By adamg on Wed., 2/23/2022 - 11:04 pm

This is the first thing washed up talk-show host Gerry Callahan could think of to tweet after he heard the Russians had attacked Ukraine.
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WEEI held on to him
By Will LaTulippe
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 6:35am
For way too long after Sports Hub came around and said "Hey, we can talk sports too, but without hateful crap." WEEI was - and is - Sears.
So People Should Be Held Accountable
By Anon
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 12:01pm
For saying "hateful crap?"
If by accountability, you mean, "Radio audiences
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 4:03pm
vote with their tuners", I'd say yes, because that's how the media business in a market economy works. EEI got its clock cleaned in the ratings because its morning hosts repelled younger listeners with a steady stream of hate-filled, reactionary rhetoric mixed into the sports yakking.
The government didn't censor them. Gerry and that other gibbering racist grandpa partner of his just lost a big chunk of their audience by being mean-spirited, politically hard-right bigots. Their owners are in the radio business to make money, so they pushed them out. Welcome to capitalism.
It appears
By Will LaTulippe
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 9:49pm
That Nielsen participants decided so, in this case.
I remember when Republicans didn't
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 6:56am
smooch the taint of godless Commies. So strange to see big swaths of them forming a fifth column for the Reds in the US. The real question is, what kompromat does Putin have them? Why is the GOP and right-wing propaganda media here linking arms with our pinko enemies against our allies?
It was the black guy.
By J.R. Dobbs
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 7:16am
Putin and geopolitics aside, Obama getting elected physically altered republicans brains.
The old ones especially can't handle it. To this day, they can't stop talking about Michelle and her vegetable garden, ffs.
Regardless, I'm anxiously waiting for the hacked RNC server files to surface
It's as if
By BostonDog
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 7:26am
All history before 2016 was completely wiped clean and nullified.
It's cliché to say it's Orwellian but, here we are.
I’m not a Republican but…
By Magz
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 7:40am
it’s really crazy to see the U.S. revert back to it’s dark days of McCarthyism. Anybody and everybody who either points out corruption or warmongering on either side of the aisle is accused of being a Russian puppet. It’s really sad. I’m not really familiar with the guy who wrote this tweet, and I’m sure he’s probably wrong and ignorant on many things but he’s definitely not wrong about the corruption in Biden’s family. Same way Trump and his family made corrupt dealings with other foreign governments for their own benefit. Can we stop hopping on this pro-war bandwagon and take a second to appreciate that we just finally got out of a multi-decade long conflict in Afghanistan (kind of), and not jump right in to another possible world war? America is not the world’s police. The majority of Americans do not care to get into this conflict, but it’s getting drummed up by the warhawk corporate media per usual, i.e Iraq (WMDs). This “stopping the spread of Russia†BS is what got us into Vietnam, Korea and practically all the other wars we’ve been dragged into and lost the past 75 years. Unless you or a loved one is the one being sent over there, then please shut up.
Ok what?
By Parkwayne
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:03am
If you think the US is sending troops to the Ukraine, you need some better news sources, friend.
"im but a simple caveman"
By J.R. Dobbs
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:56am
"It's sad" that the GOP denied RU involvement that directly led to Trump's win.
"It's sad" the former guy cozied up to Putin, Kim, and Xi, because mentally, he's 8 years old.
"It's sad" we gave away a base to RU mercenaries.
"It's sad" people don't read varied sources and immediately cut-off "Corporate Media" because it disagrees with Right Wing Twitter trolls and TV Dinner heirs.
"It's sad" that you don't understand treaties and our duty to support our allies.
"pro-war bandwagon"
By brianjdamico
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:03am
Who are you criticizing here? I'm fairly certain the dominant bandwagon around here is the "don't invade sovereign nations completely unprovoked" one.
To be truthful, a nation is
By Refugee
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 4:30pm
To be truthful, a nation is only as "sovereign" as the ability of its army to maintain its borders against other nations. That's why Israel is pretty sovereign but the State of Palestine is not. They have no army.
