City Councilor Kendra Lara (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury, Mission Hill) today apologized and sought forgiveness for her June 30 car crash, in which she veered off Centre Street in Jamaica Plain and into a house, after which police issued her a summons for driving an unregistered and uninsured car with a suspended license.
In a statement today, Lara also indicated she will not step down:
We are all accountable for our actions, and I am no different, which is why I offer my sincerest apologies to everyone, especially the people of District 6. As an elected official, I've worked hard to center the dignity and humanity of my constituent. Today, I ask you to also see mine as I work to correct my mistake.
As your City Councilor, I will continue to steward our collective vision at City Hall and work hard to earn and maintain your trust. The grace you've shown me is a testament to the strength of our beloved community, and I intend to continue earning it.
Lara also thanked family, friends and neighbors who helped her and her son Zaire - who required several stitches and whom police say was not properly fastened in a child seat - as they recovered.
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Everything was wrong.
By what what now?
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 12:58pm
She was driving with a revoked license, expired inspection, no registration, likely not insured and having her child improperly seated resulting in minor (and depending on another type of collision, could've been much worse) injury requiring stitches.
She needs to be held accountable for all of those infractions.
I say that as a Boston liberal democrat.
By Friartuck
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 3:12pm
She messed up, we all have ... but wtf is she doing bringing all this religious connotation into it? Good gawd... grace... testament? Just own it girl.
Which year?
By Kaz
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 3:31pm
Which year of driving without a license were you referring to when you say "she messed up"?
Not for nothing..
By Friartuck
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 4:47pm
Bit shouldn't oppo research have divulged that?
By Waquiot
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 5:11pm
Mary Tamer was too nice of a person to do oppo research?
By Bostoneer
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 5:36pm
Tamer ran a racist campaign attacking the other candidate with quite audible “dog whistles†that is clearly not the reason.
Too nice for oppo
By Ari O
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 6:44pm
Still amazed Dempsey didn’t find out that Dizoglio spent time praying away the gay.
By Ari O
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 6:46pm
Can the gnomes and their hammers give the ability to delete a comment, Adam?
Messed Up??
By Sources Say
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 6:22pm
She didn't mess up. She knowingly got behind the wheel of a car while her license had been revoked. She makes no mention or claims of not knowing her license was revoked because she was well aware that it was. She knew exactly what she was doing and did not care that she was breaking the law. She also did not care that her kid was not properly seated in the car. She needs to do more than own it. She needs to resign.
Passive voice
By Anony-mouse
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:21pm
My English teachers always taught that passive voice is poor writing.
Specifically because it avoids attributing responsibility. The thing she claims to want to do.
“In formal discourse, the passive voice is unacceptable if it is being used to avoid saying who did some thing. There are two instances when this typically happens. The first involves an attempt to avoid first or second person. The second derives from a lack of knowledge or research.â€
Where are you seeing the passive voice?
By U-Hub-Fan
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:09pm
What passive voice?
By SamWack
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 7:50am
I've reread the article, and can't find a single use of the passive voice, either in Lara's statement or in Adam's text.
Right in the first sentence
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 8:46am
Right in the first sentence “…Zaire and I were involved in a car accident.â€
By SamWack
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 6:35pm
I am ground down by necessity; somewhat reluctantly I will concede that that is in the passive voice. I will now go after your English teacher. The usual transformation of that clause into the active voice yields "A car accident involved Zaire and me." Is that less evasive, or more direct, than the original?
I must stand up for the honor of the passive voice. Should "his hands were drenched with blood" be replaced with "blood drenched his hands"? If I read that, I would think that the writer was overly influenced by his English teacher. By the way, that last clause was in the passive voice. Your English teacher would prefer "the writer's English teacher overly influenced him". Do you remember the phrase "Now we are engaged in a great civil war"? Would this be better rendered "Now a great civil war engages us"? Maybe English teachers in Kentucky in those days hadn't learned the evils of the passive voice.
Personally, I think that a great many things are better expressed in the passive voice, but what do I know? I am lost to this world.
Active Voice: "I crashed a car while driving with a revoked..."
By peter
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 10:48pm
Or maybe "I crashed a car into a house while driving my child Zaire. I have no insurance, and my license was revoked because ..."
Your second sentence, "my license was revoked..."
By HenryAlan 2.0
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 10:49am
is in the passive voice. While I agree that the passive voice can be used to avoid taking responsibility for actions, it is often just how we say things. The fact that you tried to provide an example of how she could have spoken more actively presented a passive statement just shows the extent to which this is a silly point of critique.
It’s not the passive voice
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 07/10/2023 - 8:13am
It’s not the passive vioice per se that’s the issue; it’s the use of the passive voice in the exonerative context.
By Sock_Puppet
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:24pm
She offers her "sincerest apologies" because she's accountable?
