Every election, campaign signs get torn down or defaced.
Doug Bennett, running for Suffolk County Sheriff - in the 2014 elections - has taken out a criminal complaint alleging one of his opponents, acting Sheriff Steven Tompkins, actively removed Bennett signs from stores in Egleston Square last week, by pulling out his badge and warning them they would get on Tompkins' bad side. He also says Tompkins called him a "punk ass bitch" at a City Council hearing last month.
A Roxbury District Court magistrate will decide Sept. 10 whether there's any merit to Bennett's allegations.
Meanwhile, in a more immediate election, Stand for Children says it will not buy any ads for John Connolly:
We respect John Connolly's request that we not advertise on his behalf. We remain excited about his candidacy and his enthusiastic support for better schools in Boston. We will focus all of our energy during this preliminary campaign on the issues that our central to our mission.
Boston Truth, which held its first organizing session on Wednesday, promises to be the anti-pro-charter group and fight for public schools and against lifting the cap on charter schools in Boston.
Marty Walsh wagged his finger at Rob Consalvo's "Boston pledge" against outside spending on the race, and got a dig in against Connolly:
That was a great bit of political theater this morning. I'm still a little bit confused about where John Connolly stands, but I know this: he was right this morning when he said that the pledge was nothing more than a political gimmick. Unlike John Connolly, I felt that way this morning and I haven’t changed my mind.
A Connolly aide denied a claim the campaign was buying Twitter followers from a stupid spammer:
We were puzzled when they suddenly appeared and even more puzzled when they disappeared. We did not pay for any Twitter followers.
Chris Lovett talks to John Barros about affordable housing, jobs for Bostonians and funding charter schools.
Charlotte Golar Richie is alarmed by violence against women, wants more police on the streets, especially where women are being attacked and says renaming the Boston Police Academy the Boston Community Police Training Academy would be a key step. She adds:
Police could strengthen community policing by building on technology and adding others, such as the use of state of the art technologies and equipment like Bullet Trax, and DNA tracking systems, as well as Google Maps, Facebook, and Twitter.
Consalvo wants our crosswalks to light up.
The Dorchester Reporter expresses the hope the new mayor will get the BRA to stop dividing Dorchester by outmoded white/black "north" and "south" designations.
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Cambridge Candidates http://rwinters.com
By theszak
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:23am
Candidates. November 5, 2013 Municipal Election. Cambridge City Council, School Committee
Request November 5th Cambridge Candidates addresses for email
We should file a criminal complain against
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:13am
Doug Bennet for harassment. This guy needs to disappear, preferably out of the country but the Cape will do!
back in the day...
By bostnkid
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:13am
some of the older "well established" candidates (mostly incumbants, ahem, dapper, raybo, m.roache, j. kelly etc.) they would reward the local youts with cold suicases filled with budweiser when signs dissappeared from highly coveted spots and were replaced by said pols signs. none of this crybaby doug bennet stuff. if they wanted to put there sign back up there? more beer for me and the bowery boys.
You gotta write a book someday
By merlinmurph
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 12:14pm
Thank goodness for Walsh the
By TheVanJones
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:13am
Thank goodness for Walsh the oodles of union money he is receiving is only from Boston residents.
Tompkins called him a "punk ass bitch"
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:16am
Tompkins has my vote. Well said sir!
If the allegations against
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:26am
If the allegations against Sheriff Steven Tompkins are true they constitute such an abuse of office that nothing less than his termination would seem appropriate.
Thanks for your input!
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:56am
Dougie! Trolling anonymously again? Did you give up the "Roslindale Ronnie" alias that you use in the Herald? Oh....and wait for it...wait for it....3 upvotes in mere seconds after the post! Yup, that's Dougie for you!
I upvoted it
By BostonUrbEx
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 12:09pm
because whether it is Doug or not, the statement remains true, regardless of your agenda. Get over it.
Yes, because Doug has shown himself so many times
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 12:21pm
to be the voice of truth and reason. And in your eyes, what might my agenda be? I'm not the one looking to get elected to a job that I'm clearly unqualified for?
Do you really think this is not reasonable?
By BostonUrbEx
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 12:51pm
"IF"... "IF"!!! the allegations are true... then he should be removed from office.
So you're telling me, even if it is proven true somehow, the guy should not be removed? Well then, if you aren't blinded by your agenda, then you must find it okay for sheriffs to do whatever they please. But we know that's not the case, because you're downright horrified at the thought of Doug being sheriff. And yes, you have an agenda: character assassination of Doug. But I couldn't care less, since I'm not voting for Doug (nor anyone else) for sheriff. But the fact remains that you fly off the handle when his name comes up.
Read the history
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 1:06pm
I asked the man some simple questions and he falsely accused me of contacting his opponent's campaign manager and harassing him, he also has falsely identified me as Dan Farnkoff not only here, but in the Herald.
So I, as would any reasonable person, take any accusation that this lunatic makes against anyone with suspicion. I'm not some obsessed internet troll who has pictures of this idiot taped to my monitor. I take a few minutes out of my day to respond to anything this self serving idiot has to say and they I go about my own life.