It's either might-makes-right, or divine right of kings. Pick your poison.
Thanks Neville?
By Daan
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:19am
NeIther the British, or French or US was willing to stop the Third Reich. The US attitude was, "It's Europe, let them eat cake." We know what happened. Actually in one of the few instances of 20/20 hindsight being applicable, if the US had engaged Germany Hitler would have lost much earlier.
Putin and the Russian oligarchs are attempting to recreate the Soviet Empire. There is not other motivation beyond creating a Putin tsarist Russia.
The choice is easy: Stick our heads in the sand while Russia becomes the Soviet Union 2.0 (but with Single political party, Totalitarian-Capitalist China as an ally) or stop him in his tracks.
As for the comment about Biden and family: a weird mid-thought digression. If I didn't think Boston was a small, pretty insignificant city in the world I'd almost wonder if the post as a whole was an attempt at pro-Putin, pro-Russia propaganda.
One other thing to keep in mind: Putin et al. conscripted the Russian Orthodox Church into being part of the Russia for Russians team. Given the history of Russian Orthodox Christianity, pre and post tsarist regimes, what can we expect to happen in Russia where Jews, Gays or any other unacceptable minority group is concerned? It will not be a national party where everyone sits down to milk and cookies.
Digression: nationalization of religion
By lbb
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 11:30am
Caveat: it's been years since I was paying attention to this, but I remember when my sister (a Catholic missionary sister) was attempting to get something going in Russia, they saw a lot of this. Specifically, three religions were declared "traditional": Russian Orthodox, Judaism and Islam. Others can apply to be recognized, but the Russian Orthodox Church has veto power of some kind (and if you're not recognized, you really can't operate). Status quo seems to be that while the state has nominal religious tolerance, the Russian Orthodox Church occupies a privileged position, and is in a "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" relationship with the state. You could argue that recognized religions like Judaism and Islam are in a better situation than those with no recognition, and better than officially banned religions or LGBTQ people who do not have civil rights. But whether that intermediate status would buy them anything when Russian nationalism goes buck wild is another matter.
Additional Nuance
By Anonymous in th...
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 1:32pm
In fact, the 2020 law identifies "Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism as the country’s four “traditional†religions and recognizes the special role of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC)." But this designation really doesn't amount to anything for communities that don't toe the Putin party line. For example, the Crimean Tatar community is no longer freely able to practice Islam (or do many other things as an ethnic and religious minority). Forum 18, an NGO based out of Oslo, is an excellent resource for abuses of religious freedom in Russia and other former Soviet republics.
It was a while back
By lbb
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 4:59pm
My sister was there a while back, and I believe what was recognized was a little different then. They, as Catholics, definitely had a hard time getting visas, and foreign clergy were sometimes deported. "Christianity" may be identified as a traditional religion, but I think the emphasis is on "traditional", meaning supportive of the status quo. Where any branch or representative of these religions departs from "tradition" (as in your example of the Crimean Tatars), they lose whatever status they have.
Common interests
By Parkwayne
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:02am
Both the GOP and Putin operate from a viewpoint that anything which diminishes white, male, conservative power is the enemy. Gay/women's/trans rights, freedom of expression, etc... Putin gets headlines here for his external politics but in Russia he's very much in line with what Gerry Callahan types want: everyone back in the closet and women pregnant and at home or at least not in positions of power, kneel for cops, etc... I'm sure John can give you some more details.
I'm Going to Put Some Boxes Over By Your Ears
By John Costello
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:41am
I'm going to put the TV by your bald spot.
Why not, I appear to be living rent free in your head.
You loozah.
As A Follow Up
By John Costello
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:03pm
I have never sworn on UHub before. Here goes - Go Fuck Yourself Parkwayne.
Your sad, sad thoughts about how I think are amazing.
