By adamg on Tue., 11/5/2024 - 10:31 pm
WCVB is tracking the numbers for the five statewide ballot questions.
The Boston Election Department has numbers for Boston-specific numbers for both ballot questions and elected offices.
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What is the point of tracking
By Zhu Hengpeng
Tue, 11/05/2024 - 10:35pm
What is the point of tracking Boston specific numbers and isn't there a better way to devote their energy?
In Massachusetts
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 12:09pm
The municipalities are charged with running the elections and tabulating the results.
I'm kind of glad that the City of Boston is releasing results. And glad that Adam is sharing a link the results.
Trump's win
By BostonDog
Tue, 11/05/2024 - 10:55pm
Is going to be really, really hard on Boston. The cuts to higher education and research funding are going to be devastating.
The social changes will be just as bad, of course, but the changes to the city as a result of this election will be profound.
You're calling it for him?
By perruptor
Tue, 11/05/2024 - 11:09pm
Kind of presumptuous, no?
Both P.M. Netanyahu and Jon
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 12:25pm
Both P.M. Netanyahu and Jon Stewart called it with the firing of D.C. Gallant and Stewart’s impassioned closing. The writing was on the wall.
This loss, all these losses are squarely on the shoulders of DNC pandering to the impatience of “progressives.â€
By lbb
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:39am
Even coming from you, that's one armchair-quarterbacking hot take and then some.
I’ve been saying this and
By Frelmont
Sun, 11/10/2024 - 10:39am
I’ve been saying this and writing letters for years that the DNC has no clothes.
By Oxenfree
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:12am
Welp, we can say goodbye to any hope of federal funding to help the T off the fiscal cliff...
I think
By cybah
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:30am
I think its safe to say that we can say goodbye for the fed to help with anything that actually helps people. Soon to be Moron in Chief will make sure the only thing that happens at the Fed level is enriching himself, his family, and his friends.
I weep for what's to come. I fear what's going to happen in my neighborhood when the gaspacho starts to 'round up the illegals'. Can't wait for obnoxious high tariffs that will make today's 'inflation' seem like nothing. Can't wait for women to become property again and have less rights. Can't wait to be gay bashed on a daily basis because the Moron in Chief has set a tone that its OK to do this. Can't wait for Dirty Dancing style abortions to be done in back alleys across the country. Can't wait for people to be dying in the streets because the ACA went away and healthcare becomes too expensive for anyone except the rich.
And finally can't wait for Civil War or WWIII .. because this is where we're going.
Sorry to be a debbie downer. But its the g-d truth.
Agree with all but Civil War II
By BostonDog
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:47am
The people out of power aren't going to violently fight back and America is going to be isolated and ignored as wars happen elsewhere. (I wouldn't want to be in Tawian or near Russia.)
The foreseeable future is the US mirroring some Latin American countries in having a populist, strongman leader who enriches themselves and their friends as the economic conditions worsen for most.
We’re already losing WWIII by
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 1:43pm
We’re already losing WWIII by denying Ukraine proper offensive weapons and forgetting Clausewitz in the Iranian axis as well. Trump calls the Democrats warmongers yet we Democrats are only warmongers in the sense that our weakness has invited aggression. I hope Trump doesn’t trade democracy, Ukraine, European integrity, global security to gain a few more hotels in Moscow and elsewhere. And, if we don’t restore Crimea and other invaded lands to Ukraine we invite the breaking of the nuclear taboo by Russia and China likely via North Korean soldiers.
By cybah
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 1:51pm
Unfortunately, Trump is a narcissist, and only cares about himself and what he can benefit from it. Being president is secondary to him enriching himself and of course, keeping himself out of jain.
This is all for his own personal gain. It has nothing to do actually wanting to be president.
Good News!
By BostonDog
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 3:20pm
He intends to turn most of the governing over to his pals Musk, Vance, RFK Jr, etc.
a joke
By cybah
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 3:52pm
a picture of RFK, Trump, and Elon made me think of this.
A man with brainworms, A man with dementia, and A man high on ketamine walk into the white house together..
Think about that for a second. Then be very scared. Very very scared.
And there was no NBA
By Chris77
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 10:02am
And there was no NBA basketball last night! How'd that work out?
We had MAC-tion though
By Hardy Har Har
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 10:51am
Miami (OH) vs Ball State and CMU-Bowling Green
Trivia - Miami (OH) is one of a few schools to have an alumnus as a US president and a Super Bowl winning QB.
Nice to see my friend Steve Murphy coasting to reelection
By deselby
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 5:00am
only election that matters
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:24am
We shoulda had an actual freaking Democratic Convention with that democratic process with, um, oh, yeah VOTES! But, Kamala was a Senator! You know who else was a Senator? A dweeb like Josh Hawley. Just because someone has provincial career growth doesn’t make them Presidential!
