By Douglas Bennett on Thu., 9/18/2014 - 8:09 am
Dear friends, supporters, and loved ones,
I want to thank you for your hard work over these past 15 months in our effort to win the Sheriff’s race. Although we did not come out on top, we did finish 2nd in the election and I am proud to say that 1 out of every 4 Boston voters wants me to be their Sheriff, the Chief Executive Officer for our County.
What we accomplished on September 9th was amazing! We spent only $8000 and received over 11,000 votes in the City of Boston alone! On the other hand, Steve Tompkins had to spend over a quarter of a million dollars just to keep us from defeating him this time!
This was an incredible feat. If you compare our vote totals to those who ran for Mayor last year in the Mayoral Primary, only Martin Walsh, John Connolly, and Charlotte Golar Richie had more votes than us, and that primary election last year had three times as many voters who participated compared to this year.
Just think about it, last year both former City Councilors Michael Ross and Robert Consalvo spent over $1 million dollars yet only received 6000 votes each for Mayor. Yet this cycle, we spent only $8000 and received almost twice as many votes in our contest for Sheriff. That demonstrates the power of grassroots marketing and organizing and it was all because of your efforts over the past 15 months.
We won three powerful Boston Wards: 6, 7, and my own home Ward 16 of Dorchester. Our electoral strength can be seen all the way from South Boston down to Florian Hall in Dorchester. This show of electoral force by us on September 9th, shows our cynics and critics what they continue to deny and that is how we are a rising political force here in this major American city of Boston.
Every professional politician was against us including Mayor Martin Walsh, City Councilor Frank Baker, State Senator Linda Dorcena Forry, and State Representatives Dan Hunt and Nick Collins, yet their constituents in those areas did not listen to them and instead voted for us!
Even Dorcena Forry’s own newspaper which everyone knows is not a real newspaper but her “political public relations organ†came out against us, yet the voters in her own area chose to support us instead.
Because of our strong showing, we are in a prime position to win a city-wide or county-wide seat in the future!
This is where I need everyone’s help. We have hand painted signs all across Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop. Over the past week, I have been asking all of you my friends to help me collect these signs so we can use them again. If you see a Sheriff Bennett sign near your house or as you drive by, please help me by collecting them on my behalf so we can use them again in the future. We want to save them for the next run.
Please let me know if you can help me with this task. If you pick up signs for me, contact me and I will then come pick them up from you to put them in storage. I can be reached at
Like many great men such as Dapper O'Neil and Steve Murphy who ran for Sheriff, I say to all of you thank you always for your votes and support!
Your friend and public servant always,
Douglas Bennett
Free tagging:
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By Brian Riccio
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 11:32am
So now this idiot is trying to put a bright face on the fact that he lost. That's L-O-S-T. So despite the lies,the slander, the arguing with anyone who dared ask him a question, and the fact that he tried to put one over on voters by claiming to be the Sheriff, little Dougie tries to act like it was no big deal, see you next time.
And Doug, you're unemployed. You took the time to put those childish signs up, you go take them down. Most of us have more important things to do with our lives beside running for offices we'll never get. So who is the punk ass bitch, now?
And once again, even in defeat, Bennett can't help himself from lying to the voters.
"We won three powerful Boston Wards: 6, 7, and my own home Ward 16 of Dorchester."
Not according to the Bay State Banner:
"Tompkins won 21 of the 22 wards in Boston, losing the ultra-conservative, high-turnout Ward 16 in the Neponset/Cedar Grove section of Dorchester to Bennett."
You won one ward, Dougie, your own.
Bay State Banner may have it wrong
By Kaz
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 11:35am
I count him having won Ward 7 as well. Numbers are here:
Thanks, Kaz!
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 11:42am
I had not seen the breakdown by ward.
Mea culpa
By Yawu Miller
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 2:14pm
The Bay State Banner DOES have it wrong! When I added up Ward 7's tally, I left off the 1st precinct, omitting 129 of Bennett's votes. Damn! I will change my story to reflect that Mr. Bennett took wards 16 AND 7. Thanks for the correction.