I have voted for three Republicans in my life, two because I their Democratic opponents (Jim Shannon and Shannon O'Brien) weren't up to snuff.
When my daughter had her Covid delayed prom, most of the out kids and the trans kids in town came to my house for prom pictures because they knew it was a safe space that my family and I have here.
A gay man, who I have been friends with for 30+ years, walked my wife down the aisle to me.
I've been giving to Planned Parenthood for years.
I have hated Donald Trump since before he had an airline.
At the BLM rally in my town in 2020 a local cop gave me a hard time a few months later because I gave out popsicles, ice, and water to the brave people, kids really, across the street from the Back The Blue knuckle draggers, some of whom I know carry.
Do I know some Boston Cops? Casually, yes. Mostly guys I went to HS with or were in the neighborhood growing up. Do I think that overall, they do a good job? Yes. Sorry for your disappointment, but if you call me out and associate me online with than Russian mobster or some tool from Chelmsford, you can fuck yourself.
So, you may think one thing, but the reality is different. Piss off you loozah.
Commies? You know the Soviet
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:30am
Commies? You know the Soviet Union fell 30 years ago, right? Russia is capitalist oligarchy just like the United States. There is nothing even vaguely left wing about Vladimir Putin.
A genuine tragedy
By brianjdamico
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:31am
so sayeth the tyrant still at the reins.
His public statements, and now his actions, in the past few days indicate that his position remains unchanged on that.
The Russian communists created "modern Ukraine," in Putin's own words earlier this week, and therefore it belongs to Russia today.
I'm fairly indifferent to those who hold communist ideologies, I believe they should be free to do so. But to say that the legacy of communist Russia and the Soviet Union ended 30 years ago is plainly false when Putin is justifying his actions based on those that his predecessors took in the name of communism to form the Soviet Union.
Yeah, he's pining for the
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:51am
Yeah, he's pining for the empire, not communism. Putin is the face of the Russian oligarchs. To say that he is a "pinko" is asinine.
By J.R. Dobbs
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:58am
In this stage of his life and career, Putin wants Empire.
He simply dgaf about political philosphy.
If he goes, he's taking millions of lives with him.
By lbb
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:59am
That's the sound of the point going over your head.
Commie-baiting is standard GOP tactics. The fact that their targets are rarely actual communists doesn't seem to get a rise out of the American public. If you're going to okey-doke that behavior, you might not want to get prissy when someone jokes about affection for commies among the Russian-loving GOP.
I guess it's too early in the
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 9:14am
I guess it's too early in the morning for me to wrap my head around that 4D chess. I need more coffee.
It's too early
By lbb
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 11:33am any hour of the day, and that's not a knock on you. It is the most convoluted reasoning you will find anywhere. Nevertheless, it exists. Nope, I don't get it either, but I do feel that to deal with it, we need to not to get stuck on its contradictions and understand that it's real in its consequences.
19th century political ideologies are gone
By Daan
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:23am
Mainland China remains a "communist nation." A single party totalitarian nation ruled by oligarchs. Yet China embraced a capitalist method of using greed and avarice to create the wealth that are the basis of capitalism.
Left and right wing concepts are irrelevant in this situation. Putin's goal is to recreate the Soviet empire but under the Russian national flag. That obviously includes Ukraine but will extend - if he is allowed - to the former Warsaw Pact nations.
Just too dumb to criticize
By J.R. Dobbs
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 7:09am
whatever these proud dumb idiot types are beyond help and should be ignored.
Do keep an eye on them, report their threats, take pictures when they're out yelling in public. But don't listen or interact.
Just wait until the RU bots hit Twitter and Tucker gets out of his milk bath.
Todays gonna be a $#!@show.
Partisan politics stops at the water's edge.
By brianjdamico
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 7:33am
Anyone standing up FOR the actions of that untamed Soviet relic is an enemy of our country and the free world.
