Yesterday, the Globe gave Cape and Islands DA Michael O'Keefe all the space he needed to sputter about (((George Soros))) and the true cause of all the crime in Boston today: Black kids in saggy pants who listen to the hip hop.
Or as O'Keefe, who, as far as we can tell, was not a candidate for DA in Suffolk County last fall, put it: It's all that "glorification in some communities of a culture that celebrates disrespectful language and misogyny under the guise of art" as opposed to, you know, all that glorification in some communities of a culture that celebrates disrespectful language and misogyny under the guise of owning the libs.
O'Keefe should maybe stick to fixing his own office first before criticizing a DA in another part of the state who was pretty overwhelmingly elected by voters just a few months ago.
Meanwhile, Howie Carr is a bit more subtle in pining for the old days when racist blowhards like Dapper O'Neil roamed the floors of City Hall with a gun.
Carr casts his column today (which odds are you can't read because the Herald has a paywall and most people don't like looking at source code) as a fond memorial to the days when the City Council was full of lovable lugs like Freddy Langone and, yes, O'Neil, who were just so much fun, not like the dullards who sit on the council today.
Carr sort of lets his slip show, though, when he declares that Ayanna Pressley only moved up to Congress because she's black (or as he put it: "that was about demographics, not the august office she occupied"). And then he really gets revved up:
Freddy’s grandson was crushed in the once-Italian dominated North End-Eastie district by a black woman from East Boston. I see she’s running unopposed for re-election this year.
Which really, really bothers him.
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By Bugs Bunny
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 1:49pm
I wouldn't say she won the election over Capuano because she's qualified.
Your opinion
By adamg
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:02pm
How closely had you followed her work as a councilor?
Carr's a racist ass, but imo Pressely wasn't amazing on Council
By Jeff F
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:16pm
Of course Carr's a racist, but it's not incorrect to note that Pressely's support is strongly influenced by identity-politics, as opposed to relative qualifications or policy differences with her opponents. Of course, many politicians who are white and male are similarly bolstered by group association, but somehow that doesn't get called out by Carr. Hmmm.
Fwiw, adam, I follow city politics, and Rep. Pressely absolutely deserves a lot of praise and respect for breaking the color barrier on the Council. However, in her actual time as a councilperson, I don't see how she moved things much from the status quo. Her rhetoric is strong, but wrt day-to-day, she's been competent, not transformational.
There's very little practical difference in her politics and Mike Capuano's - I honestly don't think a white male with a similar career resume and campaign rhetoric would have had any chance to unseat him. Imo, the 7th Congressional District took one for Team Diversity-in-Democracy - and that's not a bad thing! But at this point it's not clear what we constituents of the 7th have specifically gained other than bragging rights and less congressional senority.
I look forward to having my opinion changed by her future accomplishments!
Part of it was tone.
By Coyote137
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:56pm
You're not wrong in your assessment, but I think you're missing the desire for stronger, more vocal opposition given the current administration. Whether good or bad, that was part of what fueled the downfall of more than one Democratic incumbent last year.
In the history of congress,
By Kinopio
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:17pm
In the history of congress, white men have occupied more than 90% of the seats. But Howie Carr thinks white men are the ones being discriminated against. He is an ignorant and intolerant fool.
yeah I bet he prays in his
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:54pm
yeah I bet he prays in his car from time to time too
To some extent she won it because she's younger
By Ron Newman
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:21pm
Also, she ran a more vigorous campaign. She very nearly won Somerville, which is Capuano's home city. I did not vote for her in the primary, but I'm quite happy to have her as my representative now.
Or, Capuano made alot of mistakes and alot of enemies
By anon
Sat, 06/01/2019 - 4:10pm
Capuano was very vulnerable. Whoever challenged him was going to endure months of mental beatings. Pressley went through the gauntlet and won.
She's as qualified as Capuano
By NancyG
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:54pm
She's as qualified as Capuano was when he was elected.
You don't live in the neighborhoods
By registeredUser
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:13pm
You don't live in the neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, Mattapan or Hyde Park where she fought to bring liquor licenses and new restaurant business or her advocacy of the Fairmount Line which enabled residents of these neighborhoods access to South Station. If you did you wouldn't be saying this nonsense about her being qualified. I do and I saw her hard work aimed at dismantling just some of the structural racism Boston experiences. It is why she got elected to Congress, the voters understood she was qualified. You're not qualified to even make that statement, so please refrain.
By AgingCynic
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 10:40am
So only some people are qualified to have an opinion. How Orwellian.
By lbb
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 8:45am a disqualifier, and you're ignorant.
Capuano's Legacy - And Why Pressley Beat Him
By anon
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 3:21pm
Capuano's legacy
So in short
By Waquiot
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 5:50pm
Capuano was a crappy mayor, so much so that in the 20 years since he left office, there’s been gentrification in Somerville so bad that no local elected official could do anything.
