So Keolis had to cancel the 7:32 a.m. train out of Needham for some reason, which meant the next train into town was packed with two trains' worth of people. And, Kerry O'Brien reports, no air conditioning.
It’s very hot and humid! Unbelievable bad service this morning.
By the time the train got into Boston, some people just couldn't take it any longer and fled at Forest Hills for the Orange Line (which tends to have its own AC issues). Natural Ice stuck it out until Ruggles, where he parted company and headed to the Orange Line platform. And he reports the first train in had one car out of service, which meant it was so crowded nobody could get on.
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And the time that the AC is
By anon
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 10:03am
And the time that the AC is actually on it's on very low. It's got to be so the T can "save" money.
Slight correction
By anon
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 10:10am
It wasn't cancelled, it just originated out of Needham Junction vs Needham Heights.
It's my understanding that
By anon
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 10:31am
It's my understanding that the 7:32 train wasn't cancelled. it was late a full 30 minutes and just picked up both trains worth of passengers. At least that's what the t-alerts told me as we all stood waiting for it. Train late due to a mechanical issue on the 6:40 am train. It caused a cascade of delays of the 7:32 train and the 8:02 train. Regardless, it was miserable. people were sweating from just standing or sitting. it was worse for everyone who was standing. it was a relief to get off the train and walk!
Epic failure today. We told
By anon
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 10:46am
Epic failure today. We told the conductor if he shut the door we'd push him off (we were in the area you aren't supposed to stand b/c there were so many people). There was no AC b/c if they used it the train didn't work.
Buses were also a tad late and packed.
I was told (and asked the T but they haven't responded) that a Providence train shit the bed so they gave them what was supposed to be our train. Begging the question why would you screw up a whole morning on a line that was "fine" to give the other line the train? Maybe someone can let us know if that was actually true.
(Fine is in quotes b/c in 33 weeks that train has only gotten to Back Bay on time about 10x).
Why indeed?
By Saddlebrook7
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 12:41pm
Doesn't this happen regularly on the Fairmont line?
Yes, the Providence train died
By GoSoxGo
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 1:55pm
I was on the 6:31 am Providence train going from South Station to Back Bay. We were about 12 minutes late leaving South Station (they announced an "issue with the engine").
When we stopped at Back Bay, the lights went out. As I was going up the escalator, I heard the train constantly dumping the brakes, and knew the train was toast.
Since that train was on Track 1 (the only outbound track at that time of day as Track 2 and Track 3 are used for inbound trains), I'm sure it backed up the Walpole train behind us, and subsequent trains.
I don't know if they wound up kicking those passengers off and using a rescue train.
PVD issue later too
By Mjolnir
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 2:24pm
I was on the next Providence train (7:25). Right at the scheduled departure time after everyone had boarded, they moved us from the train on track 8 to track 5. That delay, combined with a fairly sluggish trip, led to about a half-hour delayed arrival.
Your train killed the Needham
By anon
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 2:55pm
Your train killed the Needham Again, if what the person told me was correct. What a cluster f*ck for everyone.
There are days I dislike the conductors and then there are days I feel so badly for them. Today was one of those days.
Great first day back at work
By MassMouse
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 11:52am
"Uh, yeah, I'm going to be about an hour late. Train is FUBAR again...."
Glad things haven't changed while I'd been away from work for a few weeks.
My mantra - "Keep expectations low. Keep expectations low...."
I was on that packed five-car Orange Line train
By noahproblem
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 2:48pm
And it got so packed I bailed at Ruggles (I honestly starting wondering if we were all going to get crushed as more and more people got on) and waited two trains to get back on another train (somehow that train with the dead car was late, and yet the one behind was even later and stacking up the rest of the line - since it was about 8-9 minutes behind the first train I figured it would be packed too).
Oh, and later on I took the SL3 out to Chelsea for the first time - naturally coming back the drawbridge was up, then at South Station the next Alewife train was stuck on 4 minutes out for quite a while. So I guess it wasn't my day (or anybody else riding the MBTA either).
Commuter Rail reliability is
By anon
Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:33pm
Commuter Rail reliability is the biggest scandal nobody talks about.
Conductor told me no standing
By zadig
Tue, 07/17/2018 - 7:46pm
Funny thing is that on a train the other day I was standing and talking to friends and a conductor told me to take a seat because I wasn't allowed to stand in the aisle. I wasn't blocking anything. And I didn't think in time to say "what about every morning when standing is the only choice because keolis are cheap assholes who won't add another car?" Because of course I didn't.
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