No problem
By Kaz
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 3:48pm
Thanks for taking the time to let us know about the correction here too!
By anon
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 11:29am
As Doug requests, take down his signs. However I suggest the last thing in the world you want to do is return them to Doug. Do the right thing everyone.
A warehouse full of Bennett signs
By anon
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 11:31am
Now that's a crime scene waiting to happen.
By Kaz
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 11:39am
You came in third (and a distant third garnering only a third of the winner's vote total). You lost to nobody (that quote should have been in this letter of non-reality). As in, you got fewer votes than "Blank Vote" (11,741 vs. 14,688). Also, there were 58,831 votes cast in Boston and you got 11,066 of them. Which is closer to 1 in 5 than 1 in 4. A vote for no one is still an intentional vote not for you and has to be counted in the denominator.
If I compare your election results to the number of nectarines I saw in Whole Foods last night, you got THOUSANDS MORE than that too! The mayoral primary last year had TWELVE candidates (plus blanks and write-ins). You ran against 2 other people (and barely managed to beat one and didn't even beat the blanks). I mean if you're going to compare the two elections so blatantly ignorant of a fair comparison, you might as well state that you got a higher percentage than ALL of them last year! Even a naive normalization of the two elections (you got a third of the winner in your election, and a third of Marty's 21k would be about 7k in this relativistic mayoral primary) puts you behind everyone but Clemons, Walczak, Yancey, Wyatt, and Blanks/Write-ins.
Also, I don't know where you're getting your numbers. Consalvo got 8603 and Ross got 8164. ( 2013 Boston Mayor Primary Results ).
No, you didn't. You won 2 precincts in Ward 6 out of 9 total by a total of 25 votes (in contrast, you lost precinct 1 by 72 votes alone). You won 7 of 10 precincts of Ward 7 and did win Ward 7 overall by 33 votes. You won only half of the 12 precincts in Ward 16, although the margin was enough to win the ward by 86 votes...hardly a ringing endorsement from the "home ward".
Bullshit. You can't extrapolate these results like that because not only was it a single party primary, but turnout was below 20%. You're not even a blip. You're a study in behavioral economics on name recognition from signs/advertising at best.
I don't even have to go through the numbers in detail to know this isn't true for more than the bare face value of "some people voted for us" which is true of every precinct. Even in your worse precinct, you still got 2 votes. Your implicit suggestion though is that you some how defeated her "PR organ"...which is just not true. Even though you won some precincts and even a ward or two that are in 1st Suffolk, you were defeated by a huge margin when taking all of her precincts into account as a whole.
Wrong on both accounts. You have to win an election to be a public servant.
You tried, though. I'll give you that. Your tale should be a cautionary one for the rest of us who would hope that 11,000 votes is not ever enough to be considered more than noise in the system within a city/county with over 600,000 people in it.
Wow Kaz, Sounds like Bennett
By Scoob
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 2:56pm
Wow Kaz, Sounds like Bennett really gets to you. Is there something a bit personal going on here? Unhinged is no way to go through life. Take 10 deep breaths - quickly...
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 4:51pm
I really think you might want to do a little research on Bennett's checkered past on this website alone before you start accusing Kaz of being the one with mental issues. Bennett's got a laundry list of them!
Ignorance is bliss
By anon
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 5:14pm
And ignorance of Doug Bennett is dangerous. Learn about him. It's not difficult.
Don't usually care about him
By Kaz
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 7:44pm
But you don't know me well enough if you think I'd let tripe like what he wrote stand without a response to put things in perspective and introduce the light of reality to his comments. Doesn't matter that it's Doug Bennett, Linehan's pay increase comments, or your usually stupidity.
Oh Kaz, you're so mean and so
By Scoob
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 7:58pm
Oh Kaz, you're so mean and so tough with your keyboard. I'm guessing name calling is your specialty. Doesn't take all that much to keep you unhinged. Try to relax more. A valium might help..
