Video of Touch FM owner Charles Clemons by Doug Bennett.
Judy Wilburn reports she was listening to the unlicensed Dorchester radio station shortly after 11 a.m. when:
Touch 106.1 just went off the air. Announcer said authorities shutting down, equipment taken.
The FCC and owner Charles Clemons have feuded for years over the station. In 2008, the commission ordered Clemons to pay $17,000 for operating without a license.
Especially since the demise of WILD-AM as a locally oriented talk station in 2011, Touch 106 has become a key broadcaster for Boston's black community. Its talk shows frequently host elected officials.
Last year, the FCC shut an unlicensed station in Roslindale that had served Haitians in the Boston area.
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Feeling silly now...
By anonism
Thu, 04/17/2014 - 10:00pm
Mr. Clemons...if you have had
By Lou
Thu, 04/17/2014 - 9:40pm
Mr. Clemons...if you have had "paperwork pending" for a license....could you please provide a copy of that to the public? Also, for EIGHT YEARS you have had this 'paperwork pending'? Also, Rosa Parks was not a commercial enterprise that sold advertisement. Please do not wrap yourself in some kind of glory by associating yourself with Rosa Parks...simply because you wanted to operate a radio station. (What would happen if we ALL wanted to ignore the rules and all wanted our own radio station?) There as just an open window for applying for a legal LPFM license...and we noticed you never even bothered to apply for one. Please don't wrap yourself in some kind of "cause". 
Thu, 04/17/2014 - 11:19pm
Temporarily taken off the airwaves but not the internet TOUCH 106.1 FM is STREAMING LIVE at www.touchfm.org
Download our TOUCHFM AP
Clemons thinks laws dont apply to him because ...Rosa Parks?
By anon
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 9:31am
Come on Charlie, comparing yourself to Rosa Parks is a load of crap.
Check out this article from 2013. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/07/31/run-fo...
Clemons is a shady unethical operator who just refuses to play by the rules. Not just operating without a license, but using his station for unethical campaigning, and posing as a "non-profit".
He thought he was untouchable because he got away with it for years and because the politicians have been kissing his behind for years.
Watch the video if you want a large dose of b.s.
By anon
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 11:05am
Clemons is full of himself. What a con man.
He says, among other things,
"I'm laying my life on the line"
"I'll go to jail for my community"
"I'll die for my community"
"You know what you are doing is right when the forces of evil come against yo
Clemons the role model
By anon
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 11:18am
Acoording to this article from the Globe "Clemons’s record is packed with financial and legal troubles"
-failed to pay child support numerous times
-has had his drivers liscense suspended numerous times
-has not paid taxed numerous times
-and he is a proud member of the Nation of Islam, a vicious anti Jewish, anti gay, anti white hate group.
Paging Reverend Rivers....
By moxie
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 1:45pm
Clearly, what this station and it's owner needed was a "consultant" with the consummate skills of Eugene Rivers and his crew--I mean, consulting firm. For advocacy purposes, of course....
I just called the militia
By Kaz
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 2:01pm
I just called the armed militia and told them it was too late to do anything. They were halfway here from Nevada after helping keep Mr. Bundy's cattle on federally-owned land, but there's no point in coming the rest of the way here now.
OR...they weren't actually coming because there was more to their involvement in Nevada than the seizure of illegal property and unpaid fines and standing up to the "unilateral actions of the federal government". Here, we have the black, urban version of Bundy...and Fox News isn't on the horn blowing for the cavalry to come running. Very telling.
Should have called Code Pink,
By Anon E. Mouse
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 3:42pm
Should have called Code Pink, they're not doing much since January 2009.
Besides, this has been going on for eight years, Bush should have taken care of it, Obama merely inherited the mess.