That's not taking responsibility for almost a decade of illegal behavior, that's easy, fluffy words because she finally got busted. It's not even a full apology, but a nothingburger apology, without the meat in the middle. What's she going to do for restitution? What's she going to change in her behavior? She skips right from regret to forgiveness, do not pass remediation or restitution.
We'll see if there's some accountability on June 19th. Maybe she can "center the dignity and humanity" of everybody else on the road in her hearing with more than a facile press release... but it sure looks like she'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming (about trust and grace, naturally) to it.
By emac
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:35pm
Something about this Counselor really gets you, huh sock puppet? Taking a lotta time out of your busy schedule to cry all over UHub about Counselor Lara. What is it about women of color in power that get sock puppets here and on Twitter so worked up?
No, the letter writer just
By John
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:37pm
No, the letter writer just does not like hypocrites and fakes. Their letter was very well written, and you did not address a single point they made.
Nice card
By Sock_Puppet
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:42pm
Always great to start with the race card, emac. You got any others in your deck?
By Ari O
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 9:09am
Somehow Ruthzee Louijeune, Julia Mejia, Gabriela Coletta and Tania Fernandes Anderson all manage to serve on the Council without endangering the public.
And while they don't serve on the Council any more, Sen Lydia Edwards, Rep Ayanna Pressley, AG Andrea Campbell, former Mayor Kim Janey and Mayor Michelle Wu all manage to not drive unlicensed, unregistered cars into houses.
This is not a mess-up. This is almost entirely within her control. It's possible she borrowed a car from someone which had a lapsed registration. But she hasn't had a license for a decade? Does she ride a bike and take the T everywhere?
I didn't see Sock Puppet
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:05pm
I didn't see Sock Puppet write anything negative about Julia Mejia, Ruthzee Louijeune, Tania Fernandes Anderson, or Mayor Wu. Is it possible the objection is to this individual's behavior, and not her demographics?
Not speaking for Sock
By Kaz
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:13pm
But, for me, if we found out 5-Car Flaherty doesn't have insurance or registration on any one of his cars or a valid license to drive them, then I'd expect him to leave in disgrace too....and he doesn't even need to cause a crash with a young kid not in a proper, legal car seat for me to feel that way.
Hell, maybe Lara's crash got him wondering if anyone's going to start asking about the lack of plates on Car #4 or something which is why he's leaving...who knows? But if it is, then he's doing the right thing by stepping down ahead of being found out.
I speak for the Socks
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 9:09am
I wouldn't have thought any more or less of a city councilor who broke the law daily for a decade, and then tried to avoid responsibility for his or her actions, and who was of any different national origin or ethnicity. If it were a person who had grown up with all the advantage of wealth and privilege - which it appears Lara did not - then I would probably think less of that person.
Having a temporary lapse in something - inspection sticker, insurance, even license - is understandable, if disreputable. Doing it for a decade is shameless.
I would like our city councilors not to be shameless.
Even if Lara got a license at
By anon_wd
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:55pm
Even if Lara got a license at this point- it'd be suspended another 60 days for this offense
Driving around for 9 years sans license/ insurance is more than the "oops" offense her and her supporters want to make this out to be
By robo
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 4:02pm
Seriously?! All you’re focusing on is race and not the other six laws that were broken including child endangerment. I’d say you’re the real racist here.
You might be onto something here
By spin_o_rama
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 4:55pm
I think any driver that does this should lose their ability to re-apply for a drivers license for at least several years. And once back licensed, they should face a probationary zero tolerance period, mess up, back on the license suspension.
Of course, that all assumes that BPD does any amount of serious traffic enforcement (Hint: they don't!) that would've addressed reckless, unlicensed driving like this.
Man, imagine if we licensed cyclists too? Look how good it worked here!
Always going to be bad apples, spin
By robo
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 11:28pm
Or are you suggesting we should remove licensing, registration, inspection, and restraint laws for vehicles?
Do I smell a straw?
By spin_o_rama
Mon, 07/10/2023 - 1:05pm
I'm suggesting not licensing cyclists (keep those laws though!)
Keep the current setup of licensing/registration/inspection/laws for motorists.
Hold BPD accountable for ignoring traffic enforcement, I find it hard to believe that Councilor Lara drove without a license for several years with this crash being the first instance of reckless driving.
You want to expand the bureaucratic state to include 4 year olds registering and insuring their push bikes. Little strange since you strike me as a limited government fan, I might be wrong though.
By Sources Say
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 6:27pm
Her license was revoked. It wasn't like she never had one and can just go to the RMV to get one. The RMV took it away from her and hopefully they won't give it back to her any time soon. She had no business driving that car that day.
By John
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:35pm
She should step down. Actions have consequences. They also show who a person is. She is not fit to be in office.
How could a City Councilor
By cden4
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:39pm
How could a City Councilor EVER think it is under any circumstances OK to be operating an unregistered and uninsured car?
This part I have less of a problem with
By Kaz
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:25pm
It wasn't her car.