By tape
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 12:49pm
Yeah! That must be why you won the primary! Oh, wait...
As a resident of Ward 16
By anon
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 12:50pm
I apologize for my fellow voters. As I predicted in a previous post in a different conversation, the results of this election will only empower Doug the Bug. In this letter from Doug, he makes several references (threats?) to run again, for anything. Even Al Garrison won one election. But she was harmless in her one term in office. If Doug wins anything, he could do great harm.
By TheGrovehaller
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 1:01pm
Are you referring to the elderly gentleman that goes by Althea Garrison? Wouldn't political correctness/i.e. full disclosure when running for office dictate that HE disclose that he was born a man!?
Absolutely not
By Ubermonkey
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 6:27pm
You transphobic asshole.
Full disclosure
By anon
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 9:16pm
I don't know if Grovehaller is a transphobic asshole or not. But it is fair to ask our politicians for full disclosure. Althea Garrison has never said anything publically about being a trans person, even though it's a matter of public record that she changed her name and identity from male to female in 1976 . She wants us to accept her a woman but she hypocritically stood against gay marriage a few years ago. Who knows what she really stands for, since slips and slides on that and other issues, including her party affiliation.
Pardon me, but that's complete BS
By adamg
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 9:30pm
She doesn't want you to accept her as anything. She may not go around saying what her sexual identity is, but, then, she doesn't have to, since, as you note, it's long been a matter of public record (since the Herald revealed it in a successful attempt to drive her out of office).
Not exactly
By anon
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 12:40am
Garrison's identity wasn't a big secret before Eric Fernstrom's famous hit job in the Herald appeared, which was right after Garrison was elected as a state rep. At that point she had already been running for whatever since the 80s and losing every time. She won her one election almost by default because the incumbent didn't have enough valid signatures to get on the ballot.
She lost her bid for re-election because she was and is a very weak on the issues candidate with a deer in the headlights look on her face, and uncomfortable speaking in public. She has no web or social media presence and when she used to have a website it was an embarrassing joke. I don't believe Fernstrom's article had any appreciable impact on her losing that election. And she was running against an extremely strong candidate, Charlotte Golar-Ritchie.
There are many many different forms of transvestism and transexualism, sometimes having nothing to do with sexual identity. Some do or do not involve surgery or hormone therapy.
If you ever met Ms. Garrison as I have, she strikes you as a man wearing a dress and an oversized wig, what is known in some circles as a drag queen. She still has the Adams apple, and she has a heavy 5 o'clock shadow. She walks like a man. But she identifies as a woman (at least in public) and dresses as a woman. She appears to be a transvestite, not a transsexual.
But in today's world, rather than avoid the issue, as she has done throughout her career as a perennial candidate, I think she would be more honest if she acknowledged who she is, and move on.
And I have no problem outing a hypocritical candidate like her who has positioned herself as a conservative Republican, family values, anti-gay marriage candidate when she is living as a transvestite. That's pure hypocrisy. She's a Democrat now, but she never renounced her right wing views as far as I know.
Full disclosure. I am a gay man who knows 2 men who both identify as men during the week, but occasionally like to dress as women on weekend nights.
By TheGrovehaller
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 12:52pm
You are joke and if you really cared about the state of the Commonwealth/the Hub you wouldn't throw your joke of a hat in the pool again! I am the guy who confronted you at the Reggie Lewis for referring to Tompkins as an"animal". Can you Althea Garrison,Roy Owens and others like you please go somewhere already. You are an unsightly nuisance with your wasting of our time with your irrelevance and craziness! You are a laughing stock on many levels and especially speaking for underserved/blighted communities, PLEASE GO AWAY!
I was there for this. It was
By An
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 2:03pm
I was there for this. It was an entirely-called-for reaction by TheGrovehaller. Dougie Fresh had it coming to him.
Any video?
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 4:52pm
I'll pay you for it!
