The Community Builders has filed plans with the BPDA to replace the 1940s barracks-like apartment buildings at Faneuil Gardens, off Faneuil and North Beacon streets, with five taller buildings that would have apartments for current residents and 183 apartments for new tenants - as well as a new community center and a tree-lined pedestrian "boulevard." Read more.
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The state Attorney General's office last week sued the BHA over its treatment of a family with two girls with asthma and developmental issues, charging the authority ignored repeated complaints for three years about the unsanitary conditions in their Franklin Field apartment that were so bad the girls had to seek emergency care at a local hospital two to three times a month. Read more.
The BPDA board yesterday approved the first phase of a long-term re-do of Mary Ellen McCormack in South Boston, under which a developer working with the BHA will replace 529 antiquated BHA apartments and add 781 new apartments split between affordable and market rate. Read more.
The Boston Housing Authority and the Community Builders say they will soon file detailed plans to replace all 258 subsidized units at the Faneuil Gardens development in Brighton with new apartments and to add 212 additional units on top of that. Read more.
GBH reports on the end of a crisis for resident who are disabled or elderly and who couldn't get down the stairs from their apartments without help.
GBH reports on an elevator that has now been out of service for nine days at the Ruth Lillian Barkley Apartments on Washington Street.
Update: Bok will resign on April 28.
Mayor Wu announced today she's named Councilor Kenzie Bok (Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Fenway, Mission Hill) as the next administrator of the Boston Housing Authority, which provides housing and housing vouchers for 62,000 Bostonians.
Read more.
Adam Castiglioni looked up at Victor "Marka27" Quiñonez's "Souledad," now getting painted on the side of the BHA's Washington Manor building on Washington Street between Worcester and West Springfield streets in the South End.
More on the artist and his mural, part of the city's Transformative Public Art project.
Boston firefighters responded around 4:40 p.m. to the BHA's six-story Peabody/Englewood building, 1875 Dorchester Ave., for a two-alarm fire that started when a car in the residential building's garage burst into flames. One resident was injured. Read more.
The Boston Housing Authority has filed plans for extensive renovations to Egleston Square's Doris Bunte Apartments, which used to be called Walnut Park Apartments, using a combination of new federal funding and tax credits for historic properties, which the city's tallest round apartment building now is.
WinnCompanies today told the BPDA it will shortly file plans to begin turning the Mary Ellen McCormack development - the state's first public-housing project, opened some 83 years ago - into a mixed-income complex that will include all new homes for current BHA tenants and market-rate units. Read more.
The BPDA board today approved plans by developers to raze several buildings at the sprawling Mildred Hailey Apartments complex in Jamaica Plain and replace their current 253 Section 8 apartments with all new units - and add 420 additional income-restricted apartments and an all new street grid, green space and pathways intended to stitch the complex into the neighboring community, rather than walling it off. Read more.
Windows are getting boarded up on the first buildings set for demolition, the Charlestown Patriot-Bridge reports.
The Boston Housing Authority announced this morning it's suspending "non-essential" evictions though the end of the year due to Covid-19 concerns. Read more.
WBUR takes a look at how the BHA is rebuilding large public-housing developments in Boston by contracting private developers to do the work in exchange for letting them build market-rate units on BHA land.
CommonWealth ponders the case of the two Boston Housing Authority employees responsible for a letter to some of its residents about a program that lets them move out of town, a letter that included possible reasons for why they might want to move - crime and bad schools.
The flier may not have conveyed the message the city wants to send. But that’s not the same as saying it said anything that wasn’t true.
Developers have filed a proposal to add 363 apartments - roughly 40% of them deemed affordable - in three new buildings as they work to renovate the BHA's current senior housing project at 125 Amory St. Read more.
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