The other day I drove my friends to the airport in their car and then drove it back to their house. I didn't check the sticker on the plates...or the inspection sticker...or ask them whether it's fully insured before I got behind the wheel. Who does that? If I noticed any of that, I might say something to them...and I might stay on them about it if a new sticker doesn't appear in due time, etc. But nobody goes all "license and registration, please" when using a friend's car especially if you have your own insurance.
Of course, we know she probably didn't have her own insurance either since she didn't even have a valid license. And since she's willing to shirk that law, even if she knew it was uninsured and unregistered, I think we have enough reason to suspect she didn't care.
But if I could find myself in the same situation even for different reasons, I can't exactly condemn someone for that in my view.
This isn’t just some friend
By anon
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:53pm
Also, nice job overlooking the suspended drivers license.
Honestly why make excuses for someone in power.
By BostonDog
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 3:12pm
I would assume if someone lent me a car or asked to borrow mine, both parties would be licensed and legal to drive.
But no way am I going to be a passenger in a car of someone who lost their license and I'm sure as hell not going to loan a car to someone in that spot.
The fact she lost her license and skipped court appearances is probably the biggest violation in my book.
The fact her friend had an unregistered car is a separate, serious problem.
Unregistered uninsured car on the road
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 11:04pm
Having an unregistered car isn't an issue if it is just sitting in your private driveway/garage and not being loaned out to unlicensed drivers.
It's a zoning violation
By BostonDog
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 6:36am
In many MA cities (Medford certainly, probably Boston) it's against zoning code to leave an unregistered car exposed on private property in an area zoned for residential housing. The owner of that lot risks getting a fine.
Of course, that's vastly preferable to loaning that car to someone who's had their license revoked.
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 6:29pm
I've never heard of that existing in Medford - or being enforced outside of, say, Andover where they obsess over it.
Never was an issue for Medford that we had a "seasonal" car for a while, or when we had cars that we had taken off the road pending donation. I know several people who kept an old car on their driveway without plates for their college students to use during the summer.
It is a violation to keep one on the street, certainly. But even then it is tough to do anything about it unless it is clearly abandoned. See also "the Man Cave Jeep of Boston Avenue".
I wouldn't expect you to memorize the municipal code
By BostonDog
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 7:30pm
It's Sec. 38-35 of Medford municipal code. Here's a link to that section. Look at subsection (b):
I know this because I sometimes read the Medford code violations and people get formally reported from time to time.
The inspectors don't go around town looking for violations like this but if they get a report for someone will visit the address.
I remember that Boston Ave jeep well. It would move around from time to time, at least moving a few feet.
I say this with a perfectly
By Matt Frank
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 10:23pm
I say this with a perfectly straight face ... One of my favorite things about reading Universal Hub is the minutia of things like little unknown Medford municipal codes.
Taking responsibility
By W.C. Plains
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 1:39pm
How is it "accountability" if one is not subject to any concrete consequences for one's actions? The only responsible thing to do is to resign. But that would never happen of course because Lara would subsequently find herself flat broke given her lack of qualifications for any kind of employment outside the 5th floor of City Hall. Her resume prior to her election points to that being the likely outcome for her. So she apologizes and holds on for dear life. Not unlike her best buddy, Ricardo Arroyo. Of course she'll be given a pass by the good people of JP given the fact she "centers" equity, blah blah blah
Needs to resign?
By what what now?
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:36pm
As someone who posted earlier on this story that she needs to face consequences for her multiple infractions, I wouldn't say that it includes needing to resign from an elected position.
Any consequences that be handed down upon any private citizen wouldn't make it that the person should be made to quit his/her job, would it?
You're bringing politics into it.
I don't like anything about what she did in this story but that doesn't mean she's not capable of her job.
Remaining in office with that
By anon
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:01pm
Remaining in office with that slew of violations? No calls for resignation? What would the rhetoric be if Erin Murphy did this?
This is known as black privilege.
Weighing in
By Mark-
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:03pm
This statement is about 10% “sorry†and 90% “I’m not going anywhere.â€
By thomas mccusker
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 3:07pm
Most of our elected representatives prove through their actions that they believe that they are not bound by the same by the same rules that the rest of us live under.
Let's hope she's not driving anywhere..
By Friartuck
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 3:14pm
By Terrapin
Sun, 07/09/2023 - 3:36pm
100% of the "I'm not going anywhere" is actually "Don't even think of either filing papers to challenge me or supporting someone who does because you will be one very sorry sonofabitch"!
Ok, there could be 1% of "My city, my rules. They are for thee and not for me."
I'm mystified as to how someone can be
By U-Hub-Fan
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:12pm
put together well enough to become a city councilor, yet an entirely dysfunctional mess otherwise.
Of course this isn't limited to city councils. Aliens would probably think insanity was our most important perquisite for any elected office in our society.
The headline is misleading -
By anon
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 2:38pm
The headline is misleading - she asked for forgiveness, but never mentioned that she was driving without a license in an unregistered, uninspected vehicle.
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