Despite their appearance, and the gentility of musical pieces by Saint-Saens, Tchaikovsky and Sibelius, Swans are very mean-spirited birds and will as soon bite your hand off as look at you. I know...I did make a peaceful overture to a swan once by a lakeside and was rewarded with a violent, hissing gesture.
Do Not...I Say Do NOT Walk Up To A Swan
By Laurence Glavin
Sat, 05/23/2009 - 1:39pm
Despite their appearance, and the gentility of musical pieces by Saint-Saens, Tchaikovsky and Sibelius, Swans are very mean-spirited birds and will as soon bite your hand off as look at you. I know...I did make a peaceful overture to a swan once by a lakeside and was rewarded with a violent, hissing gesture.
omg swans
By eeka
Sat, 05/23/2009 - 6:50pm
1) Thanks for getting all those pieces stuck in my head ALL AT ONCE.
2) You can walk up to them, just make sure you do it with a big stick extended in front of you. Pretty entertaining, actually.
Lesbian Love Birds
By Proper Bostonian
Sat, 05/23/2009 - 2:46pm
The swans are both females, as all Proper Bostonians are aware.
A Boston Marriage?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 05/23/2009 - 10:52pm