In spite of Trump Republicans had a responsibility to keep power divided in a two-party system by voting for him and if the leaders in my Democratic Party coulda dialed down the greed and avarice they would have chosen a caretaker candidate that that wouldnta spooked Republicans who wanted an option for the top of the ballot.
Oh just stop.
By lbb
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:44am
The last thing anyone needs now is "shoulda coulda woulda" hot takes. What did YOU do?
I hear ya. No recriminations. The DNC has become
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 10:06am
I hear ya. No recriminations. The DNC has become too jealous of its power. It’s become a PR firm, an ad agency, and every celebrity endorsement aping it up for a candidate anointed only by celebritification is a salient signal that the party is not the party of the people.
Now is not the time for worry, now is the time for honesty and to keep our spirits lifted.
I tried to warn my Party for
By Frelmont
Sun, 11/10/2024 - 10:50am
I tried to warn my Party for years is what I did. I’m not on social media save for UH, but there’s a lot of people one can write to. I was and am interested on changing the Party and not getting out the vote for an organization that lost the plot.
By Pete X
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:50am
Instead of whatever you think this unreadable claptrap justifies, maybe you should be mad that people voted for a cartoonishly evil clown who has promised to institute mass deportation camps of everyone he doesn't like? Me, I'd start there.
By perruptor
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 12:00pm
I confess, I managed to overestimate the electorate's intelligence yet again. Now, thanks to those millions of incredibly stupid fucks, we're about to enter the age of assholes ascendant. It's not going to be just that MA gets punished by withholding Fed funds; we're going to see bad behavior of all sorts, in all areas of life, because that's what Trump embodies and encourages.
Thanks a lot, republican voters. Fuck you very much.
And, the very real peril if
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 12:31pm
And, the very real peril if Trump posts unqualified lackeys in key defense positions…and any position which degrades our institutions degrades our defense. The DNC sees America through “Hollywood's†glasses so to speak. The DNC was speaking only to a sliver of the electorate.
"The DNC"
By Pete X
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 12:40pm
You don't know what the f*ck you're talking about, troll. The way things went down, Harris was the best candidate in a tough situation and ran a solid, center-left campaign. Not too different in policy but much more deft than, say, Biden was in 2020.
Blame the people who voted for the openly racist fascist and his billionaire backers and toadies in the press, not "Hollywood".
By Zhu Hengpeng
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 1:00pm
You’re right about the
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 1:28pm
You’re right about the degenerate corporate “press.†I say degenerate, because the popular press as an institution has been brought low by corporatization.
Harris was an empty suit, a provincial whose credentials, whose short, common, unremarkable career path was wildly over-burnished. The DNC is breathtakingly out of touch. Biden et al. fck’d all of us out of choosing a competent candidate at the Convention. The DNC chose to represent the putatively socialist progressive movement and America spoke. I agree with all the aims of my Democratic Party, but not in the wayward program of enuring the masses to the anti-democratic and anti-liberal means we are employing.
Language bot garbage
By Pete X
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 1:45pm
Again, i beg you to put down the AI apps down. What you say makes little sense.
Harris was the sitting VP and when Biden stepped down after the debate, she was the only logical choice. Bernie Sanders backed her enthusiastically, do you think he has sway in the DNC? They hate him. Lynne fucking Cheney backed her, do you think she is a progressive?
Harris is a woman of color who worked her way from local prosecutor to senator to VP. Saying she's some king of "empty suit" is, frankly, racist BS on par with the republicans who call any person of color a "DEI" hire. Anyone who watched her questioning of Kavanaugh during his supreme court hearings or her complete and utter pantsing of Trump in the debate knows that.
Oh, and you don't even make sense about the press: the remaining newspapers of incluence are run by wealthy individuals or families, and Fox News hasn't been brought low by "corporatization" it is essentially run by the Murdoch family. The Sinclair group is run by right wing ideologues. Twitter, where many still get their news, was bought by an insane, right wing ketamine addict with historical ties to apartheid.
An episode of righteous, feel
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 2:06pm
An episode of righteous, feel-good grandstanding against Kavanaugh is hardly sufficient.
It’s not racism, or misogyny, it’s all about the dangerous lack of substance and inability for Harris to “hold court†with the American people.
We had zero choice but to get behind Harris and of course good people endorsed her, including Republicans.
This is the only social media app I am on and I don’t follow whatchyer saying about “language bot†and “put down the AI apps.†I seek my info like from newspapers and journals, books and not by “doing my own research†on the untamed areas of the internet.
Harris the person was not Presidential. She may have been a competent President, but she most demonstrably was a catastrophic choice.
We Dems need to get past crying foul and hold leadership to account.
My concern is...
