Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins' office announced this morning:
In these uncertain times, where the landscape is changing minute by minute, District Attorney Rollins is working to make sure that individuals held in custody who are vulnerable because of their health, age, socio-economic status, or circumstances, but pose no meaningful risk to public safety are released from custody. There will be circumstances where the risk to public safety outweighs any justification for release. However, we are committed to working with the criminal defense bar in identifying those individuals whose release we deem urgent and necessary for public health reasons.
The statement continues:
While Americans across the country are being encouraged to self-isolate, members of our incarcerated population are, by definition, doing the exact opposite with no alternative options. We need to seriously consider pathways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 for our incarcerated populations, the overwhelming majority of which will return to our communities at some point in the future. ....
Supervisors in every court are actively reviewing any requests for release. And, a point person from the leadership of our Municipal, District and Superior Courts is proactively reviewing cases of incarcerated individuals and serving as a secondary source of review for any individual seeking release.
This Office is committed to what every resident of Suffolk County deserves, a safe and healthy community. We will continue to work in partnership with the criminal defense bar on these critically important matters.
The policy also includes a proviso for people being brought into court for arraignment after an arrest:
With respect to any new offenses, our presumption remains that there is no bail requested. People charged prior to trial will continue to hold the presumption of release on personal recognizance. Now more than ever, if we are going to ask the Court to detain someone pre-trial on a cash bail, we will do so only after critically weighing any public health risk against our legitimate concerns for public safety.
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Iran apparently furloughed 54,000 prisoners two weeks ago
By Tim Mc.
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 10:07am
which is a fantastic idea. (It's only the lower-security prisoners.)
Cant wait for
By fungwah
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 10:44am
this to be the thing everyone complains about every time there's any mention of crime for the next 2 years
How are inmates which are
By anon
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 10:50am
How are inmates which are isolated from the general public at higher risk? If anything they are already in a quarantine.
This is more about a highly political DA using an epidemic as an excuse to carry out their agenda of de-incarceration.
Are you fucking stupid?
By Kaz
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 5:08pm
Social distancing doesn't mean crime stops. Cops are still taking allegedly bad people to jail. People still have visitation rights. Guards, lawyers, the laundry company... all may be infected and not know it.
Specifically because they're all locked in there together, if the virus does make it there, then it'll be as bad as the cruise ships with everyone basically being exposed in a very short amount of time. If an inmate is immuno-compromised or has a pre-existing condition, but was only there for carrying a few bags of crack...then why would you leave them in there doomed to likely die from the eventual infection?
Unless you don't see them as human any longer. At which point, I don't know why I'd try to convince you otherwise.
By Reason
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 11:59am
Simply amazing that in a time where our law enforcement leaders should be supporting first responders and reminding the public to abide by the laws - we have a DA who is focused on releasing convicted criminals - into the general public. newsflash - if this gets worse (which it will) police will be the last line of defense for most people, and they will be expected to show up EVERY DAY. Guess what, Police are exposed EVERY DAY yet they still show up. And to think that criminals will now be released because of a potential threat is just disgraceful.
"socio-economic status, or circumstances, but pose no meaningful risk to public safety" what the actual F is she talking about? So If a convicted criminal is poor they will be let out? And what the hell is a "meaningful" risk. So they can still pose a risk? They may rob you, but not kill you? is that what she means?
An adult in this city need to take the reigns and right the ship - we are sinking fast.
This has nothing to do with
By anon
Fri, 03/20/2020 - 8:51am
This has nothing to do with supporting first responders. At all.
Honestly I am fine with this.
By anon
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 12:33pm
Honestly I am fine with this. Staff at these facilities must also be overloaded. If they can reduce the prisoner levels maybe they can pull some staff back and rotate them to minimize the risk of the whole staff going down at once.
American pride
By Somerville
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 1:36pm
This is the patriotic thing to do: as much as we are able, to provide life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is the compassionate, reasonable thing to do. People shouldn’t be left to die in pens. I pledge allegiance to the flag! Together we can be strong and keep our nation in balance.
Do not understand the logic here
By OFD Mike
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 1:48pm
Releasing criminals at a time of national crisis to further complicate our lives makes no sense.
Give me a fucking break
By Kaz
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 5:10pm
Letting Dime Bag Donald outta jail is going to "complicate your life" as much as putting him in there did and as much as it complicated your life before he went in originally: not at all.
This is how rehabilitative justice
By tenguix
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 3:19pm
is supposed to work.
By JohnAKeith
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 5:02pm
Of course she did.
She's not the only one and it
By Nicole
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 6:29pm
She's not the only one and it's not the only state. Y'all be so quick to knock her because she's a black woman and I've seen nothing but negative comments. They're ALL DA'S are trying to do it. Lessen the pressure on hospitals and potentially reduce the risk. Grow up all of you keyboard racist renters. Stop it already. America is so messed up. Tell me to leave and let me show you my born certificate yes, BORN like the rest of my family. Sickening adults.
Releasing anyone who is
Thu, 03/19/2020 - 9:36pm
Releasing anyone who is vulnerable and poses no immediate risk to the public is the criteria. What about the guy who murdered his wife in a crime of passion but was an otherwise upstanding member of society? Or the guy who recently fell on hard times and held up a convenience store at gunpoint to make ends meet, but had never before had a run-in with the law? Or the countless other variations of these anecdotal examples of prisoners who do not pose an immediate risk but who have not been adequately punished for their crimes.
Find a way to isolate the vulnerable inmate population within the prison walls via temporary structures and ensure that justice is fully served on behalf of the victims of their crimes.
By Dolamite
Fri, 03/20/2020 - 3:07am
Post incarcerated individuals need re entry services and the agencies are not staffed. Many would go to street, shelter, no jobs available at the moment, housing crisis is still raginf.
Three hots and a cot, Mass Ave is a scary place right now. Rachel is a mess.
By Suldog
Fri, 03/20/2020 - 8:27am
So, in other words, in a time wherein we are supposed to be avoiding people, she wants to put high-risk carriers of the disease back into the general population. Brilliant.
Hope y’all have been on
By Arlo
Sat, 03/28/2020 - 12:31pm
Hope y’all have been on Reddit. I’m between the propaganda there’s some important information on there. Only thing is the mods have been taking a lot of it down. Probably due to the China having money in Reddit. It’s looking like most of us are gonna catch this “virusâ€. Remember the governments only goal is to keep its citizens calm and to do that they WILL hold back information as well as straight up lie. My brother is a nurse and he’s contemplating quitting due to how they’re being treated. It’s really messed up in the hospitals right now
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