By your logic Waquiot, those middle school girls are GLX trolls
By anon
Sat, 06/01/2019 - 4:17pm
Imho, take a step back and really look at what's happening in Cambridge and Somerville. Also, ask yourself why Capuano's own hometown went 50/50 on him in the 7th election
Exceptionally bad op-ed
By tmrozzie
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 1:57pm
O'Keefe's astounding feat was to simultaneously deny the existence of structural racism in the criminal justice system, while trafficking in personal racial prejudice as a powerful officer of the court.
Meanwhile, Barnstable County has the greatest racial disparities in pretrial incarceration.
What Paywall?
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:19pm
I just went to the Herald's site and read Carr's column without any problem. I honestly wonder who he is writing for. His references are consistently so old that the only people who would get them are in their 70s and 80s at this point.
By adamg
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:50pm
Maybe they see me coming and rush to put the paywall up :-).
Yeah worked for me too
By Gary C
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:08pm
I just went to see if I could get in, not to read that drivel.
Adam, maybe you have used up your free views or have some ad-blocker in place that they don't like?
No ad blocker
By adamg
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 4:13pm
Maybe it's like the Boston Business Journal, which tends to forget to reset its free views each month.
If you want to read the Herald
By RichM
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 10:38am
Just set your browser to block cookies, you can get in and read to your hearts content.
By geep9
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:20pm
the globe is owned by an old white guy... coincidence?!
By JaxO
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:37pm
The stats speak for themselves... most violent criminals / gang members in the United States are in fact "Black kids in saggy pants who listen to the hip hop"...
What stats?
By adamg
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 2:58pm
Because I'm looking at Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15 from the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics and they say, sorry, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Scroll down a bit and you'll get to the line that explains that during that period, there were 5.83 million "violent victimizations" in the US in that period and that 43.8% were committed by whites, 22.7% by blacks, 14.4% by Hispanics and 2.2% by "others" (the numbers don't add up to 100% because of crimes committed by two or more people of different races, crimes where the race/ethnicity was unknown, etc).
Oh, and as a fellow white person (go ahead, admit it, only a white person would just make up "stats" like you did), you have more to worry about from other white people: Some 56% of the violent crimes against whites were committed by other whites.
Do you really want to walk down that path?
By Waquiot
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:01pm
You know it ends with prison stats, which brings the whole O'Keefe/Rollins spat full circle.
By Kane
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 4:05pm
You’re aggressively quick to defend this. Can’t speak for other regions of the country, but in Massachusetts, FAR more violent crimes are committed by blacks than whites.
Wrong again
By adamg
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 4:58pm
The FBI has a handy tool for exploring aggregate crime data. Let's look at the most recent MA stats, from 2017:
Scroll down a bit for the section titled "All Violent Crime Offender vs. Victim demographics." And read the very first sentence in that section to the class, if you will:
The section has the raw numbers and a bar chart. The numbers shown work out to 69.6% of all violent crimes in Massachusetts that year being committed by whites.
Now, there are questions one could ask about the data, but that would first require acknowledging that NO, blacks do not commit the majority of violent crimes in Massachusetts.
I hate to be that guy
By Waquiot
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 7:58pm
But while the data definitely shows that African Americans are not the majority of assailants for violent crimes (or homicides, if you drill down), “white†does also encompass those identified as Hispanic. This is not by any means to say that most of the assailants classified as white are Hispanic, but there are people out there who differentiate between the two.
So what?
By perruptor
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 10:48pm
Adam is responding to people asserting that "in Massachusetts, FAR more violent crimes are committed by blacks than whites." His sources show that their claims are false. You're just moving the goalposts.
You know
By Waquiot
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 3:26pm
You're right, in that the original claim is most definitely false, as I note.
That said, when the DoJ notes that the largest percentage of violent crime offenders are white, it removes a context, the context being that Hispanics are not drawn out as a race, which the federal government does not do. Running stats the same way, I can say that Boston is a white majority city, with whites making up either 52% (including those who also are classified as Hispanic, but are only one race) or 56.5% (including Hispanics that also note their race as white and including anyone who has given white as one their races and is of more than one race) of the population. A lot of people would disagree with me, noting that those who are white and no other race and are not Hispanic make up only 44.9% of the population of Boston.
As I noted elsewhere, people follow the news and end up thinking things that the stats show aren't true at all. I agree with Adam's point on the matter, but context is needed. In 2017, 90 murders were committed in Massachusetts (per the database Adam links to) where the race of the murdered was noted. Of those, 27 were committed by black people, one was committed by an Asian, 57 were committed by white people, in 5 instances the race of the murderer was unknown, 26 were committed by people who were Hispanic, 44 were committed by non-Hispanics, and for 7 that information was unknown, or in 77 cases that was noted. Clear as mud, except that yes, black people do not commit most of the murders in this state.