Really upset and disturbed at
By anon
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:10am
Really upset and disturbed at this escalation. Not surprised and I suggest anyone who wants to learn more check out the Russian Roulette series by Simon Ostrovsky. Great introduction into the occupation of Crimea and eastern Ukraine .
Praying for my friends in Kiev and hoping something can happen to stop this ASAP.
WiFi must be working at the Assisted Living Facility.
By John Costello
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:15am
Remember. Gerry is a former suburban high school football player who got ahead making up for his own insecurities by ridiculing others.
Earlier in the week we had a dope try to break into the tiger enclosure at the Franklin Park Zoo. This is the same zoo 18 years ago where a gorilla got out of his enclosure and stood at a bus stop on Seaver Street. Callahan (and John Dennis, don't forget John Dennis) equated that he was a METCO student waiting to get bused to the burbs. Somehow this dingbat survived that controversy and has gone onto stay employed despite ratings that are no where near what they used to be.
Anyone media savvy have a list of EEI sponsors that we can ring up?
Let's put this turd out to pasture. Then again, RKO would probably pick him up in a minute.
But did the gorilla
By jmeltzer
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:29am
have to add money to his Charlie Card when getting on the bus?
I miss the old days when zoo
By Refugee
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:36am
I miss the old days when zoo animals didn't get shot dead for being like animals.
Finger on the pulse, John.
By relaxyapsycho
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:31am
Do you really think Callahan still works at EEI?
He Doesn't?
By John Costello
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:34am
F-Him anyway.
98.5 the sports hub came
By Kinopio
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 8:47am
98.5 the sports hub came along and completely obliterated WEEI in the ratings so hacks like Dennis and Callahan were booted to the curb and laughed at. They are not missed.
didnt they replace him with
By anon
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 9:01am
didnt they replace him with greg hill from WAAF?
not much better, though greg hill has always been better about saying the awful things quietly, instead of GC screaming them through 25 bullhorns
He is definitely a Trump fan boy
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:17am
But a putin Fan?
It sounds like his regular shtick.
If you criticize Biden you get labeled a Putin fan boy is another shtick.
Not quite
By brianjdamico
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:39am
If Putin invades Ukraine and you immediately turn to criticize Biden, there's something going on there. Putin is not our friend. Putin would like Americans to be divided. Don't do Putin's bidding if you don't want to be associated with him.
By perruptor
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 1:27pm
Orange Adolf has missed few opportunities to praise Putin, including approving of the Ukraine invasion right after it began. OA is a traitor.
He actually doesn't really like Trump.....
By Pete Nice
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 1:35pm
He kind of hates everyone. But he has been pretty vocal about not liking Trump and thinking he is an idiot. (does not excuse his actions by any means but it should be mentioned).
I don't read him
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 3:55pm
And I just assumed he was a Trump Fan. I stand corrected.
Wu's response to Ukraine
By adamg
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 10:50am
Gerry's other peculiar tweet about Putin's invasion
By brianjdamico
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 11:05am
If they hadn't been discharged because of the vaccine mandate, how exactly does he think they would have watched this unfold differently? I'm sure there are plenty of active duty soldiers and Marines, fully vaccinated, who sat at their homes watching the invasion unfold on Fox News. Does Gerry think that *we* invaded Ukraine and all the now discharged unvaccinated US troops are missing out on the fun?
no substance
By berkleealum
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 2:17pm
these chuckleheads are trying to recreate the Serious Tweets of 2016 - 2020 to varying effect. Clay Travis has been trying all day too.
I agree with @Daan. Without
By Don't Panic
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 12:16am
I agree with @Daan. Without taking over Ukraine Mr. Putin will have a ridiculously hard time getting the former Warsaw Pact countries under the Russian Empire umbrella. Mr. Putin is using the WWII strategy except he is starting in the east and working his way west instead of the opposite. He's even using the same justifications Germany did for Poland back in that war to taking over Ukraine.
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