By Don't Panic
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 11:41pm
My concern is the mass deportation policy. Are American citizens going to be required to show papers when questioned by the Police or representatives of whatever new agency the President-Elect forms to enforce his #1 campaign pledge?
My problem is that although I am Boston bred through and through, was born in the old Red Feather clinic on Harrison avenue and schooled in the good old "Irish-Catholic" way (Emmanuel House, St. Joseph's School, and Boston College High School). I'm an African-American who is light skinned and have sported a Luis Tiant mustache since I could grow one. Frankly I look Spanish. I don't want to have to show "papers". I'm an American dammit.
He already has ICE
By perruptor
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 12:09am
And once he's turned all civil-service jobs into political appointments, they will do whatever he wants. They already detain American citizens.
Yes that really sucks
By Pete X
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 8:44am
But Frelmont wants you to blame the "DNC", not the people who openly voted for this policy.
There’s a crapload of blame
By Frelmont
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:09am
There’s a crapload of blame to go around. I hold my DNC to a higher standard. People in my Party are messaging that the loss is “unfathomable†“unimaginable†and well that’s an unfortunate bit of leadership (non/bad leadership) to offer up an unthinking abyss of despair instead of a constructive amount of hope and an honest amount of context and introspection to build on. That’s part of the problem. Underneath all the layers of bullshit from both Parties are the age old essences and arguments of political thought and neither party is educating their base and the masses on the eternal ideas of the respective opposite Party. I’m a Democrat, first because I was born into a Democrat, union organizing family, and second, because as I live and learn I choose to be aligned with the values and ideas of my Party while holding that I don’t have the wisdom to dismiss virtues, the theories, ideas and values of conservative, Republican, or other thoughts. Yes, the contest of ideas can be as important, more important than a final state, than a victorious ideology.
Biden: No half staff for American Jews post 10/7
By Frelmont
Sun, 11/10/2024 - 2:51pm
I knew the pathologies in the DNC ran deep, but I didn’t appreciate just how morally bankrupt and corrupt the “leadersâ€/owners of the Party were until first days after 10/7 when the leader of our country didn’t lower the flags to half-staff for Americans murdered by the Hamas terrorist/Iranian military wing. This appeasement of and pandering to Hamas sympathizers by my Democratic Party gave aid and comfort to our enemies.
Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe the flag should only be lowered to half-staff for honorable Constitutional office holders: President, Supreme Court Justices…, for national holidays, but as soon as we start lowering it for political reasons, for activism, we degrade the flag as a symbol of National unity, but given that the current norm for the President is to lower the flag when as few as two, or three everyday people die in gun violence, but not when fifty three American Jews die in an act of terroristic and, or military invasion?!
Speaking as an "American Jew"
By Pete X
Sun, 11/10/2024 - 6:16pm
STFU, you obvious shill. You just keep inventing things about "your" democratic party to dislike. No one believes you.
Telling Comment There
By Pete X
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:11am
Can you explain why she was not "presidential" and the doddering old man she clearly outclassed, who called her stupid and worse and raged about people eating cats and dogs was presidential?
No one is crying foul here, what we're doing is calling out the people who voted for the fascist instead of a moderate, mainstream democrat. Strategy is for the future, but its certainly not going to be informed by chatbots like you blathering on about "celebritization"
By lbb
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:44am
Everything you have written reeks of misogynoir. I don't have to meet you to know what "Presidential" is in your mind: straight, white, male, tall, conventional, telegenic, with good teeth. A fucking empty suit is "Presidential" to you if it's white and male.
What about the 6th surprise
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:34am
What about the 6th surprise question?
How many voters were prepared to make a reasoned, educated vote on socializing Ma healthcare? How did it get on the ballot? How can that be legal and democratic?
By lbb
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:45am
There were five questions on the ballot statewide. You can't "socialize Ma healthcare" with a local initiative question.
I get the confusion
By butternugz
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:11am
I had the same question 6 about "should the state vote on universal healthcare" down in Randolph, and was very surprised to see it there having heard nothing about it prior to receiving my ballot.
I looked it up while I was voting (mail-in) and Mass-Care is a movement to get universal single-payer healthcare on a statewide ballot, so basically just a glorified petition.
That was an advisory question
By Ron Newman
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 9:53am
not binding, and whether you had it on your ballot depended on whether people in your state legislative district gathered enough signatures to put it there.
Other cities and towns had other extra questions which were binding. In Somerville, for instance, we voted for a Question 6 that increases the Community Preservation Act property tax surcharge.
By Frelmont
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 10:12am
Thanks! I wondered as much.
A great advisory question for my town a year ago would have been to gauge how we feel about the MBTA Communities Diktat, specifically the recent dead of night changes. I’m not opposed to the notion of building, only that one antidemocratic process will lead to more antidemocratic acts.
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