Oh, Waquoit...
By lbb
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 9:02am ever, picking one strange hill to die on.
Gotta hand it to 'em.
By boo_urns
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 9:36am
"I hate to be that guy" might be the richest joke he could tell.
Really Adam? You cover murders better than anyone and yet ...
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 8:49pm
you try to claim whites commit the most violent crime? Murder is the most violent of crimes and yet you declare whites are mostly responsible???
Massachusetts is 72% white, 12% Hispanic, 9%, black, and 7% Asian. Blacks commit crime way above their proportion of the populace.
And so we slowly begin to move the conversation ...
By adamg
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 11:15pm
I never said what you seem to think I said. What I said is that, and I'm going to put some of this this in capital letters for emphasis: THE ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of violent crimes in this state are committed by whites (and while, yes, murder might be regarded as the worst of those, there are plenty of other violent crimes, you know, like rape, shootings, stabbings, I mean do I have to spell them all out?).
Given that whites make up, by far, the largest percentage of the state's population, that should hardly be surprising, except perhaps to fevered racists who reject statistics from agencies such as the FBI because in their gut they just know that swol dark people are at this moment plotting to murder them in their sleep.
Now, having said that, are rates of violent crimes among blacks higher than among whites? Perhaps. But show me the statistics on that first.
And then get ready for a discussion about the connection between crime and poverty - a connection that goes back centuries. And as long as we're looking at that connection, let's dig up some stats on violent-crime rates in poor white communities as well.
If crime and poverty are connected, then is the answer doing something about the poverty? Or do we just throw up our hands, like the District Attorney for the Cape and Islands has done, and blame rap music for violent crime? If he's so concerned about rap music, why isn't he concerned about violent, misogynist video games? It couldn't possibly be he sees a difference between the audience for rap music and video games, could it? We wouldn't want to think he might be a racist or something.
I applaud this good research,
By baustin
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 7:44pm
I applaud this good research, but the real statistic of interest is crimes committed by demographic, given the percentage of the demographic in the population. This can be calculated with a chi square test for homogeneity. Still wouldn't give insight on style if pants though. In the meantime, I'll try to figure out why I'm still single.
It works the other way too
By Boston_Bloke
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 9:09pm
So Adam, based on the evidence you linked up to Black on Black crime is a much bigger deal than White on Black crime. So why does the media, yourself included, hype up the small # of white on black incidents, and the even smaller # of police involved issues? And why is it so often on your own site posts about black on black crime in Mattapan, Dorchester get nothing but a big yawn?
* During 2012-15, half (51%) of violent victimizations were intraracial, that is both victims and offenders were the same race or both were of Hispanic origin.
* In the majority of violent victimizations, white victims’ offenders were white (57%) and black victims’ offenders were black (63%).
Cherry picking
By Jon Carry
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 6:59am
Adam, you are cherry picking the stats. Blacks commit 22% of violent crimes yet comprise 13% of the population. Stating that does not make a person racist, in fact denying it is the very definition of the soft racism of low expectations. There is a problem in the black community, it would be better for everyone to figure out a solution.
We know that a large part of
By cden4
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 9:46am
We know that a large part of the problem is persistent poverty, poor schools, and over-policing. This country has a long tortured history of oppressing black people, and this is part of the result of that. One could argue that there are also some familial issues within communities of color (for example fathers who are not present in their children's lives), but that's a small contributor to the larger problem. (Although even with that, racism plays some part, with the system criminalizing many fathers, so that they cannot physically be present with their families.)
By bosguy22
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 10:03am
"We know that a large part of the problem is persistent poverty, poor schools, and over-policing"
We do? Please point to any data that says mass crime stats are skewed because of "overpolicing"
" One could argue that there are also some familial issues within communities of color (for example fathers who are not present in their children's lives), but that's a small contributor to the larger problem."
Why is that a small contributor and how do you know it's a small contributor?
"Although even with that, racism plays some part, with the system criminalizing many fathers, so that they cannot physically be present with their families."
That could very well be true, but I'd like to see some actual evidence of it.
I suggest you use the Google.
By cden4
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 1:45pm
I suggest you use the Google. All of what I've said has been extensively documented.
By anon
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:10pm
Please share your “statsâ€. I’ll wait
Mass shooters are almost, almost always white guys
By Parkwayne
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 3:17pm
Another fun fact- white guys cause the vast majorities of abortions in the country too by refusing to have sex responsibly. So obviously the answer is mandatory vasectomies for these dangerous elements of society.
"Mass shooters"?
