any further use of the Zip Code Quota Plan,as well as relief specific to the families represented by the Boston Parents.
At the October School Committee meeting - which also led to the resignation of then School Committee Chairman Michael Loconto for mocking Asian-American names - the committee approved a system in which 20% of the seats at Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy and the John O'Bryant School would be offered to the Boston students with the highest pre-Covid-19 GPAs. The remainder would then be offered to students based on calculations by Zip code and GPAs, starting with Zip codes with the lowest family income levels.
Federal court rules require "extraordinary circumstances" for a judge to re-open a case after issuing a ruling. Throw in LoConto's mimicry, the group says, and you have those circumstances:
Three of the seven voting Committee Members - 43% of the Committee - are now on the record with statements of actual animus towards the two racial groups negatively impacted by the Zip Code Quota Plan. And those three Committee Members have all resigned over their comments. Actual racial animus among members of the Committee was far more prevalent than the Defendants initially represented to both the Boston Parents and the Court.
Although the committee voted to use the system for just the upcoming school year, it also agreed to have the task force that came up with the system to look at a more permanent way to ensure admission to the three schools did not cause racial inequities. That task force is now nearing a recommendation.
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By Theonlyjavy
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 10:22am
Saying you hate white people from West Roxbury
By StillFromDorchester
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 10:58am
Does kind of call their motives into question, no,?
Even Better
By John Costello
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 11:24am
Alexandra Oliver-Dávila, one of the two Westie White resignations, has strong ties to the Barr Foundation.
For those of you unfamiliar with The Barr Foundation, it is run mostly by billionaire Beacon Hill and S'Conset beachfront (it's quite a house and they moved it away from the cliff because of erosion) residents the Hostetters. They are the ones who are underwriting the Globe's coverage of Boston's schools, for which some of the stories have their reasoning stretched more than that BSDM guy running for City Council in NYC.
One of the aims of this coverage is to change the BPS to their likings, save for Amos and Barbara, who lived on Beacon Hill when their three children were of school age sent their children to prep schools outside of the city.
Do As I Say, Not Do As I Do Billionaires. I'd say their motives are incredibly questionable.
Do we really want really, really rich people dictating from on high? I don't.
Opinion, not fact
By Gary C
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 11:53am
Please cite your sources.
Fact, Not Opinion
By John Costello
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 12:01pm
Bugger off.
Are you implying John, that
By g
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 12:10pm
Are you implying John, that the Boston Globe might have an agenda?
High Comedy Last Week In The Globe
By John Costello
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 2:42pm
The Globe accused unions of forming a coalition to try to use their influence on the Boston mayoral election. The Globe was aghast that someone was using their influence. What organization run by people who live outside the city would ever have the stones to do that, save for The Globe?
Sometimes I think that the music echoing off buildings that break dancers by the Sam Adams statue are using is causing damage to logic areas of certain brains on the lower floors at 53 State Street.
interesting, but
By berkleealum
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 2:37pm
why should we take your word - that the coverage is inherently biased - rather than their word saying that it will not be?
Take A Minute
By John Costello
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 2:45pm
Introduce yourself to the real world rather than the make believe one you appear to be living in with that statement. You are smarter than that.
This team has been running since 2019
By fungwah
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 5:27pm
Can you point to some examples that clearly show this bias and explain what coverage you would have rather seen?
TY for this comment about
By Anon2.0
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 12:39pm
TY for this comment about Barr & BPS Coverage. I canceled my subscription after getting fed up w the bias in stories & same old tropes about bully unions & bad teachers. (The facilities are in shambles, that’s accurate).
Are we
By brianjdamico
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 4:34pm
cancelling everyone that possesses bias? Asking for a friend.
Never fear
By Hardy Har Har
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 12:59pm
Khymani "I hate white people, too" James will take up for Lorna and Alexandra.
Lord knows
By emac
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 1:38pm
White people are a persecuted minority here in the hub.
Lord knows
By Hardy Har Har
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 5:21pm
I take my cues from a seventeen year old who is the president of his own fan club.
Westie Whites -The Musical
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 06/23/2021 - 2:54pm
Westie Whites
I buy my Dunkies and I go (I buy my Dunkies and I go)
Set my sights
On only what I need to know (what I need to know)
Westie Whites
Seats are tight
But even so (Even so)
Latin is where my kids have got to go!
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