I second that
By Lmo
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 7:16pm
I second that
The dream shall never die!
By anon
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 7:04pm
The dream shall never die!
Now who wants to store a crudely painted piece of plywood in their basement?
Doug, you are a joke. And you
By GrnMachine
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 1:15pm
Doug, you are a joke. And you got your facts wrong. Sheriff Tompkins didn't raise a quarter of a million dollars, nor did he need it to beat you. The fact that some people voted for you means nothing. There's always somebody who will vote for the next knucklehead coming down the pike. In our case, it's you. The voters of Suffolk County have made it clear repeatedly ever since you moved here that they don't want you in ANY elected office. And if you think you're now in "prime position" to be elected to a state- or county-wide office, then you can add "delusional" to your resume. Take your signs and go. Just go. You're staring to bore us.
Super Doug The Unelectable Politian
By cconey_02119
Fri, 09/26/2014 - 12:08pm
Dear Doug,
I want to thank you for your unprecedented campaign that took this county by storm. Do not let these people, these haters, these consistent voters; these dirty fact finders prevent you from bringing your breath of fresh change to the second most important job in politics. The first being the President of the United States of America. Just think about this if you clean up some of your mistakes you could one day finally achieve your goal of having a job again.
Now I am not being sarcastic about your campaign being without precedent. Let me tell you why.
1. You Doug Bennett are the first Sheriff ever to be voted out of an office you never held. That is impressive. Make sure you add that to your list of qualifications. You know right under where you talk about your involvement in Cape Wind. Those turbines are really powering my house right now.
2. Doug I think all the people on this blog can agree your involvement in the TOUCHATHON TELETHON was a groundbreaking moment! Not just in politics, but in the history of humankind! Hey Dvdoff this was pioneering, Kaz this was world shattering! People Douglas promoted the first ever telethon that was never seen on Television! I heard Jerry Lewis is trying to knock on your door to get this technology! A TELETHON THAT WAS ON THE RADIO EXCLUSIVELY!
3. Finally, the single most trailblazing element to the person I have dub super Doug the Unelectable Politian! You were so ahead of your time as a thinker in this election that the Suffolk County House Union AFSCME Local 419 took the some would say election-turning move and for the first time endorsed a sitting sheriff. A historic move on their part!
All jokes aside. I will see your 1 out of 4 stat and raise you an eye popping 6 out of 10 voters who voted for Sheriff Tompkins and said NO to your CIVIL LIABILITY POSSES. Who said NO to your FRAUDULENT SIGNS. Who REJECTED your IN-HOUSE LABOR. Who knew you COULDN’T KEEP YOUR PROMISE to REMOVE ILLEGAL GUNS OFF THE STREETS, and accepted the fact as much as we want to you really can’t make Jails and Prisons safer in this post Reagan/Weld personal responsibility bullshit thinking world. Especially when it comes to people with who suffer from addiction and mental illness. You should know this very well Doug you were a part of the most disgusting part of that sad excuse for a party. If truly want safer jails and prisons lobby for more State Mental facilities, and Addiction treatment centers as well as an intelligent criminal code that puts people in their proper rehabilitation facility!
You are a joke, as well a criminal. So pretty please with sugar on top, TAKE DOWN YOUR FUCKING SIGNS LOSER!
Remove signs please
By Matt Frank
Tue, 11/18/2014 - 8:16am
Any chance you can come by and remove the illegal sign on Broadway in Chelsea as you enter Chelsea on the Revere side. It is on a lot that is set for construction and the owners do not allow those sorts of signs. It would be nice if your campaign came and took care of the removing expense (it is a big sign) rather than forcing the City of Chelsea or the unwilling landowners to deal with it. Please and thank you.
While you're at it, Doug
By anon
Tue, 11/18/2014 - 8:56am
Please also remove this fugly sign on Herald St.,-71.0647912,3a,75y,187.85h,79.22t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sm4S8R5zClXT0GlwKTzqlew!2e0