Did I say that the Sheriff should not removed if Bennett's accusations prove to be true? No, I did not. I ask you and anyone else who knows what a psycho Bennett is to give the Sheriff the benefit of the doubt, who I suspect is a little above such gangsta tactics, especially when faced with a weak, unqualified opponent like Bennett.
"He also says Tompkins called
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:33am
"He also says Tompkins called him a 'punk ass bitch' at a City Council hearing last month."
This is the funniest thing I'll read all day.
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:46am
Hasn't it been fully established that Doug is a punk ass bitch? I'm sure that Doug, in his inimitable moronic style, is running to every media outlet he thinks wants to listen to his nonsense to tell his story of his being the victim.
Of course all the Sheriff has to do is bring the reams of evidence of Doug's psychotic behavior on the internet alone and I'm sure the Magistrate will have a funny story to tell at lunch that day.
And if anyone from the Sheriff's office is reading, send me a PM! I can tell you about being a victim of Doug's paranoia and general nonsense! Heck, I'd even take the day off to testify to it!
Post your sample Specimen Ballot on the web!
By theszak
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 9:52am
How to update the way Elections are conducted... Contact the City of Boston Election Commission and ask that the sample Specimen Ballots be made available on request by email. Layout of Ballots often surprise voters. A look at the layout of your sample Specimen Ballot before arriving at the poll is an opportunity to see if there are any names or offices you didn't already know were on the Ballot.
Vandalism and thuggery is permitted
By Dan Farnkoff
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:00am
as long as it's directed at somebody we don't like.
"Signs are destroyed every year"- does that make it okay, a cute local quirk like beating up the Irish on "whacking day"?
No, it's not cute
By adamg
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:07am
It's an observation, coupled with the fact that criminal complaints are rarely involved.
Hard to believe that you in particular are offering
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:12am
this comment when Doug has identified me as you by name not only here but in the Boston Herald comments section also. Yes, the public has a right to be concerned if a public official is engaged in thuggery, but given Doug's extremely moronic and outright psychotic behavior, I'm wiling to give the Sheriff the benefit of the doubt.
Remember, Doug is a real estate broker who probably makes about 25-30k a year, he really wants that 125k a year do nothing job and I'm convinced he'll do anything to get it.
Swiping a sign that's on the
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:14am
Swiping a sign that's on the side of a road is quite different than an actual candidate using his office to intimidate shop owners into removing signs of rival candidates. It's incredible to me that some people here think this is harmless "boys will be boys" stuff.
Don't forget this gem
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:04am
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:26am
Try cutting down the trees on the sidewalks so the branches doesn't take the light away from the street lights. Then maybe the sidewalks will light up and it won't be so dark on these streets at night. What an idiot!
Instead of cutting down the
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:46am
Instead of cutting down the trees and leaving us with a broiling hot shadeless concrete and asphalt street-scape, how about someone prune the offending branches?
Dougie should get hauled into
By Port Norfolk
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:36am
Dougie should get hauled into court for desecrating our highways and byways with his DIY green plywood signs— which look like they were spray-painted by a drunken 7th grader. Shame on the property owners for letting Bennett junk up our neighborhood.
Corner of Neponset and Victory
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 12:52pm
Dougie doesn't usually get the property owners permission. He just sticks his signs everywhere. The sign at the above address deserves to be torn down. Hopefully Tomkins people can get over there soon, remove it, and deposit it in a certain address on Pope's Hill.
I often see Bennett signs in
By cscott
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 12:59pm
I often see Bennett signs in the windows of bodegas and other small Washington St shops. Does his message really resonate with these guys, maybe it's the personal touch. On the other hand, he has a long history of slapping stickers all over city property and in one election he had a guy out seeding Morton Ave with unrequested signs. I will also vouch for him being a dick and a troll - no joke he one time posted my name, age and address in a comment here because I dared to call him out.
Let's pretend this was the 5th Congressional race.
By anon
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 2:05pm
What would people be saying if Middlesex County Sheriff Koutoujian pulled out his badge and got a shop owner to remove a Karen Spilka sign?
Maps. Boston City Council Districts, Wards. Precincts.
By theszak
Sat, 08/24/2013 - 2:41am
Map of Boston City Council Districts
Map of Boston Wards and Precincts
Your favorite Ward and Precinct at
(VIDEO) Tompkins pulls badge/intimidates Hyde Park Store Owner
By Douglas Bennett
Wed, 09/04/2013 - 10:21am
To Watch, Click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZszLm-CCmio&feature=player_detailpage
Tompkins is scheduled to face a Criminal Magistrate in BMC Roxbury District Court on 85 Warren Street on September 10, 2013 at 9AM for Theft and Destruction of Property.
Wow.....what's next, moron? Push polls?
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 09/04/2013 - 10:34am
"Hi. I'm Doug Bennett, newly minted Democrat. Now that I don't live in mostly Republican Nantucket, I became a Democrat so that I can bother a whole new class of people with my nonsense. Did Sheriff Tompkins show you his badge and tell you not to vote for him and then tell you there will be trouble if you don't? I think he did so if you agree with me, vote for Doug Bennett for Sheriff, as it's the only hack job that will pay someone as stupid as myself more money than I could ever make in the real world, thank you for your imagined support"
Anyone ever think he bothers these poor shop owners until they get to the point they'll say anything to get Dougie out of their businesses?
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