By Waquiot
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 4:23pm
I think that if you really looked at that stat without adding caveats to get your numbers you want, you'd see that in fact that "mass shooters" are not almost always white guys.
Its amazing, really.
By Old Groucho
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 5:50pm
How people comment without actually trying to learn anything about the topic.
Says here it's us white dudes that are doing most of the mass shootings.
Care to comment?
By Parkwayne
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 7:16pm
Newtown, Columbine, Las Vegas, Isla Vista, Capital Gazette, Charleston, Aurora (CO), Parkland, Thousand Oaks, Pittsburgh, etc... That's 175 murders committed by 10 solo white guys. It's far from a comprehensive list of course.
I guess the good news is
By Waquiot
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 7:45pm
The United States has only had 9 mass shootings in 20 years (there were two guys with Columbine.)
I see you left Orlando out, to start, but check out how many shooting incidents there have been in Chicago alone involving multiple victims, this year. I bet the stats with those have different demographics than your selective choices.
Is Waquoit a Ponkapoag word meaning dog whistler?
By Parkwayne
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 9:26pm
Orlando and Aurora IL were two done by non-white guys. I guess you're right and it's all equally proportioned then!
Let's look at 2016-2018 since your white pride has been so injured.
Parkland, white teen, 17 dead including kids.
Thousand Oaks, white guy, 13 people dead
Pittsburgh, white guy, 11 people dead
Santa Fe, white teen, 10 dead including kids.
Scottsdale shooting spree, black guy, 7 dead, multiple day event so not really a mass shooting but we'll count it.
Bakersfield shooting spree, Latino guy, 6 dead, multiple day event so not really a mass shooting but we'll count it.
Then five 5 victim events which with the exception of the Capitol Gazette shootings were all white people killing themselves and family (mostly men, one woman) and of course Capitol Gazette was also a white guy.
Not a gang banger shooting in the top 20, funny how that works.
Let's look at 2017 to be sure I'm not unfairly slighting our race
Las Vegas, white guy, 59 dead
Sutherland, white guy, 27 dead
Plano, white guy, 9 dead
Mississippi spree, black guy (exciting for you!), 8 dead over a few events
Rancho Tehama, white guy, 6 dead over a few events
Orlando (not Pulse), white guy, 6 dead
Then two 5 victim shootings by 1 Asian, 1 Latino.
And finally 2016:
Orlando (Pulse), Arab American, 50 dead
Kentucky/OH, white crime family killed 8 rival family members
Citronelle, white guy, 6 dead
Dallas, black guy, 6 dead
Wilkinsburg, two black guys, 6 dead
Kalamazoo, white guy, 6 dead
Cascade Mall, Turkish guy, 5 dead.
So to sum up, basically 2:1 committed by white men and with the exception of Pulse all of the highest victim counts, truly mass horror events were committed by white men.
Feel free to post all the secret mass casualty stats for Chicago to counter this. You can wait until after Hannity though if that's better timing for you.
There you go again
By Waquiot
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 10:59pm
You are relying on basically your memory and deciding to emphasize the incidents you want to.
You see, I saw this in a meme a while back, noting that only white people are involved in, but it was shortly after a shooting in Trenton at an art fair a year ago. And you know what I found out while trying to track that down just now? There's been 2 mass shootings in Trenton in the past week. Now, we don't know the race of the shooters in those two recent incidents, but we know the race in the one last year, and they weren't white. I challenged the meme then, and the person I was interacting with basically said that they didn't count, which I noted that indeed black lives do matter, since all lives should matter, but whatever.
I guess the bottom line is that by emphasizing that mass shootings that affect white people and are perpetrating mostly by white people, you are following the same line of reasoning of the commenter that started this thread, in that they see on the news black people killing other black people and conclude that most murders are committed by black people.
By the way, at the end of the day most murders, and indeed most violent crime, are domestic in nature, meaning that typically it's white people acting violently towards other white people the know, and the same with black, Asian, Hispanic, and all other people.
You want to see a list of mass shootings. Try here. You can tell the 9 people wounded and the family on the one person killed in Chesapeake, VA on Saturday that it didn't happen, but it did.
In matters like this
By Waquiot
Sat, 06/01/2019 - 10:55pm
I truly hate to be proven right, since that would mean that there is an incident to prove your contention wrong. All in all, it would be better if there were no incident, but less than 2 days later, we sadly have the example that disproves your theory.
And it truly sucks for all of us.
Not proven right
By perruptor
Sun, 06/02/2019 - 7:28am
If the "theory" that you refer to is that "Mass shooters are almost, almost always white guys," then one example, or ten, does not disprove it. The word almost means that to prove it wrong, you have to come up with a large number of mass shooters who aren't white guys. You haven't done that.
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